Thursday, 27 March 2014



MANIFESTO FOR CHANGE: I had forgotten what a brilliant economic system BIRTHRIGHT will be (even if I do say so myself). It is worth bringing it forwards from the exciting early days of The Information Society and The Electronic Revolution, back in 1995 or so. Do read it and debate and recommend it to governments. Now is the time for Evolution not Revolution - 27 March 2014 



Birthright Summary 6 May 1998

A new fiscal system for the Information Society, to eradicate poverty world-wide.

The reality, often denied by government, underlying this proposal for a new taxation and wealth distribution system, is that automation, accelerated by computerisation, is removing 80% of necessity or traditional jobs. We have worked hard to abolish work - and have succeeded. The motor and banking industries are clear examples of this increasingly rapid trend. New, complex or high-tech jobs are replacing the lost jobs, but the traditional workforces are not yet trained for them. There will be a long period of hardship, similar to the century of piece-working and sweated labour during the Industrial Revolution, causing social and economic disruption, unless, as jobs evaporate, new methods to distribute the unprecedented wealth of modern economies are implemented. 

The proposal is to levy a new tax, administered by local authorities, on operating companies and organisations, paid in shares or bonds. The organisations to be taxed are those with large market shares or quasi monopolies. Typically, they will be reducing their traditional workforces; thus reducing the distribution of wealth via earned income. The new tax will not take cash from the taxed organisations. The shares paid over will be pooled via a computer system and distributed as portfolio's of 52 shares and bonds to new-born citizens, yielding a weekly dividend or interest payment to them. Thus, over an average lifetime, all citizens will come to be guaranteed an income equivalent to the average wage, as a Birthright. High earning citizens will have their Birthright income taxed to zero. Non-earning citizens will have all social-security rights through Birthright; thus realising the political visions of a Shareholders' Democracy and a Stakeholders' Society; bringing middle-class benefits to all families, liberating true potential and changing welfare from Pension Rights to Birthrights.

Birthright will phase out or reduce National Insurance taxes, VAT, and Income Tax on the lower paid; transforming the fiscal system as the electronic revolution transforms the economy. Citizens 2000 will pay for their own birth, child care, nursery school, junior and senior school, university, imprisonment, health-care, pension and all other welfare costs. Birthright is the ultimate in efficient taxation and reality, transferring wealth direct from the automated real economy to citizens, with government monitoring the system. The Birthright Portfolio will be held In-Trust for each citizen, refreshed every 5 years at the option of the citizen but protected from predators for life.      

Citizen 2000 will be educated in the complexities of the interlocking nature of global trade and economies, related to and focused on their weekly dividend income. Reality will thus be introduced into every household. Children with a Birthright income will be better regarded, reducing child abuse. Ideally, Birthright will be a right of each newborn child, replacing Welfare and Pension rights over a lifetime. Very high unemployment, as in Germany today, may provoke an acceleration of the process by extending Birthright to older children

What is Britain worth?

Note: January 04 – Economists calculated for Time Magazine in January 2004 that the UK is worth £150,000 (sterling) per head of population or nine-trillion pounds (£9,000,000,000,000). In theory, with the right financial instruments, this wealth could be shared via the Birthright mechanism. The International Monetary Fund calculated in February 2004 that $7 trillion ($7,000,000,000,000) are held in offshore tax-haven bank accounts – presumably by a handful of the deserving rich who exempt themselves from tax.

20 Questions and Answers

Q1.  Can society afford to support all these new babies for life regardless of their work contributions to society? 
Answer - Society will continue to house, clothe, feed and provide basic services for all. Or will collapse into chaos. The premise here is that in the Industrial-Electronic Transition, 80% of traditional jobs will go, threatening the stability and the markets that society and business relies on.  The Birthright Portfolio simply recognises that all citizens will - one way or another - consume their basic needs to live, even if they are all imprisoned, and provides for these needs with dignity, without rancour or argument, from the outset. The Birthright Portfolio reverses pension concepts. The pension is paid from birth and retirement, enforced idleness for the years between 55 and 95 disappears as a concept.  There is no additional cost on society, but the timing is changed and anxiety minimised; converting Geriatric Economies, pension fund dominated planning, into Youth Economies. Optimism coming to outweigh pessimism.

Q2.   Who loses out; who pays for all this generosity?
Answer - Nobody pays, and it does not cost companies any immediate cash-flow. Real wealth growth, and Jobless-Growth, is accelerating. The rich will only get richer in absolute terms, but not in comparative terms. Providing a secure income and removing anxiety about survival will empower the majority to apply their energies more actively. All real wealth is the result of human energy being channelled into useful activity. Depressed, frightened, ill-educated, disenfranchised citizens do not apply their energies well.  Slavery was hugely inefficient;  employing thousands of people to beat other people into doing work that each might happily do for themselves - making both sides thoroughly miserable. Some businesses are still managed on the slavery model which persists in the same way child abuse is continued by the abused. We all work better if we are willing.  If "work" ceases to be a punitive enforced activity, far more human energy will be applied to useful and productive work.  Liberating all human potential will produce such amounts of wealth, as have never been dreamed of in the past.  Channelling income direct from companies to people is far more efficient than collecting and distributing taxes via government officers.

Q3.  Why distinct shares - and not a Unit Trust Portfolio managed by City experts? 
Answer - Education Value. Education will be focused on the complexities of interlocking, interdependent industries, government, commercial activities, environmental damage, geographical resources, distribution, consumption, pollution, etc. Do not blur Citizen 2000's understanding by interposing obscurantist financial instruments or experts. All Citizens 2000 must learn to at least add-up, take-away, multiply and divide numbers accurately. We made the mistake of teaching them how to read, now there is no option but to follow through and teach them how to count. Each bit of dividend income should come to be understood by each Citizen 2000 - with its social and environmental consequences.

Q4.  How does the central computer get the Shares to distribute?
Answer - local government levies capital Taxes on major organisations, paid by shares. The authority then pools the shares in the computer memory.

Q5.  Why local government as the capital taxing authorities?
Answer - Even the most virtual of cyberspace activities has to come to earth somewhere. Empowering local government to assess and levy capital taxes on quoted companies operating in their region and communities, will better ensure that commercial activities are not overlooked - and will ensure that local relevant shares are available to be included in the portfolio's of local people.  It is not only global players that have near monopolies - many local companies have tied up the local markets years ago.  Citizen 2000 needs to see the reality of their Birthright Portfolio and come to understand the complex functions of business and government. Act locally, think globally. 

Q6.   Will the shares be voting shares? 
Answer - yes of course. Citizen 2000 must start to take responsibility for the planet - controlled by the major corporations - and voting as a shareholder focuses the mind, driven by direct selfish interests.

Q7.  Might Citizen 2000 lose their Birthright Portfolio inheritance?
Answer - No. It will be illegal to charge, trade, sell, or make any promises to pay from this dividend income. So any contract or arrangement (say with loan sharks) is illegal as formed. Both parties to such an arrangements will be fined substantially. This will protect Citizen 2000 in the same way as family trusts protect their sometimes feckless beneficiaries.  The dividend income is to be treated and protected legally as is pension income today.

Q8.  Will the shares in the portfolio remain fixed?
Answer - No.  The central computer will constantly review all citizens portfolio's and look at the mix and the yield. Every 5 years from that citizen's birth-date, sales and purchases will be recommended to each Citizen 2000 to action or not.  This process is vital to educate Citizen 2000 in the complexities and ethical choices of the global socio-economic system.

Q9.   Are all Citzens 2000 equal for life? 
Answer - No. Just like a middle class child is secure from childhood and through their education and can fall back on support if commercial initiatives fail, so will Citizen 2000 through ownership of shares be able to do the same. Citizen 2000 will, like the middle classes, be educated to take a role in society - A job, a vocation, a hobby - doubtless there will be dropouts - but no more than there are from the middle-classes today. The secured income is a platform from which citizens can grow to unprecedented heights, and shine like stars in the firmament.

Q10.  Will Citizen 2000's children inherit the shares? 
Answer - No. On death the shares go back to the global pool. Citizen 2000's children will already have their own portfolio granted to them at birth. The shares become a birthright of all citizens.

Q11.  How will this system affect government? 
Answer - The Information Society will soon enable all citizens to live anywhere. The ephemeral nature of cyberspace trade transactions will encourage all government revenues to focus taxes on the property and land within their jurisdiction.  Governments, local and regional and national will therefore have to compete with each other for citizen-residents by creating the most desirable living conditions at competitive prices. It is to be hoped that government will apply Information Society tools to enable more intelligent and subtle management of communities; creating a subtle patchwork of infinitely diverse democracies under a global umbrella. ("Home Rule for Brookside").
The need for Income Taxes and VAT will reduce proportionately with the distribution of Birthright Portfolio's. Such reduction of taxes will assist markets and more than compensate companies which trade in taxing authority regions and which therefore contribute Shares to the central fund.

Q12.  Will the Birthright Portfolio contain currency "shares" and Government Bonds? 
Answer - Yes, this is a vital component of the global system and Citizen 2000 needs to understand and integrate the information. Further, local and regional government might be re-structured to be able to issue shares which would also form part of the portfolio.

Q13.  Giving shares to all babies born after 2005 gives all new citizens a stake - but doesn't it ignore the immediate needs and rights of all present citizens? 
Answer -  No. The Citizen 2000's income is immediately applied from birth to pay for food, lodgings, child care, nursery school etc.  A stay-at-home mother would be paid a wage from the dividends. School will be paid for etc.  In this way, all families and relevant institutions will receive benefit from the child's inheritance and start to share in the new distribution of wealth mechanisms. This system will have an immediate impact on taxes and welfare costs.

Q14.   Giving away shares in companies and currencies will dilute the ownership and the dividend income of existing shareholders.  Will society's great entrepreneurs be de-motivated if their shareholdings are to be watered down in this way? 
Answer - No. Look at the greatest entrepreneurs of this century - or indeed most centuries - and you will find the majority come from wealthy countries and financially secure backgrounds. They are mostly people who can afford to take commercial risks without the risk of personally starving and being homeless. The average Citizen 2000 will be a much bolder entrepreneur than today's average citizen. And existing company owners will still remain hugely rich - the Birthright Portfolio income will support the markets for their company's goods and services which will otherwise diminish as massive unemployment sweeps through communities.
Q15.  Will all new businesses be taxed in this way and contribute shares to the pool? 
Answer - No. Only the major players, local (e.g. Water, Electricity) and global, which have substantial shares of markets, particularly necessity markets and which are quoted on the world's stock-exchanges will be taxed on capital. The rationale is that the Birthright Portfolio replaces the necessity jobs which automation removes from the system. As new, novel activities take substantial market share, create benefits which become defined as necessities and which become fully automated, they will migrate into the classification of Necessity-Work corporations. The guiding principle is to enable all citizens to share in the benefits of production of real wealth, which is produced automatically with very few people employed in the production or service processes.

Q16.   If millions of people hold shares which they cannot trade and do not pay for, will this undermine and devalue the stock-markets? 
Answer - No. There will be many more millions of shares still being traded in the normal way. Shares given to Citizen 2000 still carry their full price and are a non-mandatory (companies may elect not to trade in any particular taxing authority region) payment of taxes - they have monetary value at market prices. Trading them only every five years from birthdate will provide a much needed brake on market fluctuations and speculations. The Birthright Portfolio shares are confined to the largest, most stable of companies engaged in Necessity-Work products and activities. There will always be a more speculative section of the market for other business.

Q17.  Over the decades, this is a substantial tax on shareholders of major organisations, in that it waters-down their shares. How can it be justified?
Answer - Most major, long established trading operations have built near monopolies or substantial market share in most wealthy political regions. As they further automate their processes, they are no longer putting back into a region the wages they used to pay. Government revenues, about 50% reliant on payroll taxes are therefore reducing.  Government costs, to support redundant communities are rising. This Shares-Tax will, over 60 years or more, completely shift the burden of providing pensions and most social security onto trading operations. It might better be called the Reality Tax, as ultimately all wealth stems from the real economy - not from the money economy.

Q18.  It could be seen as an anti-free trade tax. What the Shares-Tax is really saying is that corporations must pay local, regional or national authorities, in shares, for the privilege of continuing to trade in their area.  Is it an anti-business tax?
Answer - on the contrary; it is based on the premise that most traditional necessity jobs will disappear over the next 30 years. If no steps are taken to re-distribute wealth, the very companies which improve their profits by employing fewer people will end up with no customers - to the disservice of all. This is very much a pro-business tax which recognises the interdependency of global transactions.

Q19.  If the Shares-Tax eventually replaces all state pensions and social security obligations - surely Government income can be cut by almost half?
Answer - Yes. In about 60 years time, all Citizens 2000 will have a background, inflation proof private income. They will not need social security or a state pension to the degree now required. Governments will be collecting the Shares-Tax, locally, and contributing the shares to the National or Global pool for distribution to new babies.  So government role is as a middle-man.  Their own revenues will be focused on their role of providing the best possible living environment - collecting taxes on the land and buildings that the highly mobile Citizen 2000 wants to occupy.  Government will truly serve its citizens as customers.

Q20.  If all new babies are to get a substantial income, there will be an enormous baby boom.  Single mothers need only turn themselves into baby breeders to secure a large family income. Will this sabotage the Birthright Portfolio?
Answer - Yes it would if it encouraged profligate breeding in the suburbs. The Birthright Portfolio will need to be limited to the first one or two children. That way parents who want many children will have to bear the costs of additional family members.  There are in any case, strong socio-economic factors persuading people to have fewer children later in life. It is the poor who rear large families as a hedge against old age. Citizen 2000, as a middle-class citizen, is likely to continue the pattern of having one or two children.
An answer to this dilemma might be to start the portfolio for second or third children at age 16.  Thus would be parents of several children will not be influenced by the thought of the BIRTHRIGHT income - on the contrary, they will have to maintain later children from their own earnings

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


The fact that 36.7 million - representing in different European regions from 18% to 79% - of 18 to 30 year olds – now live at home (Europe’s generation: stuck with mum and dad – Guardian 25 Mar 14) was forecast at EC discussions on the Information Society as early as 1995; when it was crystal clear that computers and automation would replace human jobs. Our electronic revolution mantra was “We have worked hard to abolish work - and have succeeded”. The disempowerment now of the young by the old is a consequence of our medieval economic model, reaching its zenith today with elite Mafias of Obscene Greed exploiting Unpaid Interns, Zero Hours, and Below Living Wage peasants; when the only route open to a new baby or growing child to share in society’s unprecedented immense global real wealth in this electronic age is via “a good job”. With ever increasing automation, paid jobs will further rapidly diminish. It was clear in 1995 that the Haves must share Capital as well as Earnings with the Have-Nots – a capitalist heresy. An answer is “Birthright” – simply put - a pension from birth instead of near death, as happens in upper-class families.  I shrink from saying this in The Guardian but we need Margaret Thatcher’s property and share owning democracy – from birth. It will work well without causing inflation and will double or treble the world’s current wealth. The robots are doing the work; we wrinkly, grasping, miserly, economically paralyzed, blinkered, frightened, sick, decaying and dying old people must share our wealth now with the next generations; who will invest it in innovative industries that we wrinklies cannot conceive or even dream of. If wealth from birth is good for our aristocrats' (God Bless You Kind Sirs) offspring - then its also good enough for our humble peasant babies. There is plenty of wealth for everyone - it is time and necessary for all to reap and share the rewards of 5,000 years of invention, sweat and sacrifice.

Letter to the Guardian - 25 March 2014.
Noel Hodson, Oxford,


Wednesday, 19 March 2014


Scientist Sean Carroll, has written a professionally well received summation of the possible and alleged discovery of gravitational waves at the moment of the Big-Bang. His article (link below) acts as a transformer between the utterly incomprehensible mathematics and logic of pre-particle physics - and non-scientific observers such as me. I very much hope to here further simplify and transform his article down into language that more people, and I, can better understand. 

Here is a try at saying it in a few words: "Supporting the INFLATION theory that the early universe expanded from a dot to immensity in a nanosecond - BICEP2 scientists find ancient light 13.75 billion years old, distinctively polarized into a "swirly pattern" by the first ever gravity-waves; waves that alter the detector's length by 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (LIGO)." 

* BICEP2 - The Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization 2.

Let us not forget The Infamous Higgs Boson, discovered last year by the Large Hadron Collider. I have not read any comprehensible claim by Professor Higgs or other experts that The Higgs Field is the primary and first mechanism that converted or converts "pure" energy into matter - spins straw into gold. But, all the journalistic metaphors indicate that that is precisely what it does - so somebody is selling that message. They say The Higgs "confers mass" onto sub-atomic particles "like an an ant wading through thick custard" etc. What "they" are trying to not say is that at the very beginning of space-time, at the Big-Bang in the above picture, The Higgs Boson or something like it, acted as a catalyst before disintegrating into photons (light), to give birth to the first particles of matter - possibly Quarks (rhymes with Corks) - by somehow compressing energy. If this did happen, it would have been at the time of "Inflation", trillionths of seconds after the birth of the universe. If this extrapolation and interpretation is entirely wrong; Professor Higgs or CERN will undoubtedly say so. My EIG theory incorporates the idea that as energy was and is compressed into matter (E=MC2) the cohering, probably sentient, energy field forces "let go" allowing inflation; via what science calls Dark Energy. 

To have any chance of incorporating the scientific information and encompassing it logically, needs a framework, a universal theory, however flawed, to hang it all on. My theory, my T.O.E. is called Expansion is Gravity - EIG, which is extremely simple, written in a thousand words on 23 slides, and is undoubtedly deeply flawed. But it provides me with a reference point for trying to comprehend this week's news and fit it into common understanding. It might help other non-scientists, who use words not mathematics, to comprehend the major questions. (NB - Inertia).

WHAT IS REAL - WHAT DO WE ACTUALLY OBSERVE? Current knowledge of The (observable/ see-able) Universe is mainly based on just two proven and fully accepted scientific astronomical observations of light waves (the electromagnetic spectrum): 

Firstly Hubble Red Shift Expansion - American astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889 - 1953) noted that most galaxies are moving apart, by measuring the "red-shift" of the light (the red part of the rainbow from distant objects, propagates differently from the blue part of the spectrum). It is from the rate of Hubble Expansion that the Age of the Universe is calculated as about 13.798 billion years

And secondly, we observed The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) when in 1964/65 astronomers, Arno Penzias & Robert Wilson at Bell Labs in New Jersey realized after thorough cleaning that interference in the signals from space was not pigeon crap on the radar dish, nor traffic on the nearby motorway, but was the "snow" displayed by all cathode-ray analogue (not digital *) TV screens that are not tuned to a man-made broadcast frequency. The snow-signal turned out to be everywhere in the observable universe (including the space surrounding you as you read this - and in the remotest empty spaces we can "see") and was found to be the signal from a background temperature of a freezing 3 degrees Kelvin (minus 270 degrees centigrade /Celsius); at zero degrees Kelvin everything stops, frozen to death, except tiny "quantum" jiggling inside atoms. (* "digital" or "binary" signals are real "analogue" radio signals re-organised by computers as dot-dash Morse Code or 0s and 1s packaged in Bytes, transmitted from e.g. a TV studio to your TV set computer-chip which reads the Code. It is this reading that causes the pause in long-distance digital TV interviews.

WHAT DO WE EXTRAPOLATE FROM HUBBLE-EXPANSION AND CMB? Because this Cosmic Microwave Background  is the same in every direction and distance, science logically demonstrates that the light, this minuscule 3 degrees of heat above absolute zero, (all heat is light and vice-versa. All light is radio signals) was created (cause and effect) at the Big-Bang, the propagation (light does not speed it propagates) and expansion of which (Hubble Expansion) spread the CMB microwaves everywhere evenly - hence "background". The Big-Bang, the alleged moment of creation from a "White-Hole" is assumed, by relying on Hubble-Expansion measurements, and on Newton's and Einstein's measurements of Gravity (and from millions of other brilliant scientific discoveries), to tell us how far away is the edge of our observable-universe.  Then by mathematically winding universal observed expansion backwards in time - the mathematicians compress the expanding universe back into its original box - where it disappears. Strangely, for the sake of balance and tidiness, science assumes that everything came from nothing - "In the beginning was darkness and the void". 

WHAT DON'T WE KNOW - AND WHY "OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE"? We do not know what gravity is. Einstein and others predicted that "gravity waves" will be detected by looking on very, very large scales across the universe - but nobody knows what a gravity wave is. We talk of the observable universe because, so far, no center or any hint of the direction or location of a center has been found - the distribution of matter (galaxies, hydrogen clouds etc) and radio signals in the universe are almost the same in every direction. Taking Earth as the precise center, we can see with astronomical telescopes to a horizon - about 13.75 billion light years away (to get the distance in kilometers, multiply seconds in a year by 13.75 billion by "the speed of light "C", the assumption being that light always has, does and always will travel at the currently observed and measured rate of propagation of about 300,000 km per second). But science has had to cheat and vary the sacrosanct "speed of light" to fit the mathematics of the assumed Big-Bang with observations of CMB and the even spread of universal matter. They do this by inserting "Inflation" in the first seconds of The Big Bang, which assumes the universe expanded faster than the speed of light from a pin-prick of infinitely dense hot energy (scalding light) to an enormous size in the blink of an eye. So, due to inflation, the horizon of what we can "see" - the observable universe - is thought to be 47.5 billion light years distant - instead of the age of the universe (if light always propagates at 300,000 km per second) of 13.75 billion (slow) light years distant.  "Inflation" allegedly gave us a horizon 3.5 times more distant than the current speed of light could have given us. Science thinks that the universe might be infinite but we humans like to define and confine subjects of study - so we study only that which we can detect; in this case the immense Observable Universe. 

"A team of astronomers led by John M. Kovac of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics detected ripples in the fabric of space-time — so-called gravitational waves" The kernel of the conundrum being investigated, as reported in March 2014,  is the physical history of the entire universe. 

Science based on observations, interpretations of the observations and mathematical modelling of the interpretations, currently theorizes that God (God is the bit we don't have any theory for), in the dimensionless void of no-where and no-thing before space-time existed (stood out), did his-her-or-its miracle with the creative finger and triggered a speck of energy, even smaller than the smallest thing that Max Planck 1858-1947 figured out could exist (Planck minimum Length is 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001 meters - Max Planck discovered "quantum leaps" or energy changing not smoothly as expected but in measurable steps or jumps, by experimenting with the heat (light) from his iron cooking stove - see Black Body Radiation) a speck that contained the potential for the entire universe and all events, such as you and me, that would follow. Some scientists refer to the primordial speck as a "white hole" - a place without dimensions that produced (may still be producing) infinite energy and density; containing all of space-time for all of existence. 

WHY IS THE TELESCOPE AT THE SOUTH POLE? The astronomers and cosmologists are searching for gravity waves, which cannot be seen directly. Instead they look for peculiar patterns of light, affected by gravity waves. These patterns are of very particular polarized light - the same sort of polarizing used by sunglasses to shield eyes from glare - polarized by passing through gravity waves. The light, which like all light is of the electromagnetic spectrum and thus detectable like radio waves, is allegedly from the very first trillionth, trillionth, trillionth of a second after the Big-Bang. The entire universe was then very small so the first light waves and gravity waves were in every part of the universe, which then expanded, spreading the wave signals to every part of the universe. Thus, the strange ancient light that is being looked for is everywhere, as is the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) light, described above. What the scientists seek is here, all around us and in all parts of the universe. But these 13.75 billion years old signals are faint and obscured by all the events between then and now. Siting the telescope at the South Pole and focusing it at the emptiest possible space helps to eliminate interference from all the other universal phenomena. The scientists have sifted years of data; hope to have eliminated all other phenomena; and claim to have found polarized light patterns that are or were affected by gravity waves. Gravity waves are supposedly like light waves but more elusive - and they cannot be stopped by anything we know of. The faint polarized light patterns look as if they are part of spirals. Similar to and contained in the CMB light, these traces will have a signature temperature. The discovery is the ghost of a ghost of a ghost of a 13.75 billion year old ghost. 

Proof of gravitational waves created by cosmic inflation is shown here in this image of the cosmic microwave background radiation collected by the BICEP2 experiment at the South Pole. The proof comes in the form of a signature called B-mode polarization, a curling of the orientation, or polarization, of the light, denoted by the black lines on the image. The color indicates small temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background that correspond to density fluctuations in the early universe.
BICEP2 Collaboration

The universe is built with 4 fundamental forces (1) Strong nuclear force that compresses light into the nucleus of atoms and holds it tight - hence nuclear explosions of blinding light when we prise them open (2) Weak nuclear force that holds electrons in orbit or clouds around the nucleus - where we observe electrons doing "quantum leaps" (3) Electromagnetic force that binds or joins separate atoms into molecules and makes all chemical connectors (4) Gravity that pulls all matter and energy into clumps and makes stars, planets, alleged black-holes and us. Energy, or light, was observed to be subject to gravity as predicted and precisely calculated by Einstein when beams of distant starlight were bent as they passed by The Sun and were measured by Eddington during an eclipse in 1919. 

BUT, only the first three forces, which we largely understand and can manipulate to make our TVs and mobile phones operate, are integrated into The Standard Model of atoms and sub-atomic (smaller than atoms) particles. We do not understand how gravity works and we have so far failed to create A Theory of Everything (TOE) that will make a model of the 4 forces working together. It seems that Gravity - which we assume holds the universe together (Astrophysics & Cosmology) cannot yet be reconciled with the sub-atomic forces (Particle-physics). A Theory of Everything, the bridge between macro and micro events, is the Holy Grail for all scientists. Understanding gravity is a necessary cornerstone of any T.O.E. That is why science is so excited by the news released this month. 

Next article - 

Read this for a quantum leap forward in understanding the science:

Wednesday, 12 March 2014


THE INTERNET AND SIR TIM BERNERS-LEE - No self-respecting futurist could let today, the 25th anniversary of the birth of the internet, go by without comment and some risky crystal ball gazing. It is written that "to predict the future, first study the past" to which we should add "...and study the present". The Arpanet & Internet came first, dating back to the 1960's as a university network, adopted by  the US defense industry. Sir Tim Berners-Lee conceived the idea of making The Internet open to everyone and so launched the World Wide Web WWW. Now the terms are interchangeable - which is valid because nobody quite knows which system owes what to whom, where or when. 

PAST - As ever, I can crib the entire past of the WWW internet from The Guardian, possibly the best newspaper in the world (The Guardian was born in Manchester, as I was, and as was the Rochdale Cooperative Society - currently under attack by the secretive Legions of Obscene-Greed - $5M is not enough - "I speet on your $5 million dollars"). 

But what The Guardian summary omits is that Sir Tim Berners-Lee worked at the atom-smashing cyclotron at CERN, Switzerland (now the Large Hadron Collider, hunting The Higgs Boson) in the 1980's. I got my first desktop office PC in 1987. Most top scientists worked at CERN for just a few months or years - then returned to whence they came, taking all their hard thought new knowledge with them. Sir Tim lamented the loss, or deep burial, of such valuable ideas and he lobbied for all notes, papers and books by CERN experts to be archived and cross referenced or interlinked  on CERN computers - or what we now call hyperlinked. Amazingly this unique archiving was implemented. I know this story because in 1992 I traveled from Oxford to a (revolutionary) Telework Conference in Berlin; on the bus to Heathrow airport, an unassuming quiet man asked me where I was going and why - and then he made the link between his project and mine. He was Tim Berners-Lee, returning to CERN. 

By grafting the hyperlinked CERN and other vital civilian archives onto the pre-existing American defense industry Internet, which had been developed to globally route military communications, even in a nuclear war that might wipe out 90% of transmitters, via a fishing net type wired and wireless matrix (based in thousands of main-frame mostly IBM computers) of such complexity and alternative routes that the matrix would send and receive messages even if large holes were blown in the matrix (or web); and then by making the system available to the public as the World Wide Web (WWW) - Sir Tim enabled today's public Internet. He charged nothing for this incredible world changing innovation and he intended that access would be free to all, for all time. 

PRESENT - The Internet, still in its infancy, is now under sustained attack from every mad dictator, moral leader, outraged citizen, persistent civil-servant, self-flagellating puritan, spy, pompous politician, creative artist, avaricious business, deluded prophet, and all others who believe that they alone have the absolute right to ration access to information, deny free-speech, tell everyone what to do and monitor all communications of all the 7 billion citizens on the planet. Countless maniacs proclaim "I CAN RULE ICANN" - non-profit ICANN sets the global protocols for the Internet. To counter these sad, bad, mad lunatics and to keep the Internet open - like a road network that anyone can use - Sir Tim Berners-Lee today proposes an Internet Magna-Carta. (Magna Carta is an agreement made in 1215 between King John and his "Subjects", the people of England, to curb the King's divine rights to screw everyone else. It is the foundation of western democracy). 

FUTURE - Sketching out the future of the Internet could be an endless task - a "how long is a piece of string?" question. How far ahead does a Futurist look; locally, regionally, nationally, globally? Which strands of technology do we follow and forecast? Will I be alive to celebrate my accurate predictions? Fortunately, I have already written the definitive book, AD 2516 - After Global Warming. You will not be surprised to see that it looks 500 years ahead; is a wonderfully amusing, unputdownable novel; and is soundly based on credible real science (I read New Scientist, Scientific American and dozens of science primers). You can read the first 30 pages on Amazon E-books, free of charge, and see how the Internet has morphed into the Q-Field - and you can treat yourself by downloading the entire book for 5 or 6 hours of pleasurable and compelling reading - at a risibly low affordable price. Click the cover in the right hand margin of this page - or the Internet hyperlink above. After the great floods, the Internet will survive as a global right of all citizens on our planet and across our solar system (I don't extrapolate, yet, into our galaxy).

Friday, 7 March 2014


"Windows 8 is great - But I'm quitting"
16 Sept 2015 - Microsoft Windows 10 - is good!

Having moaned and groaned a year ago about Windows 8, giving away 2 new W-8 laptops, and hating all the accompanying Balmer forced changes to Office (see below), I can now say that Windows 10 has righted most of the wrongs that I, an Office user since 1987, have suffered at 72 years of age.

While I still cannot easily find vital keys on scrambled Office Menus for several basic routines in Word, Powerpoint and most aggravating, in Excel - routines I have used for 20+ years - I have been using Windows 10 for a few months - and can recommend it as an operating system. As one of our UK TV ads boasts - "It does what it says on the tin"

I still wish that I could update my Office 2007 to a current version but overlaid with my familiar Office 2003 user interface; (vitally, OUTLOOK remains almost unchanged) but, Microsoft has redeemed itself and rebuilt its business customer relationships with the free issue of Windows 10. I am told Windows 10 will one day "sync" my desktop, laptop, tablet, phone etc - but  I haven't the faintest clue how how to do this synchronization. 

Come Home all is Forgiven: My I-Phone is very old and my I-Pad is a stone age version 5, stubbornly refusing any updates or new apps. With Windows 10 and with Office available on cell-phones - I might make the heroic intellectual leap to upgrade to a large screen Windows Phone. 

Or, I might just have another afternoon nap. 

Any Road Up ! - as we say in Lancashire, England dialect, you can install Windows 10 with an easy mind. It won't force you into 200 hours of re-learning everything you once knew. 


8 Apr 2014. Microsoft Wars:  SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises), who are about 12% of the workforce, employ 60% of the world; government and big business employ 40% - but SMEs are hardly ever heard. In America, small businesses can hit back at bullying multinationals by ganging together in Class Actions; in UK law Class Actions are illegal, to deter collective strength and howling mobs - leaving tiny firms alone to sue major world players and risk all the costs and time - and probably bankruptcy. Thus it is that when, after 3 months of trying to adapt, I harangued my local computer-shop for selling us a Windows 8 and Office 2013 laptop, which we found unusable (after 27 years business experience of Microsoft & Office) - the geeks at the shop urged me to sue Microsoft for our time, costs and business disruption. The geeks dislike Windows 8 and Office 2013 as much as we do; but lack the nerve to complain to the Mighty Microsoft.

We are not alone in finding the Windows 8 user-interface (UI) unusable. The WEB is full of complaints. All my local computer shops are trying to sell pre-loaded Windows 8 PCs at half price - and seem to be failing. None of them have Windows 7. Trying to update via MSoft from XP to 7 leads to a rambling, self-defeating path of despair, which Msoft must find most amusing. "MIGRATE FROM XP - WINDOWS DOWNLOAD - SUPPORT STOPS 8th APRIL."

TAKE-THE-PLUNGE Business Expansion
Since 1970, my colleagues and I have advised about 5,000 SMEs and 40 or so major organisations, on Accounts - Business Forecasts - Tax and Finance - Telecommuting - all requiring EXCEL spreadsheets and WORD reports. My desktop PC has 42,000 files in My Documents, most of them confidential to private clients or projects.  I use OUTLOOK email to compose and send many complex professional letters. My dilemma is that Msoft are utterly determined to cut out Windows XP Professional (on my laptop)  and Office 2003 (on my laptop and desktop PCs). Some optimistic SMEs assume that MSoft will not explode the ultimate bomb on 8th April 2014 - but my research assures me that they will. I cannot use Windows 8 & Office 2013. Office 2003 is the last UI before the bewildering "Ribbons" were introduced for Office 2007 etc.

(The Ribbons show every conceivable option in WORD, EXCEL etc - all jumbled up; like an American breakfast menu, the Ribbons offer 100's of choices for each and every minor requirement - leaving the user to find a critical path through the maze; which the programmers should have taken the trouble to define. Its like driving fast to a complex road junction and having to read 500 options in 50 yards before choosing an exit. No responsibility for the programmers, maximum responsibility for the users. In Office 2013 my wife and I took half an hour to write a 50 word letter - after 27 years PC experience).

Windows 8 is aimed at kids who want to play games, watch films, listen to music and mess around on slippery sliding screens. MSoft now admit it was written for touch-screens not for keyboards; are all MSoft business customers retired? What about the 37 million SMEs in China, on XP? In the middle of serious routines, incomprehensible, wandering colored squares blank out the workspace, offering products, a huge clock and endless crappy "options". Users have to guess, on a blank screen, where icons they need are hidden. Microsoft are pressurizing users to back-up files only on The Microsoft Cloud - somewhere in Never-Never Land where the kiddies are playing; making it very difficult to simply save work files to a USB or DVD in  the machine. Convenient for the NSA - useless for business. Windows 8 is entirely unsuitable for business, in my experience.

My Office 2003 Updated programs have for the past year been showing glitches that Microsoft Support no longer fixes. The most obvious are in WORD which I use as my email editor. It has become very slow and will no longer shut down - causing OUTLOOK to hang 20 times a day. MSoft are subtly shaking users loose.

In analyzing my dilemma, I also became aware that Microsoft have opened a backdoor to the NSA and GCHQ spy agencies (bang goes clients' confidentiality) and note that Apple and Google also send all data to the government spies - who make it available to 100,000+ Edward Snowdens.


WINDOWS 8 - OR? After many months of consideration, using my very amateur Information Technology knowledge, I find there are only 3 operating systems for office computers:
WINDOWS - all versions since 1987.
APPLE - all version since about 1987 (twice the price of MSoft)
LINUX - freeware, in about 2 dozen versions of the central kernel, launched by Finnish, Linus Torvald, who was inspired by Polish, Nobel winner, chemist and physicist, Linus Pauling.


(I had great difficulty - ten times - in booting my laptop with LINUX from a DVD. My mistake was failing to see a faint colored underline on the Toshiba start-screen (press F2 or F8 or F12 while switching on with the DVD in the drive) highlighting the hard-drive icon, which should have been under and selecting the DVD icon - then press ENTER.)

OFFICE 2003 ETC - OR? All my 42,000 files originated in Office 1997 or 2003, or earlier (few will now remember PCs running floppy-disks in 1987). I have to be able to read the files and attach them to email. There are 3 main alternatives.
APPLE MAC SUITE - With Microsoft Office for AppleMac converters.
OPEN OFFICE - free software that looks like a clone of Office 2003.


OUTLOOK EMAIL - OR? I have used OUTLOOK since 1987 (and recommended MSoft to dozens of major employers re-telework /telecommuting). Changing from OUTLOOK is my greatest fear, but I have recently tried Google Mail - and it seems to function well,  but lacks many, many of the OUTLOOK features. However, it works (in The wispy damned Cloud) and my tests have sent/received accurately.
If you download free Google G-Mail, it offers to import all addresses from your previous email system (on the same computer) - and does so with minimum fuss.

MY OLD TOSHIBA LAPTOP - GOOGLE G-MAIL (also shared with the NSA)

VIRUS CHECKERS /FIREWALLS? The only reliable firewall I have used in 27 years - and I have tried them all - is Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE); but MSE cannot now be downloaded to XP or XP Prof. MSoft have already slammed that door. My experience is that Microsoft is safe if MSE is working, but dies within a month if not, from the Blue Screen of Death. Safe options are:
LINUX (all the many, exotically named, derivatives of the Linux Kernel)


My wife's PC did lose protection from Microsoft Security Essentials, in September 2013. Within a week it was wrecked by the Blue Screen of Death - so we bought an ASUS PC with Windows 8 and Office 2013. After 3 months of aggravating struggle with  the new software - we gave the new machine away. She bought a S/H AppleMac from Amazon for £300. We added Microsoft Office For Apple, about £70 from Amazon, paid an expert about £150 to transfer emails and files and hand-hold; went through a steep learning curve - and still don't know how to list all the work files - but she loves it. The neat machine does everything required including having a very tidy, intuitive email system - (G-Mail take note).

Come back in a few months and see if my home-made system  has collapsed, plunging me into suicidal despair - and driving me to the Apple Store. In the meantime, prior to the Microsoft Armageddon - it all seems to be functioning - with very steep and exhausting learning curves. Anyone for a Class Action?



6th March 2014 
Hi John

Thanks for your advice on XP etc. My reading of it is that MSoft are definitely pulling the plug on XP (on my old laptop) AND on Office 2003 (the base of all my Office apps on my Windows 7 (7 cannot do a "search") desktop). I took my laptop back to factory settings with XP-Professional and Office 2003. Despite dozens of attempts, it cannot download Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender - they are blocked by MSoft. Last year MSoft pulled support for Pauline's old laptop and within the week it was destroyed by THE BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH (Google it). It is almost impossible to upgrade from XP to Windows 7 - via MSoft Updates and Downloads - and no shops sell Windows 7 - but is available S/H on the web.

On my main PC, WORD (2003) has been playing up for 6 months and MSoft support can't /won't correct it. Every attempt I have made to update officially via MSoft leads to Windows 8 and Office 2013. When Pauline's machine died we bought a new one with 8 and 13 - and used it for 3 or 4 months. Just like many IT managers in large offices report, our productivity dropped 50%+. The user interface is unusable. We tried patches and V2, V3 etc then gave the laptop away - and bought Pauline an Apple (which she now loves). There are 37 million business users in the Far East on XP and Office 2003. 

I cannot operate W8 and Office 13 which are designed by crazy kids for kids - not for business. My dilemma is that XP is definitely going on 8th April and Pauline's experience is that MSoft stop Windows Security Essentials and the machine is rapidly infected and killed. ALL the other famous virus checkers slow down PCs and after 2 years or so - bring them to a halt. I have tried them all in the past 27 years. My Apps in Office 2003 are having new glitches - and support for those stops on 8th April. I suspect Office 2003 will be killed within the year. All later versions have the "Ribbon" user interface which is unusable (for me).

Office 2003  Solution - I have downloaded free Open Office which has the 4 basic apps - WORD, CALC, PPT, etc but not OUTLOOK. Open Office has the 2003 user interface and so far I find it works very well. 

Windows 8 Solution - I have tried about 10 times to download LINUX operating system. Most experts say, on the web, that it is easy - but I have failed to use it to boot up my laptop and drop XP. I'll keep trying. 

I guess that the worry and complexity of making my own hotch potch office programmes for my 12,000 or so  business files and my email is so overwhelming - and is not what I do as a day job - that despite the steep learning curve and costs I'll follow Pauline down the Apple route and wave a sad farewell to Bill and friends at MSoft. I guess the 37 million far-east XP users will do the same. Somebody totally mad or immensely clever has pitched MSoft against its best customers. 

I'll let you know if I can get LINUX (free) working. It has excellent reviews.



4th March 2014 - 


The windows xp saga.

I have taken advice from the shop that built my present desktop machine on using windows xp past the date when MS stop supporting it and the answer is that as long as there is good quality security software there is no problem in continuing to use xp.

Some websites work better or only work on high versions of internet explorer whereas with xp it is not possible to run higher the IE8 but there are many other web browsers, like Firefox or Google Chrome.

