ISRAEL & PALESTINE & BEDOUIN RIGHTS - Did the incoming Jews from 1920 to 2018, force out the Arabs?
The United States will no longer contribute to the United Nations relief agency for Palestinian refugees, the State Department announced Friday, amid widespread Palestinian outrage charging that the decision violates international law and will aggravate an already dire humanitarian situation, particularly in Gaza.
The statement called the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA, an “irredeemably flawed operation” and criticized other countries for not sharing the burden of supporting the Palestinians.
Blaming UNRWA and other international donors for failing to reform the organization’s “way of doing business,” the statement said the United States remained “very mindful of and deeply concerned regarding the impact upon innocent Palestinians, especially school children.”
Among the administration’s many complaints about the agency — to which the United States contributed about one third of a $1.1 billion 2017 budget — is the way the United Nations calculates the number of Palestinians officially recognized as refugees. It would like to change the number from the more than 5 million who are counted today to the few hundred thousand alive when the agency was created seven decades ago, according to U.S. officials.
For the first and probably the last time, I tend to agree with the logic, long argued and now attributed to Demented Donald Trump. If the 250,000 Israeli-Arabs who moved to Gaza and other refuges in 1948 (most Israeli-Arabs did not move and have good lives in Israel) can claim refugee status and "the right to return" for their 5 million descendants, down 3 generations; then so can all populations who were relocated by oppression or war. Does this logic extend to the Pilgrim-Fathers who fled from religious persecution in England? There are millions of their descendants. Conversely, the same logic applies to the Native Americans who were slaughtered and displaced by Europeans. They should be given New York and California... I could go on with hundreds of examples. It is time for the Gaza and other "refugee" Arabs to accept reality and build their own lives in the free world - instead of living on handouts.
15th May 2018 58 dead 1,500 injured. Is it genocide or suicide. Do 40,000 Palestinians storming the fence constitute a "clear & present" danger to the households on the Israeli side?
Breaking News: 14th May 2018.
TRUMP designates rooms in Jerusalem as USA Embassy, and Ivanka and Jared Kushner attend a celebratory banquet. Thousands protest on the Gaza border.
Key Points - Midday News Update
With friends like Trump, who needs enemies. This Embassy redesignation will end in tears. 1,000 protesters injured, 40 killed.
9th April 2018 "...there were 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 in what is now Israel. Today there are 1.6 million Arab-Israeli citizens."
From Noel to Lee
April 2018 – Having said a few days ago that I am only interested in the
peaceful future of Israel & Palestine – not the vexed arguments of the past
– I have been reading back to the 1920’s. This Wikipedia
history seems to give a thorough view of the modern founding of Israel in
Arab (Bedouin) lands. We should also be aware that Palestine has been a mixed
race region, largely Semitic races with some Christians, since the Crusades,
and from a thousand years earlier. Governed by The Ottoman Empire from 1876,
then by Germany until WW1 - 1918, then by Britain and France.
I was
prompted to enquire further by Mel Cooper’s several copy headlines on the
present conflict – and by this quote from those articles:
“Zakout was wounded on Friday when he was 10 metres from the
border fence, hit by a sniper during the latest mass protests at the divide
between Israel and Gaza. The “Great
March of Return”, a series of protests intended to continue until 15
May, the 70th annual commemoration of “the Nakba” or catastrophe, when 700,000
Palestinian refugees were forced from their homes in the 1948 war, has captured
his imagination. (my emphasis)
Insisting he was “not afraid”, Zakout said he had been taking
part in the protests for the idea of a “return to our lands” – the home in what
is now Israel, from which his grandparents had to flee in 1948”
…written by an
angry displaced Arab grandchild. Jewish sources say that the Arabs left as a
ploy, believing they would return as conquerors and wipe out the immigrant
Jews, in a few weeks.
It is a fact that more than 50 million (surviving) people lost
their homes and nationalities due to WW2. Their descendants all might equally
claim the right to return to their grandparents’ homes.
This Ottoman (Turkish) map is dated 1920.
After the Ottoman Empire rule, the area was German controlled until 1918.
The British & French took over and gave the Jews some land – then came the conflicts,
terrorism and wars resulting in the current boundaries. “The
Palestinians” are a recent collective.
(Palestine 1918 to 1948.
Palestine is the name (first referred to by the Ancient Greeks) of an area in
the Middle East situated between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Palestine was absorbed into the Ottoman Empire in 1517 and
remained under the rule of the Turks until World War One. In the
peace talks that followed the end of the war, parts of the Ottoman Empire were
handed over to the French to control and parts were handed over to the British
– including Palestine. Britain governed this area under a League of Nations
mandate from 1920 to 1948)
to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, the Arab population in 2013 was
estimated at 1,658,000,
representing 20.7% of the country's
population. The majority of these identify themselves as Arab or Palestinian by
nationality and Israeli by citizenship.
today is 21,000 sq miles (54,000 sq km) the majority is the Negev Desert. { NB
Scotland is 80,000 sq km.}
As of 2010, the Negev was home to some 630,000 people (or 8.2% of Israel's
population), even though it comprises over 55% of the country's area. 470,000 Negev residents or 75% of
the population of the Negev are Jews, while 160,000 or 25% are Bedouin.
So – there were
1.2 million Arabs in 1948 in what is now Israel. Today there are 1.6 million
Arab-Israeli citizens. Does this evidence a driving-out of the Bedouin by the
Zionists? No. And as Nick Usiskin has written, numbers of top Israeli posts are
held by Arabs.
Most of the
rest of the “facts” and “false-news” are political spin. The Bedouin have no
greater (or lesser) rights to these territories than do the Aboriginals to
Australia or the Apaches to America or The Inuit to Canada. Should America
repatriate all the black people of African descent - at the same time as the
Arabs expel the Jews? Should the entire Drumph family-tribe be sent back to
Germany? Which other minorities should we persecute and send “home”? The Celts
never held UK Blue-Passports. And Calais indubitably belongs to Britain.
QED – There it
is. - Noel – 9th
April 2018
To Noel
Thanks for your
history lesson. Me, having a Jewish mother and dozens of Jewish relatives, some
of whom lived in Israel, and a daughter once engaged to an Israeli resident,
knew until your response, so little about the history of Israel. However,
what I do know is that to shoot and kill a bunch of unarmed protestors guilty
of ganging up and chucking bricks at a wall is nothing other than murder, since
supported without any show of concern or regret by the Israeli government.
And nothing but nothing in its history justifies such an action. - Lee
To Lee from Noel
“Violence is the last resort of the incompetent”.
On both sides. The Arab-Jewish conflict is now, today. Forget
three-thousand-years of desert tribal wars and all the assaults and insults.
IF, the Palestinian Refugees march into Israel; what will they do? What do they
want to achieve?
Israel has a GDP of $387 billion per annum -
$44,000 per head (of the mixed Arab-Jewish-Christian population). Is that what
the Palestinians want? Will they work to maintain it? Or will it be another
Rhodesia – asset stripping, neglect, corruption, bankruptcy?
Or do the Palestinians simply intend to slaughter
all Jews ?
I have ceased to be at all interested in the
history. I am very interested in future peaceful, positive solutions. What are
the options? - Noel
Yaser Murtaja was a filmmaker and the founder of Ain Media,
a media and art agency which sought to tell the reality of life in Gaza. He was
30-years-old and was shot down by an Israeli sniper while attempting to do his
job. As were another 7 Palestinians - Lee
to Lee from Noel
I have read the whole article by Mehdi Hassan (below). I agree that it is a terrible tale of
killing unarmed protestors. The actions of the Israeli “killers” does not
accord with any Jews or Israelis I have met. I know what my UK Jewish friends
would say – “They were provoked and had to defend themselves”. (see Wikipedia
lists below). On this week’s conflict, I ask “Why are those men massing on a
border protected by armed troops – and throwing stones at them. If the troops
were not there – what would the Palestinians do next?”
It is a feud. It
goes back two or three thousand years to warring desert tribes, picked up by
Christians (200 years after the alleged event) to revenge the Crucifixion – revitalised by Muslims (450 AD?) and
now spread across the world. Who will make the first moves to make peace? I am
now only interested in how to fix it – not in who did what to whom, where, why
and when. What can we do to persuade them that jaw-jaw is better than war-war?
My suggestion is to create ten times the space (Qatari Depression, Egypt - see links below) and
make it hugely desirable and wealthy.
I blame the parents.
On 10
March, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group that
controls the Gaza Strip, unveiled a monument to its rocket attacks
on Israeli cities and towns, a life-sized model of an M-75 rocket in
Gaza City. The group declared that the attacks "managed
to take the battle to the heart of the Zionist entity (Israel)".
These are
lists of rocket and mortar attacks on Israel by Palestinian militant
groups. 2000s. List of Palestinian rocket attacks
on Israel, 2001 · List of Palestinian rocket attacks
on Israel, 2002–2006 · List of Palestinian rocket attacks
on Israel, 2007 · List of Palestinian rocket attacks
on Israel, 2008 ·etc
All of
the attacks originated in the Gaza Strip, unless
stated otherwise. For information pertaining to the wider conflict, see Arab–Israeli conflict
and Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
This list does not include reports of deaths and injuries caused by Hamas rocket
and mortar attacks that fell within Gaza.
This is a
detailed list of Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks
on Israel in 2017. All of the attacksoriginated
in the Gaza Strip, unless stated otherwise. For information pertaining to the
wider conflict, seeArab-Israeli conflict and Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
This list does not include reports of deaths and injuries caused by ...
to Use in attacks - On 17
July 2014, Hamas militants crossed the Israeli border
through a tunnel about a mile away from the farming village of Sufa but were
stopped by Israeli Defense Forces. TheIsraeli military
reported that thirteen armed men had exited the tunnel, and shared video
footage of them being hit by ...
This is a
detailed list of Palestinian rocket and mortar attacks
on Israel in 2016. All of the attacks originated
in the Gaza Strip, unless stated otherwise. For information pertaining to the
wider conflict, seeArab-Israeli conflict and Israeli–Palestinian conflict.
This list does not include reports of deaths and injuries caused by ...
From: Lee to Noel - The Palestinian perspective:
(Unarmed ? Peaceful? "Wipe Israel off the map")
Kills Palestinians and Western Liberals Shrug. Their Humanitarianism Is a Sham. Mehdi Hasan April
2 2018, “IF THE CONCEPT of intervention is driven by universal human rights,
why is it — from the people who identify themselves as liberal interventionists
— why do we never hear a peep, a word, about intervening to protect the Palestinians?”
That was the question I put to the French philosopher, author, and champion
of liberal
(or humanitarian) interventionism, Bernard-Henri Lévy, on my Al Jazeera English interview
show “Head to Head” in 2013. The usually silver-tongued Levy struggled to
answer the question. The situation in Palestine is “not the same” as in Syria
and “you have not all the good on one side and all the bad on the other side,”
said Levy, who once remarked in
reference to the Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF, that he had “never seen such a
democratic army, which asks itself so many moral questions.”
I couldn’t help but be reminded of my exchange with the man known as “BHL” this past weekend, as I watched horrific images of unarmed Palestinian protesters at the Gaza border being shot in the
back by the “democratic army” of Israel. How many “moral questions” did those
Israeli snipers ask themselves, I wondered, before they gunned downGazan refugees for daring to demand a return to their homes inside the Green Line?
ALARMING CONTEXT: Washington Post - Cole said this week, 5th Oct 2011, that in the 1980s
Khomeini gave a speech in which he said in Persian “Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i
Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” This means, “This occupation regime
over Jerusalem must vanish from the arena of time.” But then anonymous
wire service translators rendered Khomeini as saying that Israel “must be wiped
off the face of the map,” which Cole and Nourouzi say is inaccurate.
On Friday, the IDF shot an
astonishing 773 people with live ammunition, killing 17 of them. Yet a spokesperson for the IDF bragged that
Israeli troops “arrived prepared” and “everything was accurate. … We know where
every bullet landed.” On Sunday, Israel’s hawkish defense minister, Avigdor
Lieberman, roundly rejected calls from the European Union and the United Nations for an
independent inquiry into the violence and insisted that “our soldiers deserve a
To be clear, then: Israeli troops will continue to murder and maim Palestinians
while the Israeli government guarantees that there will be no consequences for
their actions.
So, where is the outcry from liberal interventionists across the West? Where is
BHL, as Palestinians are being shot and wounded in the hundreds in 2018?
Where is the call from former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose 1999 speech in Chicago defending the concept of a “just war” and a “doctrine of
the international community” became a key text for liberal interventionists,
for a “no-fly” zone over Gaza? Why does a guest speaker at Ariel Sharon’s funeral have nothing to say about the increasing
number of Palestinian funerals?
Where is the moral outrage from former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations,
Samantha Power, the famously pro-intervention, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of a “A Problem
From Hell,” which lamented U.S. inaction in Rwanda, over the sheer number of
unarmed Palestinians shot, killed, and injured in recent days? How does she
have time to retweet a
picture of an elephant and a lion cub, but not to make a statement about the
violence in Gaza?
Where is the demand from Canadian academic-turned-politician Michael Ignatieff,
who was once one of the loudest voices in favor of the so-called responsibility to protect doctrine, for
peacekeeping troops to be deployed to the Occupied Territories?
And where is the appeal from former U.S. Secretary of State and arch-interventionist Madeleine Albright for economic and financial
sanctions against the state of Israel? For an arms embargo? For travel bans on
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Lieberman, and IDF chief of
staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot?
Their silence is deafening — and telling. Palestinians, it seems, have been so dehumanized
that they don’t deserve a humanitarian intervention; their blood is cheap,
their plight is unimportant, and, perhaps above all else, their killers are our
SHOULD WE REALLY be surprised, though? After all, this isn’t the
first time that members of the liberal intervention brigade have shamelessly
ignored the tragic deaths of innocent Palestinians.
In March 2001, towards the start of the “Second Intifada,” and with the Palestinian civilian death toll mounting, the U.N.
Security Council proposed a resolution that would have “set up an appropriate mechanism to protect
Palestinian civilians, including through the establishment of a United Nations
observer force” on the ground in the Occupied Territories. The United States,
however, in the form of the George W. Bush administration, vetoed that
resolution. What was the response from U.S. liberals? They stayed mum.
In the summer of 2014, the Israeli air force — for the the third time in six years — pounded the Gaza Strip, dropping bombs on schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings, and killing more
than 1,500 Palestinian civilians — including 500 children — in the process.
What was the position of then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (who would later throw her support behind a “no-fly” zone over Syria)? “Hamas provoked another attack”
while “Israel has a right to defend itself.” And what was the response from her
fellow liberals? Most of them didn’t say a word.
Fast forward to 2018: This time round, 17 dead and 1,400 wounded. Videos going viral of
Israeli soldiers — armed and funded by U.S. taxpayers — shooting fleeing Palestinians in their backs.
Again, not a peep on Twitter, or elsewhere, from the leaders of the Democratic Party
in Congress, such as Sen. Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. For liberal Democrats, #resistance is supposed to be against the Trump
administration and the so-called alt-right, not against the longest military
occupation in the world.
This moral blindness that so many liberals and progressives in the United
States have for the Palestinians has never ceased to amaze — or disgust — me.
As the Israeli writer and economist Abraham Gutman notes,
“This blind spot is so pronounced that it created a whole new type of
progressive, the PEP, ‘Progressive-Except-on-Palestine.’” The PEP, he
continues, “is horrified by the appointment of Jeff Sessions as Attorney
General, but willing to argue that there is nuance and perhaps support the
government of Israel, with [Ayelet] Shaked as the Minister of Justice, who
posted on Facebook an article calling Palestinian children ‘little snakes.’”
Indeed. The PEP will loudly condemn the bigotry and nativism of the Republican
Party in the United States, and the ongoing segregation and racism in the Deep
South, while averting their gaze from the brazen racism of the Israeli government and the ongoing apartheid in the Occupied Territories.
And the PEP who happens to be a proud supporter of liberal interventionism will
back interventions almost everywhere except the Occupied Territories.
Their heart bleeds for Syrians, Libyans, Afghans, Iraqis, Rwandans, Kosovars …
but not for Palestinians.
This is not an exercise in whataboutism; it is about drawing attention to
blatant double standards and moral hypocrisy. On Palestine, liberal
interventionists who happen to be “progressive-except-on-Palestine” borrow from
the Trump playbook when they cynically blame “both sides” for the violence. They claim
that Palestinian deaths are the consequence of “clashes” and
“confrontations.” Yet the reality is that one side is the occupier and the other is the occupied; one side has rockets and rifles and the other side has rocks and slingshots; one side is doing the killing and the other side
is doing the dying.
There is no other conclusion: The ongoing and glaring refusal of liberal
interventionists in the West to say even a word about the need to protect
occupied Palestinians from state-sponsored violence is a reminder of just how
morally bankrupt and cynically hypocritical the whole “liberal
intervention” shtick is.
- Mehdi Hasan April 2 2018
To Noel
I don't doubt a word of what you say, but none of it
explains or excuses the shooting down of unarmed Palestinians. I have no
idea how to solve the situation but I do know that murdering unarmed protesters
most certainly will not help, but just exacerbate matters. A start would be if
the Israeli government showed some contrition.
From: Noel to Lee
Lee – If you and
your family lived in the scrap of land called Israel, 50 miles wide, faced with
hundreds of angry men, vowing to eradicate you and Israel, how would you defend
the borders? Most of my European & USA Jewish friends are pacific and
promote the two-state solution. A few come from Zionist, Russian backgrounds,
including one whose grandfather was one of the founders of Israel. My own
direct experience of three visits to Israel inform me that the majority of Jews
and Arabs who live there, co-exist and trade and live peacefully. Between Tel
Aviv and Jerusalem, I saw that Jewish farms are lush and productive, ancient
Arab farms are patches of desert with a few goats. We could put the clock back
worldwide; to say 1,500 AD, and restore native land rights (Texas for the
Apaches – the Highlands for the crofters – Australia for the Aborigines – Droit
de Seigneur for French aristocrats etc) – or we can move on from today’s reality and make peace.
Zealots and crazed religionists on both sides need to be pacified. It seems to have worked in Northern Ireland. How would
you end the feuding? – Noel
UPDATE 13 April 2018 from Nick
add a couple of things.
were about 700,000 Arabs who fled when the Arabs attacked Israel.
was a vicious war of survival for the new Israeli state.
are some 200,000 of those refugees still alive. Some in camps (unfortunately -
and only because Arab states will not accept them) some lucky ones in other
Arab countries.
somehow the UN has counted over 5m refugees to be looked after by a bloated,
corrupt and self serving UNWRA.
(Created in December 1949, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) )
only refugees in the world to have their own UN agency, staffed by some 35,000
put this into perspective the UN employs about 7000 or 8000 staff to look after
all the other worlds refugees, which at the last count was over 70m!!
case anyone forgets, nearly a million Jews were driven out of Arab countries
since the 1930’s and especially since 1948.
were Jews who had lived there for literally thousands of years.
were forced to leave behind any wealth they had, and start over again.
wanted to get on with their lives, not to be permanent refugees. They were
taken in by the US, or the UK, or France, or especially Israel.
gives those refugees a second thought.
Nick (13 April 2018)
WIKIPEDIA - UNRWA services are available to all those living in its area of operations who meet this definition, who are registered with the Agency, and who need assistance. The descendants of Palestine refugee males, including adopted children, are also eligible for registration as refugees. When the Agency began operations in 1950, it was responding to the needs of about 750,000 Palestine refugees. Today, some 5 million Palestine refugees are registered as eligible for UNRWA services.
UNRWA provides facilities in 59 recognized refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, and in other areas where large numbers of registered Palestine refugees live outside of recognized camps.