Mild Mannered Jeremy Corbyn |
27 March 2018
Is Corbyn Antisemitic ?
My complaint against Corbyn is the sly way he manipulated the Labour Party to back Brexit. If he had voted for REMAIN the UK would not now be facing ruin and bankruptcy. Corbyn could have stopped the process in its tracks - but, while pretending to be neutral he led the Party down the LEAVE path. This month, March 2018, he sacked Owen Smith, one of his Shadow Cabinet members , for proposing that MPs and voters have votes when the Brexit terms are known.
I don't think I can forgive him for the financial damage he is inflicting on the UK - and his "smoke filled room" political tactics. I fear that if he gets into power, he will revert to the extreme socialist policies he has promulgated for 40 years, and will further wreck Britain.
BUT - is Corbyn racist and antisemitic, as many recent news reports claim?
JEWISH VOICE FOR LABOUR - members' twitter messages:
1) On and on it goes across the 'mainstream' media. Attacks
on Corbyn. Make no mistake. This is a deliberate, concerted effort to block any
hope of progressive change in the UK - whether that is on foreign policy, the
economy, the NHS, regulating the media, etc.
2) Out of a) anti-semitism is vile, b) that mural is awful,
c) parts of the left contribute to anti-semitism, d) Israel does dreadful
stuff, e) Opposing Israel doesn't make you anti-Semitic, and f) Corbyn isn't
anti-Semitic - all are true. So I agree with no one. Whoopee.
3) Three weeks ago Jeremy Corbyn was a Czech agent. Last
week he was a ‘Putin stooge’ , a Kremlin appeaser’ and a ‘traitor’. This week,
he’s an ‘anti-semite’ again. The whole thing is so predictable.
4) One must admire the incredible skills the media have in
manipulating the population. They've managed to convince many that the most
passionate Anti-Racist Campaigner of the last 40 years, Jeremy Corbyn, is
actually Pro-Racist and Anti-Semitic
5) People like Guido Fawkes say Jeremy Corbyn doesn't like
Jews while claiming Corbyn is a disciple of Jewish thinkers like Marx, Trotsky,
Frankfurt School etc.....with Lansman controlling him behind the scenes. You
couldn't make this up unless you were Guido in which case you could
6) Media Lens
Shocking misrepresentation of Mr Corbyn's attitudes by The
Guardian is character assassination of the foulest tabloid kind. And, by
attacking his non-existent antisemitic leanings, you attack all those who want
him as PM and an end to the failed neoliberalism The Guardian still supports.
7) Jewish Voice
Yes, a concerted & desperate smear campaign by an
Establishment terrified that a big Corbyn-led Labour win in the May local
elections will hole the UK neoliberal project below the waterline.
https://twitter.com/medialens for regular updates on how this dirty MSM tactic
works on a daily basis
8) If Labour members are so ‘antisemitic’ how come we had a
Jewish leader from 2010-5 (first of any major party since Disraeli). Remember
that Ed came under attack from same pro-War faction who attack JC relentlessly-
after he failed to support bombing of Syria govt forces in ‘13
9) These are incredibly dangerous times. The US expulsion of
60 Russian diplomats & appt of NeoCon fanatic John Bolton as NSA greatly
increases chances of war. Meanwhile in UK a new Blairite attempt, backed by the
media, to topple the anti-war leader of the Labour Party is underway..
10) Without waiting for results of UK
https://twitter.com/hashtag/Skripal?src=hash investigation or even
https://twitter.com/OPCW verification of nerve agent used, and despite a UK
record of providing unreliable intelligence in pursuit of war, US now takes
opportunity to yet further ratchet up tension with Russia
11) In March 1999 it was Yugoslavia. March 2003 Iraq. March
2011 Libya. It’s March 2018 and the drumbeats of war are sounding once again.
Syria, Iran or Russia or all three? Beware the Lies of March
12) The Labour MPs who are making unsubstantiated claims that
Jeremy Corbyn tolerates antisemitism in the Labour Party are, interestingly,
silent on how anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial have been on the rise in the
Baltic States, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary for some years now.
27 March 2018 - 12 am ...and just in; a Jewish analyses of Corbyn - which neatly sums up my own current opinion of the man:
JEREMY CORBYN: He is a protester, and has been all his life. Although now
that he is in charge, he does not like people protesting against, or
disagreeing with him.
He has fixed views on certain things, like:
The West - bad!
Russia - good!
Weizmann - bad!
Stalin - good!
Colonialism (unless by the old USSR or Russia) - bad!
Terrorism (unless against the West or Israel) - bad!
Terrorism against the West or especially Israel - good!
Hamas and Hezbollah (not to mention the old IRA) - good!
Israel, and anybody who supports her - bad!
Nothing too subtle about JC. He claims to want social
justice. But, as with almost all wannabe revolutionaries, on their terms only.
But, he does seem to have encouraged a particularly vicious
type of politics, and a nasty group of Leftie antisemites who are no longer
afraid to show their faces.
My fears about Corbyn have emerged since he became Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition. In 2015 I wrote:
30 September 2015.
So far, so good - Jeremy.
With the UK Labour Party Conference behind him, mild mannered Superman, Party Leader, Jeremy Corbyn is frightening the pants off traditional, warring creatures of habit, political journalists, commentators and opponents - who seem incapable of understanding or of believing his message of new, non-combative, non-personal-insult, intelligent-debate politics. Maybe they'll catch on and catch up in a week or so after they overcome their confusion. In the meantime, Jeremy is carrying all before him. He is changing and redefining the political landscape. Perhaps the rest will have to follow - on both sides of the Atlantic.
To stay "in the frame" and hold the party leadership - and re-shape the next general election, I think that he will have to rise above his ingrained habits to embrace the majority's
Love of Country and all the symbols and institutions that go along with it - and he will have to rise to the
Defence of the Realm (or US "defense"). I'm a thinking, left-leaning, floating voter who agrees with much of Corbyn's agenda and I look forward to his coming Era of Intelligent Cooperation - but I do not want President Blair or President Cameron to replace HM Queen - and I do want maximum protection against crazed, stone-age, knuckle dragging Jihadists and all other international loonies who would take over our country, before imposing Slavery, Monetarism or Sharia Law and beheading all opponents and sinners.
PS - Like Jeremy, I think that God save the Queen is a pedestrian and crass National Anthem, with clumsy words and an awful tune - and I'm sure the Royal Family must be sick and tired of it and agree with me. It should be replaced by Elgar's
Land of Hope of Glory - Now ! there's a great piece of nationalistic patriotic music we can all belt out with pride and mash the words at full volume.
16 Sept 2015. Oh Dear ! Oh Dear ! Oh Dear ! If reports that Jeremy won't join his fellow countrymen in singing
The National Anthem, at The Battle of Britain memorial day, are accurate - then the old silly-billy goat is finished. I have just written about orphaned
Hitler's permanent arrested development aged 14 triggering his fairy-tale belief in Aryan and Teutonic superiority - and his life-long hatred of all non-Germans, all religions, all Royals etc - Jeremy may also be stuck in his own egotistical teenage angst. If so, his 300 or so past rebellions against his own party would simply be an immature reaction against all and any authority. If he can't grow up and take authority, and join the other 63 million Britons who he might lead - he can never be an authority in this nation. Can a sixty-six year old gain self-knowledge and make an instant change deep in his childish psyche, in a week? It is highly unlikely; unless Mild Mannered Jeremy Corbyn really does have an alter-ego matching that of Mild Mannered Bruce Kent - who quick changes into - SUPERMAN ! Of course, today's news reports about Jeremy's petulant querulous behavior may be false rumors spread by his many, many enemies. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for a month. But the signs are not good. Come on Jeremy, you have inspired the young and the oppressed - don't shoot yourself in both feet - GROW UP !
66 year old Jeremy Corbyn MP, one of the longest serving members of Parliament, today won The Labour Party election to be their new leader; following the ignominious failure and resignation of Ed Miliband in the May 2015 General Election; won by the present Conservative incumbent, Prime Minister David Cameron.
Jeremy Corbyn of Islington London - urban cyclist, bearded, sock and sandal wearing, pacifist, vegetarian, teetotal, lifelong socialist - confounded all political experts and all his colleagues, winning 60% of the votes of the recently doubled Labour Party Membership - now about 500,000 people.
I think he heralds a major watershed in British and US politics (
stand up Mr Bernie Sanders), bringing to an end the conspiracy of the screwy free markets and bonkers monetarist economic era, dating from Thatcher and Reagan - whether or not he goes on to win an election and form a government.
MY DIVERGENCE FROM CORBYN'S ALLEGED POLICIES: (1) Defense - I would never want the UK to return to the barmy, purblind, defenseless state we were in as Hitler rose to power and secretly armed Germany. "Chamberlain's 1938 Peace for our Time". Until we have settled, reliable, sane World Government, there will always be another Hitler - another self-professed leader of some maniacal mythical or religious self-defined super-race waiting to rise to power, intent on slaughtering or enslaving all those who don't see "The Truth". HITLER - MIEN KAMPF - ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT
I want Britain, and me, to always have the power to stop marauding, primitive lunatics - such as Islamic State - with overwhelming, modern counter-force. (2) Allies - Our historic alliances exist for very good reasons, which young Mr Corbyn may not know. To ensure our peace and our security we urgently need allies - North America, The Commonwealth, the EU and, again harking back to World War Two I would like to see our old, undefeated ally Russia on our side. We must do all we can to keep NATO strong and to keep an influential position in The European Union. (3) President Blair - We have the most respected head of state in the world - Queen Elizabeth II. We have invested hundreds of years and millions of volts of political thinking power to create our good working relationship between our parliamentary democracy and The Royal Family (our most powerful draw for immense sums of tourist income). Let's not shoot ourselves in both feet, to experiment with some other constitution; if it works don't fix it! Apart from these three points, Mr Corbyn - get on with your agenda.
The huge swell of popular support for Corbyn from disenfranchised young and old alike at last, after 35 long, mean years, gives a voice to the suppressed and long conned ordinary voter, worker and citizen, He has broken the media-money-cartel gag of total silence about the extreme inequality of
rewards, capital and hope. He shows that
The Emperor Has no Clothes - he has called their bluff.
Corbyn also vows to regularly consult his 500,000 members on policies - now possible due to advances in mass communications. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of gangster politics, insatiable greed and blindfolded electorates - and the start of the beginning of referendum politics.
Stand by for violent reactions from the deeply embedded, seriously wealthy, seriously powerful incumbents and their vast right-bent global media. With about
$32 trillion buried in 72 tax-havens around the world - the supposed "legal" owners will die rather than share or pay tax. $32 trillion is enough to pay off every deficit in the world. It is a hell of a lot of hidden treasure.
We are necessarily headed for the era of intelligent-cooperation,
Strictly Come Voting and
World Government. The youth of the world has at last opened their compliant, somnolent ears, eyes and minds and joined in - and they will sweep us forward to the miracles yet to be wrought by the Electronic Revolution. Mild Mannered Jeremy Corbyn has awakened them - Beware ! don't let him into a quick-change telephone booth.
Dead or Alive Jeremy Corbyn is in the vanguard of and has pointed the way to these historic changes.
Tom Clark is right to tackle the
stampeding herd instinct of 55 “mainstream” economists who rail in the FT
against Jeremy Corbyn’s ideas on top down or bottom up QE, Quantitative Easing.
(Corbynomics feels subversive, but maybe not for long – Guardian 4 Sept 15).
The 2008/09 £1.2 trillion crash, £55,000 per UK household, has been falsely and
illogically blamed by City and Wall Street PR on poor sub-prime mortgage
defaulters, not on rich feckless gambling bankers and illicit back-to-back
capital flows to tax-havens (lose it in London – make it in Liechtenstein).
Globally, the $32
trillion of illicit frozen tax-haven assets soared in the 2008-10
“collapse” by an immense $3 trillion, forcing austerity on OECD countries and
bankrupting Greece. American and European and now Chinese QE policies are
necessarily replacing a part of that $3 trillion. The ever growing transactions
in the real-economy have to be matched by liquidity in the money-economy.
Corbyn is correct; QE now needs to be bottom up - and all tax-haven assets must
be repatriated to repair liquidity. Corbynomics QE gets my vote.
(Mr) Noel Hodson
16 Brookside, OXFORD, OX3 7PJ, UK