Monday, 9 October 2017


Al Capone - Gangster Economies.
9 OCT 2017 - (a conversation; start a the bottom of the page).

Dear John


The EU is not a political union - it is a trading-bloc. It has no powers to intervene in Members' governments. You and all Brexiters would complain bitterly if it did. All 27 EU members have a veto. Over 60 years, we have mutually made the 70,000 items detailed trading agreements that the deeply stupid UK is now abandoning. It will take 20 years and all our bureaucrats' energies to replace them. Twenty years of a paralysed, hamstrung UK.

Greece was/is different because it asked for huge EC grants to save its economy and banks etc. The European Central Bank is still a minor player in world terms.  

Low interest rates are worldwide - remember it started in Japan 30 years ago, when that Yakuza gangster-economy siphoned offshore all Japan's liquidity and then started to borrow it back. Other sociopathic-gangster regions, all hugely enriched by advances in science & technology,  followed suit, siphoning out assets which the gangsters hid in tax-havens. This immense surplus of cash/assets washing round the world, searching for safe havens with guaranteed returns, now means that any such investment offered is swamped with offshore funds - driving down rates. Think what would happen if the UK put its Base Rate up to 7.5%. We would end-up pouring trillions into gangster-tax-haven-deposits, of overseas rogues with London bank-accounts. 

Public Private Partnership loans and Student Loans funding at +6% are examples of dirty-money pouring into Government guaranteed loan-sharking, where billions of criminal funds can be laundered and protected under secret "Commercially Sensitive" contracts.  Southern European countries such as Portugal (once, like Greece, a no-tax gangster-economy) have benefited hugely from EU programmes, to educate, build infrastructure and build industries. I was involved in such programmes 1990-2000 in the EU-UK teams. Brussels does not impose on Europe, but it does. by mutual-agreement, promote stability and long term growth across what were once hundreds of warring primitive gang-territories - run by gangsters such as the Mafia. 

Fascists like Farage want to return to chaotic and cruel gangster-economies. The EU stability policy extends to all its borders - even into North Africa; with mixed results. Mobile phone coverage and controlled low charges is an example of the policy succeeding.

Why doesn’t Farage, and his fellow fascists - promote the break-up of The United States of America? Home Rule for New York City. That would open the door to hundreds of (armed) gangster-local-governments and the rise of new gangster-oligarchs.

Let us pray that it never happens.



Dear Noel,
The power in the EU is Merkel and the ECB and Juncker and the IMF. These 3 rule the roost. Merkel invited the immigrants with no consulting any of the other 27. The consequences ricochet around Europe. The ECB does its own thing and the low / negative interest rate policy has decimated pension funds all over Europe - public and private.

It is totally undemocratic.

The point of Maastricht was ever closer union. That's when Brexit really started. The full outward manifestation came later in 2016 but the move started with Maastricht.

It is not democratic. It puts its Brussels centre above the people. Look at how it has sacrificed the common people of the Southern European countries.

It's policies contain the seeds of its downfall and sooner rather than later.



Dear John,
They have to persuade 28 member states; all who have veto power. Let's stick to what is reality not to what might be in 50 years. The UK is giving up its veto and all influence - it will bankrupt us.
Noel Hodson - Author

Dear Noel -  Not so. The EU wants ever closer union. An EU army. An EU budget. The EEC was based on trading terms but that is a long time ago. Compulsory quotas for immigrants. That's one of the reasons Poland and Hungary are not happy. The EU intent is a European super state. Listen carefully to what they say. - John

Dear John - EC /EU does not govern Member states. It only arranges agreed trading terms. "Loss of Sovereignty" is silly Brexit propaganda for the moronic masses. Defence, Tax, Housing, Pensions, Education, Transport, NHS, Law, Police, Parks &  Grass Cutting ... what parts of our Budget do you think the EU rules? - Noel

Dear Noel,
It was a trading block as the EEC but now it sees itself as the European government. Surely that is self apparently obvious. The EUs only response to any problem is "more EU"  It will do all it can to stop states leaving, read Variofakis for the modus operandi of that one. The time comes when more and more people decide that it is against their interests - and countries leave, or there is civil war to try to stop them leaving.
States coming together and states moving apart is cyclical and we are in the moving apart phase of the cycle now. This applies to the USA as well.  You're right I am anti EU. - John 

Dear John - I thought you wanted to reduce the influence of the EU - not increase it as a political overlord. It is a trading-bloc not the government of Europe. What legal right does it  have to intervene in Catalonia?  Home Rule for Brookside! - Noel

Dear Noel
Regardless of when the ideas and desires for separation started, they are alive now and it is the way that the EU responds to them that will matter.  The EU has failed to condemn the terrible violence inflicted by the Spanish National police last weekend, I think that will rebound and also rebound on the Madrid govt. It's a recipe for civil disorder & maybe civil war.  Business and finance will run away from the EU if this happens, and in fact this has already started. The EU increasingly shows itself by its actions to be anti-business, that will not help the EU to grow and prosper. Without international investment the EU will shrivel.

Dear John 
If the Catalonia struggle started in 1737 - doesn't that predate the EU?
Or, is everything the fault of Angela Merkel? That way madness lies.

From: John
Sent: 06 October 2017 09:41   To: Noel 

Catalonia referendum: Interesting map. Some separatist movements very serious. It's one of the ways the EU breaks up.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017


What does the demented President say? "Arm the children and the teachers". And should we arm every Walmart shopper with military automatic assault guns? It is time to outlaw guns. 


'In El Paso, Everyone Is Family.’ Targeted Walmart Was a Hub for Both Sides of the Border
Walmart, the site of Saturday's mass shooting in El Paso, has been a hub for shoppers from Ciudad Juárez, just minutes away from the border

Dayton Shooting Lasted Just 32 Seconds and Left 9 Dead. Here’s the Latest on the Tragedy
In 32 seconds, from the first shot to the last, a 24-year-old gunman with an AR-15-style assault rifle was able to kill nine people and wound 27 others

4th October 2017

The point made by this Kim Jong-Un cartoon is that there has to be a limit to the guns/weapons American householders are allowed; maybe more than a Bowie-Knife, but less than tactical-nuclear-weapons or ICBMs. What is that limit? Where should the line be drawn? 

Outside the cities, the US is a hunting, shooting, fishing, rural society – hence the gun culture. The Wild-West romantic myths exaggerate reality – over 80 pioneering years there were only about 30 men killed in face-to-face duelling gun-fights. The rest is male macho Hollywood fantasy.

"There were 32 gunfights and shootouts in the Wild West from 1840 to 1918. There have been 173 mass shootings in America this year. That may have had a great deal to do with the fact that – despite the NRA’s attempts to glorify it is a period where manly vigilantes were free to be men – gun control was stricter in the Wild West than it is today."

The Kinder-Egg is banned. The gun is legal. Spot the loony.
Trump supporters blame Obama for restricting their "Right to Bear Arms". After the SANDYHOOK infant school massacre, gun sales went up – on a NRA (National Rifle Association) false rumour that gun sales would be restricted by Obama. It was a gun-makers' PR stunt to drive up sales. Trump's equally demented friends in the NRA said that the infants and teachers should have been armed to be able to defend themselves. 

Trump hates Obama and is intent on destroying everything he achieved, good or bad. It’s a hangover from Fred Trump’s KKK days. Black people, the slave underclass, can’t be allowed to succeed; or allowed to inhabit Trump properties. But Trump lied (so what's new) Obama did not restrict guns:

Obama, Sept. 9: I don’t want any misunderstanding when you all go home, and you’re talking to your buddies, and they say, "Aw, he wants to take my gun away." You’ve heard it here; I’m on television, so everybody knows it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away. … There are some common-sense gun safety laws that I believe in. But I am not going to take your guns away. So if you want to find an excuse not to vote for me, don’t use that one. … It just ain’t true.

In the most liberal States even mental patients can buy repeating pistols and rifles. This latest lunatic, Paddock, (beware retired accountants - we are dangerous dudes) altered some of his 42 guns to be machine-guns. His kill total of 59 doesn’t reach the US daily total of 80 persons shot.  21 more Americans need to be killed that day to keep up the average. Oddly, household gun ownership has declined by 18%. There’s now only 300 million lethal weapons in private hands. Most are never fired. A gun is the most useless purchase made - even more useless than the cheese-fondue-set collecting dust in the back of your kitchen cupboard. So the gun industry has to create fear-broadcasts to maintain sales of guns and ammo.  Massacres are good for business. 

 With 300 million guns and an overkill capacity of 10 times the US population – any foreign invaders will think twice – and probably not invade. 80 gun-deaths a day may be a price the US thinks is worth paying as an insurance premium against invasion.


5 percent: America's population relative to the world population.
50 percent: Amount of the guns on Earth owned by Americans, CNN reports.
Decreasing: The number of Americans who own guns. John Sides posts the graph at right, based on data from Gallup and the General Social Survey, showing the decline.
Increasing: The number of guns those American gun owners each have.
18 percentage points: Amount the share of households who own guns decreased from 1973 to 2010. Three decades ago, 50 percent of households owned guns, in 2010, just 32 percent do, according to University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center.

Beretta pistol - fires 19 rounds in 3 seconds. Why? 

"You have a true friend and champion in the White House. No longer will federal agencies be coming after law-abiding gun owners," Trump said in his speech. "No longer will the government be trying to undermine your rights and your freedoms as Americans. Instead, we will work with you, by your side."

While Trump, as well as his fellow speakers at the NRA meeting, decried Obama for his stance on guns, sales of firearms over the past eight years surged, largely due to fears that Obama would implement tougher gun control laws. Crazed NRA zealots cite Chicago, with tough gun laws, as suffering as many gun deaths as elsewhere. They conveniently ignore that the guns come over the state border from Mike Pence's territory, Indiana - where mad people are allowed to buy and own guns. USA wide federal controls are required to limit these weapons of mass destruction. 

Are you sane? You are not entirely alone. "Respondents from both parties support more research into the causes of gun violence, the poll showed. Nearly 80 percent of Democrats and 66 percent of Republicans said they would support the next president, who takes office next January after the Nov. 8 election, pushing for more research.

Republicans are split on efforts to tighten gun control more broadly. Forty-four percent of those polled said the next president should work to tighten federal gun control laws, while 49 percent were opposed.
Sixty-three percent of Americans overall said they would like to see the next president push for stricter gun laws."    Megan Cassella, ReutersJan. 13, 2016, 6:10 AM

Tuesday, 16 April 2013