Wednesday 25 April 2012


20 November 2015.
This schoolchild's play on rude words, perfectly matches this fool's efforts at being a Minister:

"My Name is Hunt ! Not C.. C... C..unningham."

Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP
Having failed in April 2012 as "Minister of Culture" to break up the BBC and hand it over to his pal Murdoch (see below), which is a persistent Tory ambition currently (Nov 2015) being secretly pursued by his colleague, The Rt. Hon John Whittingdale, Minister of Kulture, DEATH TO THE BBC :the hapless minor aristocrat and Trust Fund Babe Jeremy Hunt was sacked from Culture and given the UK's National Health to sabotage as best he can. Despite his obvious blunders at Culture, his PPE (politics, philosophy & economics) Oxford university chum, Trust Fund Babe & Prime Minister David Cameron, has given Hunt another chance to break up and sell off another of Great Britain's crown jewels, the NHS or National Health Service; which is globally regarded and professionally measured as being the best and most economic health system in the world.

"...So it must be worth a few bob to the US insurance industry, where access to medicine is half and costs are double. Let's screw the sickly peasants. Yahoo!"

This month's act of sabotage, which Hunt hopes will destabilize the 1.3 million strong NHS, is to so enrage the 90 hours a week, highly trained, highly dedicated, low paid 40,000 Junior Doctors, who keep it running, that for the first time in 40 years they have threatened to walk out and take strike action.

My bet is that Hunt will cave in by Christmas.

Then, to which senior government, internationally important post will Cameron elevate this upper-crust, ivy-league clown? Maybe Defence? Give him our last few nuclear ICBMs to play with? In the spirit of FREE MARKETS, willing buyer - willing seller, he could sell our armed forces to ISIS.

Mail ON-line 18th Nov 2015.

Fears for patient safety as 98% of junior doctors vote to go on strike in bitter (dispute) with Jeremy Hunt over working at weekends.

  • 37,000 doctors were balloted by the BMA, and 76% took part in the vote.

  • 98% backed strike action over changes to pay for night and weekend shifts.

  • Only emergency care will be offered for 24 hours from 8am on December 1.

  • Similar walkouts planned from 8am to 5pm on both December 8 and 16.

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APRIL 2012 - HUNTED - Previously -  The UK today is deeply embarrassed by Culture Minister Jeremy Hunt, responsible for TV, Radio etc. being charged with cozying up to James Murdoch and Rupert Murdoch over their £8 B bid for BSkyB TV. By lunchtime Jeremy Hunt had thrown his private adviser to the howling wolves but the Parliamentary pack is not diverted. They insist that the Minister was in a quasi-judicial role in judging the bid and should have been entirely fair and neutral - while dozens of copy communications indicate he was not.

Bullingdon Club - University of Oxford
Such official sleaze is not new and is all too familiar. People in office can be seduced, bribed, blackmailed and bamboozled into bad decisions. It is extraordinary that we vote for, say, Tony Blair, because he figures out an attractive social policy - and then expect him to have an intelligent grasp of a hundred other policies - such as the Iraq War, which voters knew nothing of and did not want. The current Prime Minister, David Cameron, promised voters a thousand times "No top down re-organisation of the National Health Service" which he immediately reneged on in his first weeks of tenuous power.

IN FUTURE - VOTE ON ISSUES NOT FOR PERSONS: The Internet enables democracies to vote - not for smiling, baby kissing, grinning, vacillating, U-Turning, lobbied, lying individuals - but for issues. There are no technical barriers to putting all Senate, State, House of Commons and all other issues to the voters - daily or weekly - locally or nationally. Strictly Come Dancing organises polls very well. Audiences vote on many TV & Radio programmes, such as the exemplary TV show Big Brother, host to George Galloway MP, now a newly dignified Member. Website AVAAZ organises mass petitions on serious issues. It is time for us to have real democracy - where we really get to vote. The politicians can do their best to convert us to their points of view - and News Corporation will doubtless have its say - and Civil Servants will massage the information - but the final word should be with the electorate.

Too lazy? Too dim? Too uninvolved? Too primitive? Too biased? Too uninformed? Too bigoted? Then use the Internet to properly educate the voters - and usher in the era of Internet-Democracy.

25 April 2012

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