By Mel Cooper, Oxford, UK – 8th July 2019
22 hours ago - Jacob Rees-Mogg has defended Ann Widdecombe's comparison of
membership of the EU with slavery. In her maiden speech to the European Parliament,
the Brexit Party MEP said: "There is a pattern consistent throughout
history of oppressed people turning on their oppressors, slaves – 4th
July 2019.
Well, now, so Ann Widdecombe has spoken! Clearly, she
understands history better than I do, as she draws a convinced parallel between
Brexit and slaves throwing off their chains and defying their masters.
For the parallel to work, she must have done some very
serious historical research and discovered what hardly anyone has ever noticed
before: that every plantation in the southern United States where slaves were
held clearly had a committee or tiny local parliament or zemstvo of some sort in which the slaves had representation and
could debate their future. Clearly a slave like Spartacus must have had a veto!
Clearly, when they wanted him to go into battle with another gladiator, he had
the option of discussing it first and then saying no. And when the masters
wanted to get the slaves to use their scrip instead of their own, they could
refuse. Can’t you see all the vivid parallels between Britain being in the EU
and slavery? Unfortunately, just as with Britain and the EU, I suppose that the
poor slaves too didn’t have control of their money to the tune of having to pay
around 1% or so of their annual worth in trade and work to the wicked slave
holders in exchange for their privileges. I wonder if they had a rebate or
access to the common slaveholders’ pot for fixing their roads and their hovels?
Or subsidising their farm work? (Tote that barge, lift that bale!) I bet old
time slaves too in places like Egypt as well as Mississippi had to write most
of the laws and rules under which they lived because they were better able to
do it. And clearly, since they were able to throw away the relationship with
the slave holders, they must have had their sovereignty.
In other words, the parallel does not hold water. But what it
does do is highlight even more clearly than the false premises that we are
going to get back control of our money, our laws, our sovereignty and our
borders (we have all four, actually! And it is easy to demonstrate but no one
much wants to listen, not even Remainers!) that, indeed, Brexiteers like Anne
Widdecombe are simply delusional. They live in a world of fantasy, looking
backwards only, bigotry, xenophobia and immense narrowness of vision. Like her
cohorts, Ann is blinkered, tribal and believes in the factitious. She probably
even thinks, along with Donald Trump, that it was the American air force that
won the battles of the American Revolution just as the UK air force alone defeated
the Luftwaffe. (Help from all the Commonwealth nations from the start, help
from Free French and Poles, help from the USA, does not count! We know how to
stand alone!)
But I bet you that the 17.2 million Brexiters are not going
to stop and question what Ann Widdecombe has just declared, just because it is
demonstrably nonsense. That is what they voted for! They are a group of true
rebels throwing off the yoke of the EU and winning back their sovereignty and
possibly even the Empire – largely so that they can give it away in trade deals
with the likes of Donald Trump; and also so that people like Jacob Rees-Mogg
and his ilk will be able to go on evading their national taxes, moving
businesses off shore and having much more success in exploiting the workers
once the pesky EU labour laws (that we lobbied for, voted for and mostly wrote)
are no longer a problem to them. They will be able to have much better control
over the very workers that Labour Leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and Union Boss, Len
McCluskey, wish to help in exactly the same way as Ann Widdecombe - by throwing
off the yoke of the EU which is a dastardly bastion of Capitalism. You remember
Len? He’s the one who threw the 2010 Labour leadership election to Ed instead
of David Miliband and therefore helped start us on the road to where we are
So where is David Cameron? Why is Theresa May, now that she
no longer has nothing to lose, not explaining to the people that it may be the
Will of the People to leave the EU (it isn’t, but that is another story)
somehow or other, leave we must, but that if we implement this will of the
people we will be a much poorer country not only economically but also, and
here is the rub, morally?
We used to punch way above our weight for 45 years as a member
of the EU. We did actually draft most of the laws. We did have a strong voice
in the debates. We were admired and respected as a land of tolerance and
colourful, creative eccentricity. We are throwing all that away. We are
mortgaging the futures of our young and we are doing the exact opposite of what
the Brexit campaign claimed: we are
turning our backs on Europe and we are creating borders to guard zealously. Ask
Theresa May. Not the Hostile Environment. That is what you voted for,
We are only opening ourselves up to the rest of the world
insofar as we will be forced to seek workers for the NHS, catering and other
industries by giving visas for trade deals all around the globe. David Cameron
has handed the running of this country to the most egregious elements of the
Conservative Party. And Jeremy Corbyn and his just-as-egregious, extreme-left, Momentum
allies seem to be uninterested in or incapable of any suitable opposition.
People are claiming that Labour must now come out in favour
of another referendum and Remain. A lot of good that will do! As much good as
it did last time when Jeremy Corbyn said that if you held a gun to his head he
supposed he would have to vote 7 out of 10 for staying in the EU. He failed the
equivalent of the 11 Plus with that one.
No, no, Jeremy: the answer was ten out of ten for staying in
the EU and then ten out of ten for fixing the elements that are needing
tweaking. But they only need tweaking, Jeremy. The EU has given us 45 years of
peace and prosperity, access to one of the largest free trade unions in the world,
access to a common money pot from which to fund roads, schools, hospitals,
special projects and scientific and medical research. It has given our kids the
ability to travel and study freely within the EU and build bridges across
Europe. It has given us a long list of benefits. But, hey, the Will of the
People is to listen to a lot of nonsensical propaganda without questioning a
word of it. I am sympathetic that they are angry at Austerity and feel left
out. But after three years, if they have not yet figured out that Brexit is an
essentially authoritarian, indeed totalitarian, project; that it is kicking the
poor cat because they will not face what the real source of their problems is; then
they are going to deserve everything that comes of this unpredictable act of
self harm. Unfortunately, the rest of us are going to have to live with it too.
Project Fear was actually Project Reality Check!
But you cannot question the referendum result on the basis of
its having been a fire sale of lies and half-truths and false premises! Because
this is not a business deal and it is not an election where there are rules
about misrepresentation that can lead to law-suits. However, given that
referenda are supposed to be advisory only and that this is a Parliamentary
democracy, it seems you cannot admit that the result was lousy advice either.
So we are caught in a No-Win situation. Because when we leave the EU, with or
without a deal, we will be poorer in many ways, and not just financially.
And what irritates me more than anything? For all this time I
have felt as much a citizen of Europe as of Britain and now they are taking
away my European rights and citizenship. And that makes them the masters and me
and all Remainers a slave to a small but tyrannical majority; to an act that
has about it all the intelligence and moral rectitude of Neville Chamberlain
when he crumbled without even consulting with the Czechs properly and gave the
Sudetenland to Hitler. And here we go again! We have actually voted for the
slavery that we had avoided within the EU.
I hate to think what history is going to make of David
Cameron, Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn, the Brexit Brigade and the Eurosceptics in
about ten or fifteen years but I can sure hazard a guess.
Mel Cooper, Oxford, UK
8 July 2019
UPDATE 17th July 2019:
Those who want to leave the EU have the
intelligence and moral stupidity of someone like Ann Widdecombe. There is
nothing we can do to make them see. There is no one who can suggest that maybe
we should be thinking NOT about what the EU can or cannot do for us, but what
we can do for Europe by being ion it and pulling our weight. The tail is
wagging the dog; the immoral nitwits have taken over the country as well as the
Conservative and Labour parties. It is the zeitgeist and everyone is going to
have to live through it, at this rate. The rhetoric has become NO DEAL or T
MAY’s DEAL or something like that. No one is really pushing for cancel Brexit
or revoke Article 50. The whole thing is beyond stupid. To leave the EU totally
is to launch ourselves into outer space with no anchor holding us onto the
space ship. To leave the EU in part is indeed to become a rule taker and also
probably a colony of the USA (quite a lot of ironic Karma in that?). So why are
we doing this! If it is the Will of the People then the people need to be made
to feel ashamed of themselves, perhaps. Or there needs to be a better, more
positive vision of what is going on in the world and how we need to take a
different stance from the destructive, unprincipled belief that somehow we
should abandon our neighbours. The irony is that a nation that is so proud of
having withstood the Nazis is, in fact, now co-operating with putting us on the
first rungs of the ladder to Totalitarian thinking and Fascist ideology. But I
guess that every so often we need to shake things up and destroy as much as we
can before having to rebuild. The Middle East and Iran, trade wars, climate
change: none of this is as satisfying to confront or fix as first having
behaved like children and knocked down all the things we have laboriously built
up so that we can have the delight of struggling to rebuild it all once more.
At the moment, England needs a good shrink! Not Scotland, not Northern Ireland
and not even Wales any more. it is all an English project and history is going
to be very unkind to David Cameron, T May, J Corbyn, B Johnson and all the
other Brexit Blockheads. They are wicked people; and a small majority of people
3 years ago bought into their outrageous, lying propaganda and false premises.
But I would not count on a new vote changing a damned thing because there is no
one informing the public in a way that makes people stop and think: yes, that
is right.
from the latest evidence, I would say that the Labour Party is being run by a
group of Stalinists who have Jeremy, Weak-mind, Corbyn under their thumb.
Perhaps the thing is that he is so stupid that he just believes it when people
tell him things? Or he can only act on what he has heard last? Because he sure
has no convictions or vision of his own beyond his Leninist beliefs. He has not
even noticed that the USSR is gone and did not really work in the first place.
“I have seen the future, and it is a load of crap!” And yes, I think that by now
the Labour Party is institutionally anti-Semitic. Jeremy thinks he is
anti-Zionist without even knowing a thing about Zionism. He has not visited
Israel. He has not been to Yad Vashem. Why? Seumas Milne would never let him!
He might be shocked into removing this blinkers!
don’t feel like stopping my railing against Brexit, but I don’t think it will
do a damned bit of good. Britain is in the grip of exactly the same kind of
no-win approach to politics and the real problems of this country that the Germans
and Italians had in the 1930s. - Mel Cooper.
YES - I agree that we are in the grip of a fascist revival. Maybe the world has to suffer a political and economic breakdown, due to primitive forces, before sanity and intelligent cooperation emerge. Some transborder issues need world-government. What chance of that in our lifetimes? - Noel
23 July 2019 - As Boris Johnson threatens to be our Prime-Minister, Mel Cooper writes:
I worry about our coming out of the EU at any level, let
alone crashing out. Any deal is worse than the deal we have now so why are we
choosing to be a poorer country? Because a bunch of fools buy the propaganda
that somehow was are going to suddenly be free, our own bosses, not beholden to
the EU, not having our rules made by the rest of Europe. All of which is based
on false premises.
We have our sovereignty. The fact that we can choose to
leave the EU proves it. We have a veto under our current deal. We are members
of the parliament of Europe and we debate and decide things there.
ALL that
the Brexiteers are complaining about in the UK, is not an issue caused by the EU. This particularly includes "Austerity", which these under-informed idiots think somehow comes from the EU.
So we are going to trade with the rest of the world under WTO rules? I have
been hearing about the flaws of relying on WTO rules for about a year at least
and after looking into it, I am more alarmed than ever. Increasingly I
think there is no point talking to Brexiteers however; or telling them that if
we exit we will be in for a decade at least of making 120 new trade deals, just to get back to where we are now.
The Brexiteers either have hidden personal motives (especially
Boris the Johnson or Jacob Rees=Smugg) or are made downright stupid by their arrogance and British xenophobia. But the real question is: how do you rally
the Remainers to stop this crap nonsense? Those opposed to Brexit seem
incapable of uniting, creating a voice that is clear, intelligent and
And how do you get people to see that the whole, so-called, Opposition
led by Jeremy Corbyn and his whole cabal, are dangerous Left wing Authoritarians
with the economic understanding of Stalinists in the 1930s. They have seen what
they think is the future and they think it works despite all the evidence from
most of the 20th century to the contrary, not least the collapse of the Soviet
Union and the return of Russia to choosing to be run by some form of Tsar.
what a world we live in! Turns out that the Baby Boomers had all the luck to be
born when they were. Climate Change Chaos, here we come. And Britain being a
third world country with a huge and stupid bigotry at its core that is almost
as bad as the one that Donald Trump is giving encouragement to in the USA. Indeed, if we crash out of the EU or
leave it in any form at all, will there still be a Britain in ten years?
Scotland and Northern Ireland will have every reason to leave. Brexit is a project
of English arrogance and delusion. But hey, we voted for it. And we have not
even begun to understand or discuss the moral issues involved in betraying our continental