Friday 6 April 2018


SCOTT PRUITT is as demented as Donald.



Climate change to cause humid heatwaves that will kill even healthy people

If warming is not tackled, levels of humid heat that can kill within hours will affect millions across south Asia within decades, analysis finds
A villager stands under his umbrella to protect him from the sun as he watches his goat herd grazing in the field in the eastern Indian city Bhubaneswar, India
 ‘Unfair’: poor farmers are most at risk from future humid heatwaves but have contributed little to the emissions that drive climate change. Photograph: NurPhoto/via Getty Images
Extreme heatwaves that kill even healthy people within hours will strike parts of the Indian subcontinent unless global carbon emissions are cut sharply and soon, according to new research.
Even outside of these hotspots, three-quarters of the 1.7bn population – particularly those farming in the Ganges and Indus valleys – will be exposed to a level of humid heat classed as posing “extreme danger” towards the end of the century.
The new analysis assesses the impact of climate change on the deadly combination of heat and humidity, measured as the “wet bulb” temperature (WBT). Once this reaches 35C, the human body cannot cool itself by sweating and even fit people sitting in the shade will die within six hours.
BUT! Never fear! Demented Donald still insists that all reports of extreme-weather are delusions. There are no forest fires in North America. If your house has been burned down, its been incinerated by China-men, or China-Persons. Its a Chinese plot, a hoax, to destabilize Trump's plan to "Make America Great Again". They are very cunning these Chinese. But Trump has seen through their dastardly deeds. The only thing standing between you and total conflagration of everything you love - Is Trump's genius.  His extraordinary Giant-Brain. "They shall NOT pass." if you vote Trump at the next elections. 

It's long past time for Scott Pruitt to step down as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Pruitt has made backdoor deals with energy lobbyists while literally living under their roof -- he took a sweetheart deal from the wife of an energy lobbyist for a luxury condo less than a block from the Capitol in D.C., and then the EPA ruled in favor of one of that lobbyist's clients. Plus Pruitt's EPA looked into renting a private plane at the price tag of $100,000 a month and letting taxpayers foot the bill.

It's clear that Pruitt would rather cut deals with his friends in the fossil fuel industry and use taxpayer dollars for his personal benefit rather than protect our environment. It's time for him to resign.

Add your name if you agree that Scott Pruitt should step down as head of the EPA.

It shouldn't come as a surprise that someone in Trump's Cabinet doesn't have the background or the ethics to serve our country. Before joining the Trump administration, Scott Pruitt served as attorney general of Oklahoma, where he brought multiple lawsuits against the very agency he now leads. And the news cycle this week has brought to light several instances of Pruitt using taxpayer money inappropriately and accepting unethical assistance from lobbyists.

The decisions Pruitt makes every day impact the planet we share now and will pass on to future generations. In fact, his latest move to roll back greenhouse gas and fuel efficiency standards will not only harm the environment -- it will put Americans' health at risk.

The American people deserve an EPA Administrator who actually cares about protecting our planet for generations to come, which is why Pruitt is the wrong person for the job.

It's time for Pruitt to step down from his post. Add your name to call on Scott Pruitt to resign.

Thanks for taking a stand against Scott Pruitt. The future of our planet depends on it.


Xochitl Hinojosa
Communications Director
Democratic National Committee

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