Friday 16 May 2014


From all the urgent, serious, pressing, harrowing, dangerous, depressing, enraging, frightening threats to our personal, family, local, national, international, solar-system, and galactic systems, I have reviewed my main Blog topics for the most real and present danger - Action This Day subject.
The blog refers among other subjects to TAX & ECONOMICS - SEX - PHYSICS - HUMAN SPIRIT -  LIFEFORCE - and GLOBAL WARMING. This week's news on Climate Change seems to me to be the most important, least disseminated news that the whole damned human race ought to be urgently addressing.  Global warming is the most urgent.
We cannot now reverse the global warming processes and so must face Polar meltdown, climate extremes and rapidly rising sea-levels. How you and your family and your nation can survive the coming changes, is the theme of my two Cli-Fi e-novels (see right-hand margin of this page). Read them, make them into popular films - and mobilise your politicians.
Here below is a summary of some of the information that formed my doom laden prophecy. The planet will be OK; it is the future of civilisation and ourselves that is threatened. Action This Day. What else do you need to know, before attending to the emergency?




Climate change is here now and it could lead to global conflict Lord Stern 14-02-2014

Extreme weather events in the UK and overseas are part of a growing pattern that it would be very unwise for us, or our leaders, to ignore, writes the author of the influential 2006 report on the economics of climate change  

The record rainfall and storm surges that have brought flooding across the UK are a clear sign that we are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. Many commentators have suggested that we are suffering from unprecedented extreme weather. There are powerful grounds for arguing that this is part of a trend. Four of the five wettest years recorded in the UK have occurred from the year 2000 onwards. Over that same period, we have also had the seven warmest years.
Mercifully, rainfall floods will recede but sea-level-rise floods will persist for millennia. The Guardian’s 14 Feb 2014 editorial “Hard rain, hard truths” cites sea-level-rise due to ocean warming and expansion (a real but minimal effect) but ignores observed Polar meltdown, which is the major factor. NASA director James Hansen used 2007 data (see attached graphic) to warn that when land based Arctic ice melts, seas will rise by 213 feet (64 metres). If so, most of London and New York will be submerged. Holland has floating villagesBritain needs to build floating cities – which are realistic, affordable, sustainable marine engineering proposals (Read AD2516 - After Global Warming). To start - Boris Johnson’s estuary airport should be on a floating island – long before 12 million London refugees try to retreat to higher ground.  LONDON FLOODS - 300ft UNDERWATER
(Mr) Noel Hodson 16 Brookside, OXFORD, UK
Need convincing? Doubting Thomas? Read More:
May 2014 - US scientists published a National Climate Assessment



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