Monday 4 March 2019


It’s a once in a lifetime experience, so let’s go for it?

by Mel Cooper

I saw a headline that said: Campaign against Brexit starts now – on positive terms only Labour can deliver!

As usual, the mildly Aspergers British Media does not get it. Labour is not campaigning against Brexit. They are campaigning for Brexit only on their own terms and not Theresa May’s. But they have to be cagey because even they understand that any Brexit still leaves us worse off than we are if we stay in the EU as full members. Not that we will, because the Mantra about the Will of the People is all powerful in this religious Crusade against the EU and the various cults that have emerged are incapable of questioning their own positions and are totally ignoring the 16.8 million who voted for Remain all for the same consistent reason while pandering to the 17.2 million who voted for many different reasons to leave the EU.

But I do not trust Labour to get it right and I observe that Jeremy Corbyn has emerged as an arch hypocrite and self-deluded bigot who is blinkered and tribal and proceeds with a straitjacket around his intellect. John McDonnell is smarter; so he may be the one behind this latest Labour announcement. The motive is quite clear. The Labour Party lives in fear of more defections. But it doesn’t really believe in remaining in the EU and therefore will not come across as sincere. Thus, it is incapable of convincing any but those already convinced that we should stay in the EU. There is no campaign against Brexit. Labour has no real heart for it and therefore cannot come up with convincing arguments to have another Referendum, let alone vote to Remain in the EU.

It is all very sad. I think that for a lot of people both Remain and Leave have become like a religious cult and no one is really listening all that much to the other. That said, I think that Leave is a complete no-win situation, morally and economically. It is potentially very destructive both to the soul and the prosperity of this nation and an act of self-harm based on a Leave campaign that was essentially made up of a series of punchy, lying slogans designed to appeal to base emotions and covert prejudices and not to intelligent thinking.

But the Leave lies do not have to be believed, even; because the real Brexiteers are simply after their goal and nothing will change that, no reality check, no due diligence. And now the UK Supreme Court has ruled that Theresa May has a perfect right to insist on the Referendum outcome of 23 June 2016 and has no need to trouble her little head about its all being clearly based on a fraudulent Leave campaign because it was a Referendum and not a proper election and so the rules for elections do not apply. No rules apply. She can challenge it if she wants; she can announce the truth if she feels like it; but she has no legal obligation to do that if she does not want to. So those of us who perceive that Brexit is a No-Win situation of potentially disastrous harm for this country can do nothing about it.

The leaders of Brexit, like Michael Gove and Jacob Rees-Smugg and Boris Johnson and David Dumbo Davis all have their own, individual hidden motives for self-promotion, I fear; but what unites them all is a wish to take over the country in a Thatcherite way. They want to avoid the risk that the EU will finally get itself together to bring their offshore money back, for example. Jumping off the cliff will give them that and control over whatever may be left of our social and legal structures.

They want to be able to "take back control" so that they can override EU laws about working hours (Rees-Mogg has said that we need to reintroduce the 48 or even 60-hour week) and really get down to exploiting the workers in the ways that Thatcher dreamed of but never quite managed.

And so how are they going to do that? By continuing to work at convincing a lot of gullible people to vote for their project by appealing to a visceral hatred of Europe. I think one real problem is that all the EU countries have experienced occupation and real loss of sovereignty and are aiming to avoid that ever happening again; but Britain has this mythic belief that it was never invaded or conquered or occupied (well, not since 1066 and before that by the Romans?) and that the EU is simply not grateful enough to us for having stood up to Hitler and kept things going long enough for the Americans to get involved and really we not only broke the Enigma code but saved the whole of Europe and so they are NOT our equal partners. Or something like that. And so it is time to become an island and not a part of the main once more, and screw Europe; and doubtless God will give us back our Empire if we do that.

Meantime, the people who voted for Brexit probably have no idea what they are giving up; and do not seem to understand that they never gave up their sovereignty at all, they pooled it. And laws were not imposed upon us. Apart from the fact that our UK bureaucrats and representatives in Brussels drafted most of them in the first place because we are so good at that, every law has to pass the European Parliament and also the individual parliaments and we have a veto. One of the things we are about to give up is, indeed, not only involvement at a very high level of steering the EU but also that veto.

By voting to leave the EU we are putting our sovereignty much more under threat than ever because of all the concessions we will have to make as a nation to get the trade deals we will need, and so on. I hope you are looking forward to the chlorinated chicken. But, ironically, if we do not crash out and cause total chaos and disruption, but we "leave" the EU on what is called a Soft Brexit arrangement, then we still have to follow all the rules the Leavers hate and have absolutely no say in future changes or developments, we will still pay fees (there is no Brexit bonus, that is another lie) but are not part of the group that can access money from the common EU pot for impoverished areas and great projects, etc.

So the real choice should be described as: either to leave totally and risk disasters we cannot even imagine yet or to stay and keep some sort of active presence that includes a veto and a strong voice in the EU!!! Every scenario except remaining in the EU on current terms leaves us utterly diminished. But Leavers do not want to hear that. Nor is anyone talking about the fact that if we do not abort the Brexit process, we have several more years of negotiation ahead of us; and the fact that the Brexiteer promoters are, in effect, asking us to betray the Good Friday Agreement.

Does no one really notice that Theresa May has shifted from NO DEAL IS BETTER THAN A BAD DEAL, to ANY DEAL NO MATTER HOW BAD IS BETTER THAN NO DEAL? No one is pointing out that ANY DEAL TO LEAVE IS GOING TO BE WORSE THAN THE DEAL WE HAVE NOW. 

Or that every promise of the Leavers has disintegrated. We do not actually have £350 million a week for the NHS nor ever will have; there is no Brexit Bonus; our EU immigrants are falling away but everyone else in the world wants to come and we need the workers so even this year our immigration has gone up despite the best efforts of T May, but mainly from non-EU countries that are far afield; and if we go through with this we are also likely to break up the UK, which is also a collection of pooled sovereignties.

And where is David Cameron, who loves his country so much that he has managed to destabilize both it and the whole of the EU? Why isn’t he out there trying to explain things to the citizens of the UK and wake them up? Or does he think he is too discredited? Or maybe he just doesn’t really give a damn. He gambled; he lost, so on to the next game.

And what about Theresa May who as Home Secretary would not accept or support a deal David Cameron had actually made with the EU to control immigration to some degree. She sneered because she wanted more, more, and so David Cameron was sent back to try to negotiate for even more; to bring immigration from the EU down to tens of thousands. Meantime she was also creating a hostile environment for immigrants and has continued to do so since.

The whole discourse of Leavers is still based on the proposition that we must Respect The Will of the People and that we are leaving for that reason. It is just about the details of what kind of leaving. Though a crash out is also still an option and rather likely. Because the whole Article 50 thing was framed to say that if no deal happens in two years, you are out anyway. Why not? If, no deal happens then it is clearly a bad idea and impossible and you should stay in? No one is asking: So, what if we simply stayed in the EU.

I love one particular irony: that Theresa May and her Brexiteers think that the EU is a terrible, Socialist plot to undermine the strengths of all Conservative projects; and that Jeremy Corbyn and his Momentum gang think that the EU is a terrible Capitalist plot that is preventing them from turning the UK into a truly Socialist Utopian nation along the lines of Marxist and Trotskyist thinking. Neither May nor Corbyn seems to have changed an idea or questioned a received opinion from their own side since about 1968. And they are both very stubborn. So what hope is there for a sane and equable solution to this mess?

So, if you think that a campaign against Brexit is going to get anywhere, I hope you are right; but personally, I cannot see how.


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