Tuesday 25 September 2018




Michael Bloomberg: Brexit is ‘stupidest thing any country has ever done’

Except the election of Donald Trump, that is.
10/24/17, 10:04 PM CET

LEAVE or REMAIN? That is the question. Acknowledged by all to be the most crucial national decision since World War 2. And way above all Party politics.

Acknowledged by 99.9% of both sides to ruin the UK economy for several decades. LEAVERS say it will then yield untold riches.

Basic dilemma – how to leave the EU club after 60 years but keep all the benefits. 70,000 trade & services items agreements to be re-worked, worldwide.

TORY – politics: Mrs May’s convoluted “Chequers” plan (Chequers being UK Gov’s country house) is derided by all incl. the EU and her husband – but she is stubborn and insists it is “The only way”. Tories have a minority government that relies on 10 Northern (UK) Irish DUP MPs to pass laws. Mrs May bribed the DUP with a £1B handout; so far they vote with her. Northern to Southern (EU) Ireland is the UKs only land-border with the EU – if we quit, Customs checks at the border might re-ignite The Troubles (religious civil war). Southern Ireland secretly hopes the mess will lead to Northern Ireland (voted REMAIN) quitting the UK, making United Ireland – but all good Belfast DUP Protestant families would rather fall on the Catholic bayonets than forgo UK citizenship. 

Mr Rees-Mogg MP
Crazed LEAVERS led by 19th Century top-hatted, Old Etonian, Rees-Mogg MP, a fervent Englishman with a £2 Billion tax-free offshore Fund, won’t suggest any mechanism to Leave – but insist that we must “Respect the Will of The People” expressed in the 2016 Referendum - 52% Leave 48% Remain. They ignore the 1965 Will of the People in favor of the EU. He works with Farage and Bannon and anyone who wants to break up the EU. The Sept 2018 polls now show a reversal – 48% Leave & 52% Remain. If Mrs May holds a General Election she will lose – and the dreaded old Communist Commissar Corbyn will take power. Mr May is an executive running a $1.2 trillion (Yes – trillion) offshore tax-free fund – but otherwise is a good English citizen. The City of London, 60% of our export-earnings, is excluded from all possible deals and from the future Europe. The City will be move to Europe.

LABOUR – politics: Now, this week (25th Sept 18) is the Labour conference. 80% of members want to Remain and have a 2nd Referendum, but closet-Leaver Corbyn and other Party leaders are desperate to force a General Election, to win 80 more Seats and sweep them into power (they hope). But, only Mrs May has the power to call a General Election, which she would lose; so its “Turkeys voting for Christmas”. However, grisly old Corbyn is possibly the most stubborn MP and barrack-room-lawyer ever (he voted 400 times against his own Party and 12 times with the vile Tory capitalists) so he holds out for the turkeys to commit suicide. He sees the EU as an evil capitalist conspiracy. Part of his Machiavellian plotting caused him to vote with the Tories for ARTICLE 50 (Notice to Quit the EU) which expires on 29th March 2019 – when we are OUT with or without a new agreement. His colleagues would happily ditch him except that by a fluke of Social Media he became the fashionable hope (the only hope) of the young & disenfranchised and he increased Party Membership by 600,000 making it the largest Party in Europe. His most ardent supporters now wear T-Shirts saying “Love Corbyn – Hate Brexit”.

WE THE PEOPLE – Want the MPs in Westminster to have a vote on LEAVE or REMAIN (polls show 70% of MPs favor REMAIN) but the ruling Cabinet won’t allow it, as they fear the wrath of Rees-Mogg and Co. Failing that The People want another referendum – but the MPs won’t allow that (it circumvents them, again). If the government “crash out” threatening national-bankruptcy – it is likely (but not certain) to cause a General Election. 

We The People will be able to vote for Mrs May – determined to Leave – or Comrade Corbyn – determined to Leave. Hobson's Choice. The Lib-Dems Party now say STOP BREXIT, but only have 8 MPs so can barely influence matters.

Scotland voted Remain – Northern Ireland voted Remain – Wales voted Leave – but now see that they will lose most of their jobs so are wavering – London is overwhelmingly for REMAIN. The United Kingdom will be dis-united. 

All the UK media, except The Guardian, is owned by offshore tax-free billionaire Barons who lobby hard to Leave and break-up the EU (with Russian and American funding – e.g. Murdoch, Trump and Putin). The BBC is reluctantly coming round to Remain – but at least 200 top BBC journalists and execs, who gave the arch-disrupter and fascist, MEP, Farrage, hundreds of free hours of TV and radio exposure, are also in offshore tax-free-plans. The EU is a possible threat to all our VIP tax-evaders so the famous BBC "balance" has been for LEAVE. 

Commerce and Industry back Remain. UK Government yesterday, 24 Sept 2018, officially warned that a NO-DEAL will stop our planes flying to Europe, our lorry-drivers driving in Europe, we car drivers will have to have additional Insurance certificates and two additional driving licences – and our health-care will not be valid in Europe. They have also warned us to stock-pile medicines and long-life food supplies – and have bought hundreds of port-a-loos (WCs) for the convenience of lorry-drivers queuing for days on Motorways, waiting for Customs clearance of exports to the EU (50% of our exports) via sea-ferries.

There is a ten-million dollar prize for solving the dilemmas and conundrums. We have until 29th March 2019. Apply to PM Mrs May, 10 Downing Street.

My solution is simple – Stop-Brexit, we do not have to quit Europe and commit economic suicide. That most famous, aristocratic, capitalist Briton, Sir Winston Churchill, at the University of Zurich in 1946 said "We must work for a United States of Europe" 

I’m designing a Brexit-board-game, ready for the Bob Cratchit  Christmas market.

And you thought Trump, Mueller and Kavanaugh were difficult matters to resolve.

PS - Let's be absolutely clear about this: Wednesday 26th Sept is the last day of the Labour Party Conference. The leader, Jeremy Corbyn, will say their completely clarified Brexit policy is to 
(a) deny the public any vote on the issues 
(b) rule out a 2nd referendum (actually a 3rd referendum) because we must respect democracy and the scared memory of our ancestors who voted IN at the 1965 referendum. 
And (c) contrariwise -  hold another referendum, renamed The People's Vote, on do we: Leave, Jump over the "Cliff-Edge", make a fudged catastrophic deal with the EU, or REMAIN as we are, as Founder Members of the EU.  

Yes - it is complicated, but nobody (except all the Leavers) ever said it would be easy, and it cleaves to centuries of successful Perfidious-Albion,  our UK style diplomacy of "Being Economical with The Truth" - now relabeled by Corbyn and Co. as "Constructive Ambiguity". That is a phrase that was not even conceived  by The Ministry of Truth, in George Orwells's novel 1984.

Finally - Let me be absolutely clear - I DO Love Big-Brother, whatever my grandchildren may say to the contrary, when they are quizzed by the Neighborhood Commissariat on Politically Approved Behavior. 

NIL DESPERANDUM - The Tory Party Conference is next week. Prime Minister Mrs May will as ever Be Absolutely Clear About her Party's policy and the forging ahead of the United or Dis-United Kingdom to Lands Flowing with Milk and Honey - and Free Trade Deals. It does however, entail forty years of hardship, wandering in the desert. But it will be worth it. 


CONCLUSION - Brexit will cost 7 million UK jobs

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