By Mel Cooper - 10 December 2020.
Recently, Tim Stanley, an historian and journalist,
who is a leader writer for the DAILY TELEGRAPH in London, UK, was talking about
the wonders of Brexit on SKY News and how we would now get our sovereignty back
at last. As a result, he stated, we would no longer be having laws imposed upon
us by the EU.
choking. I felt like screaming. “Listen, mate, we NEVER had one law imposed
upon us.” Why, when people make these inane and illogical assertions does no
one ever challenge them. For instance, can Tim Stanley name for me one law that
was IMPOSED upon us? Can anyone?
It cannot be done because we did not ever give up our
sovereignty — we pooled it. Think about the difference. Surely it is not too
subtle for you. Pooling Sovereignties! Which is, of course, the point of the
EU. It is as much a collection of pooled sovereignties as the UK is a
collection of four pooled sovereignties, so it is fairly rich that an
intelligent, well-educated journalist and historian does not seem to see the
parallels or get the drift.
The UK had (and theoretically still has) the power to VETO all new EU policies and laws. Every EU law, every single one, was discussed,
debated, and, guess what, sometimes we decided to compromise for good and
sufficient reasons. Votes were taken in the EU parliament, just as they are in
Westminster. Often we proposed the laws in the first place and even drafted
them for the EU. We were as much part of the process, the third loudest voice, for 45 years as people in
parliament who oppose a law, and then it gets passed by a majority, and then,
hey presto, they do NOT consider that the law has been IMPOSED upon them! If
so, then Brexit was imposed upon nearly 50% of this country and the people who
voted against it should be allowed to exit the Brexit.
How about we form a
country within a country consisting of all the cities that voted not to leave
the EU? Shall I start making the list?
It is this kind of thinking and language as used by
Tim Stanley on that program on SKY that is going to ruin this country
completely in the end. It is this kind of illogical and lazy thinking that is a
real danger for us all. Because of the insistence of Brexiteers that we somehow
have given up our sovereignty by joining the EU, and because no one is
questioning this nonsense properly, Brexit is based upon a total
misinterpretation of and even a downright lie about how the system works. To
take one example: we are about, for instance, to lose the whole freedom of
movement for pets within the EU. That was a British initiative. That was
something proposed by and fought for and then passed for the British! And the
EU itself will continue to benefit from this idea for people travelling within
its territories; but not the UK. It will not be so easy to take your mongrel or
moggie to the South of France with you when you rent a summer cottage there.
Indeed, it will not be so easy for you to travel within the EU any more either.
Or for our kids to get educated at EU universities. And that is just a very
tiny start to the changes we are about to have to live with. But hey, folks,
that is what you voted for.
What Brexit means to me, finally, is an act of
betrayal. And do not kid yourself. It is not only that we are betraying the
vision of a Europe united and at peace. Tim Stanley says that we should be
relaxed because once we get our laws back inside our own country and are in
total control of them, hey presto, no one wants to change any of the EU
initiatives on better working hours, paternity and maternity leave, protection
of workers’ rights, etc, etc. Really? Then why are we leaving the EU? Well,
apart from demonizing the judiciary and trying to break international law in
his internal market bill, PM Boris Johnson’s covert intelligence bill permits
undercover agents to break the law. His use of statutory instruments allows him
to evade parliamentary scrutiny. Boris Johnson wants to be the one to appoint
judges, just like his idol Donald Trump; he is also setting up a review of the
Human Rights Act. We are still waiting for Johnson to publish important things like vital independent reports, the Covid procurement contracts and the Brexit impact
studies. Or have you not noticed any of these worrying examples, Tim Stanley?
Boris and his cabinet are also fairly cavalier about appearing before various
parliamentary scrutiny committees. However, maybe this has nothing to do with
anything sinister. Maybe they are just all lazy.
Brexit is not about the people or even about
sovereignty. It is about authoritarian rule, unfettered government economic ambitions
and isolating the UK from EU initiatives about offshore tax havens so that the
UK can become the best, go-to place to launder international money. Try reading a book called Britannia Unchained published in 2012 by
Kwasi Kwarteng, Priti Patel, Dominic Raab, Christ Skidmore and Liz Truss.
Perhaps you should have read it before the 2016 Referendum? Are you actually
aware of it? So here is a question: is Tim Brexit Stanley simply not aware of
any of these activities; is he implicated in this effort of a Boris Takeover;
or is he simply too naïve to notice? Personally I do not have a lot of hope in any of the members of the cabinet keeping the faith and not
messing around with EU laws that protect workers and citizens’ rights.
I will tell you why. Firstly, because people like
Jacob Rees Mogg have an already-declared agenda and are hoping precisely to
erode the rights that they feel make them marginally less rich. And
notably, we are all leaving the EU but Jacob has moved some of his headquarters
to Singapore and Dublin; and Dublin is, emphatically, in the EU. Any thoughts about why? Are
no alarm bells ringing?
For me the Brexit Project is about one simple thing:
elitist authoritarian control by very far right Tories. And it was sold to
voters for one simple reason. Take Back
Control is a great slogan for people who feel deprived and challenged in
various ways, who feel that they have been excluded. It was based on tweaking
people’s feelings of xenophobia. And it feeds in to a strange Superiority
Complex that still plagues the English and unthinking nationalists and would-be
imperialists of all countries.
I was very angry at Tim Stanley when I heard him spout
the idea that, despite our powerful VETO, we have been having laws imposed upon us by the EU, but I am also
very, very saddened that he cannot see how false that idea is. England has
indeed been a great country in many ways over the centuries and produced some
wonderful writers and scientists and actors and explorers and so forth. But it
is now all in jeopardy. As is the
whole EU project. And we were the ones to be in the vanguard of de-stabilising
it. For centuries Europe has kept descending into wars because of countries
that were looking out only for their own narrow and short-term interests and
seeing themselves entirely as uncompromisingly at odds with all the other
countries around them. So they formed alliances and reformed alliances and
fought war after war after war. Whatever the flaws of the EU, the whole project
was able for 45 years to avoid that mentality. And look what has happened since
we, the UK, voted for Brexit? Right-Wing resurrections in Poland and Hungary and the Czech Republic; France
and Marine Le Pen and the damned fisheries. It is all starting up again. And
Britain is already slipping from 5th richest to 6th richest to 7th richest. And
look at how badly our government, so in love with the authoritarian and
centralized approach, has handled the whole pandemic?
And so here we are, ready to leave the EU on 31
December 2020 as it turns into 2021. Even if we get a deal, it cannot be as
good as the EU deal we have that we voted to abandon. Does that not say something important?
And I suspect strongly that in the future, when the
history of this low decade (dominated by Conservatism in this country and
Donald Trump’s style of Republicanism in the USA) is written, that Boris Johnson,
Jacob Rees Mogg, Dominic Cumming, Michael Gove, Priti Patel and the whole self-serving
lot of them will be perceived as traitors to their country that they truly are,
people who put their own narrow, blinkered interests before their country’s
good; and people who betrayed the rest of Europe to boot - just as Putin and Trump want. They are Quislings,
the lot of them, and they do not give any kind of damn for the less privileged
citizens of their country.
But I fear there is no point trying to debate with
them or convince the average voter of any of this. You see, Brexit is based on
that stupid, proud Superiority Complex of theirs and for the Ruling Elite of
our country it is based on their Daily Telegraph approach to their own wealth.
They do not give a damn about educating the country. And they do not, I think,
speak sincerely or truthfully if it is going to go against their private wishes
and secretive agendas. I am sure they are intelligent enough, some of them
anyway, to work out the logic behind a false statement like “taking back our
sovereignty”. They know perfectly well that every idea they sold you to get
Brexit was ultimately based on the false premise that we had given up our
sovereignty, not that we had pooled it, which is the truth of the matter. I am
certain that they can figure out the difference between giving up sovereignty
and pooling it for the common good of all concerned. So if we allow them that
much intelligence, they are people totally and completely without integrity or
any sense of idealism; and they are liars.
Thus, my question is: does Tim Stanley believe what he
says, has he fallen for it; or is he one of the liars too? And if they or he cannot
see it, then they truly are too stupid and incompetent to be believed in any
way. Mind you, there is nothing to say that these two things are mutually
exclusive — the mind can hold two things at the same time. They can believe in
the totally illogical and false while at the same time knowing that they are
conning us.
And so there seems to be nothing we can do, fellow
citizens. If we scream, yell, or articulate any protests, all that happens is
that the people who can see it agree, but the Make Britain Great Again-ers call
what we are saying Project Fear to deflect from the fact that it is actually
Project Due Diligence. And they will never change their minds any more than
people who wanted to see Dreyfus go to Devil’s Island could be convinced, even
after all the evidence that he was innocent was before them; or people who
thought six months of Hitler in power would lead to cleaning up the country as
he promised and then he could be got rid of. But do not kid yourself. Once
people like Boris Johnson and his cohorts get the power, it is very hard to get
rid of them. And once they start progressing towards their true, hidden goals that
dare not be articulated properly, they go forward step by step eroding all that
Britain has stood for democratically and intellectually for a good four hundred
years. And so, as in so many things, we are following the USA and just lagging
behind it. Think of our Conservative Party as becoming more and more like the
Republicans or the Tea Party, in the USA. And think of Boris as being Donald
Trump Light. And that is what this country voted for.
So please tell me at last: what law was imposed on us?
Give me one example in the last 45 years of a law that was imposed by the EU against our will, against our sovereignty? One
example of a law made by the EU that we did not participate in considering,
debating, formulating, voting on, passing and even writing up for the parliament
of the EU to ratify? We had a VETO on every decision that impacted on Britain.
Oh, and then there is the other important thing you
might want to think about: that there was no real Opposition at the time of the
Referendum. Because life-long-Leaver Jeremy Corbyn and his intellectually limp gang had control
of the supposedly opposing party and undermined the
campaign to maintain our membership in the EU. I blame Corbyn, his cohorts and
that ineffably old fashioned dinosaur Len McCluskey (Labour’s flip side of the
Dominic Cummings coin) as much as I blame Boris Johnson and his people.
But right now I think I am going to go out and sing
Christmas carols in the street and cheer myself up by hibernating, probably for
up to a decade. When I re-emerge, we will see who was right about Brexit and
immigration – me or Priti Patel.
11 DEC 2020 Letter to The Guardian:
Guardian headline “Johnson tells ministers to prepare for no-deal Brexit”
11 Dec 20, and your several commentaries forecasting 2% fall in GDP, “But we
plucky Brits will get through it” are ridiculously optimistic. Prepare how?
Prepare for what? They must be penned by people who have never built a
business, marketed exports or financed a payroll. All respected global agencies
from the Bank of England to Bloomberg have consistently warned of 8% drop in
GDP and 15% - 20% fall in Sterling – for any Brexit. That translates to 5 to 7
million UK job losses or equivalent reduction of wages.
Any Brexit, spurning
our share of “The largest and richest market – ever” will bankrupt Britain. It
is what Rees Mogg and chums in their tax-havens are betting on; they will blame
the calamity on Covid-19 but Covid will have a V shaped recovery. Cafes, Pubs,
Hairdressers, Nail bars, Theatres, Vacations etc. and other pleasures will
quickly switch back on, accelerated by the Internet-Revolution.
essential, serious agriculture, engineering and City of London services, our
exports, sabotaged and fragmented by Brexit, will be swallowed whole by competing
nations. Our only hope is to stop and abandon this idiotic, moronic, suicidal
Brexit. – Noel Hodson, Oxford.
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