Go to https://noelhodsonscifi.com/ for science articles. My email for discussions is noel@noelhodson.com
Monday, 16 August 2021
Thursday, 4 February 2021
February 4th 2021: BREXIT BUGGERS BRITAIN.
Dear Boris and the ERG,
Where is my Brexit Bonus and what are the Opportunities
for me in your Brexit Sunlit Uplands?
Yours sincerely,
A Concerned Citizen and Voter.
Oxford - UK.
City of London and Services Passporting Rights:-
January 2021: "Meanwhile Rishi Sunak
has the
importance of enrolling finance into wider green economic recovery policies and
supporting the development of digital finance.
He is right to note that the future of the sector is not just a London issue. It adds around £130 billion to the UK economy and 1.1 million jobs. For example, in Edinburgh around 10% of jobs are in financial and related professional services."
On 1 January 2021, the United Kingdom will lose all the
rights and obligations it had as an EU Member State and during the transition
period under the Withdrawal Agreement. It will no longer benefit from seamless
access to the EU Single Market and Customs Union, or from EU policies and
international agreements (including its free trade agreements with other third
This will create new barriers to trade in goods and
services, and to cross-border mobility and exchanges that do not exist today –
in both directions. While the new agreement will serve to limit disruptions
compared to a situation without an agreement being in place, public
administrations, businesses, citizens and stakeholders on both sides will
inevitably be affected. The Commission has issued extensive guidance on how
best to deal with these changes.
Don't say we didn't warn you.
30 November 2018
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Monday, 18 January 2021
Following on from the above slides and my blogs on the six forces, Gravity, Electromagnetism. Strong Nuclear, Weak Nuclear, Time and Lifeforce, this sketches the dim glimmer of an idea that might be developed, or not, as the case may be. I think that, as the slides conclude, history has mass, which is evident in the electromagnetic waves that emanate or propagate from all and any core object and fill the space from that core (the real object) to the outer, expanding periphery of the object's sphere. It is the sphere that we "see" and which enables us to locate and study the object. We also generate or reflect our own identifying sphere, which enables others to identify us by intercepting the data broadcast to the periphery of our sphere. Thus, everything we see is a historic image from the past, as far back in the past as the time it takes for the light to travel or propagate from the core object to the periphery or horizon on the expanding sphere. Note the inspiration from descriptions of Black Holes.
We "see" all objects where our own sphere and the object's sphere intercept. It might be that particles result at the points of interception. The data or information from the core is visible on every point of the sphere. We can see an object from any position we take relative to the core, because the data is broadcast to the periphery. We are viewing history. At very close range, with split-second time elapsing, where the core and the viewer are simultaneous, they might merge their spheres and become one object.
So far, so good. I think this construct makes scientific sense.
What probably doesn't make any sense, again borrowing from Black Hole event horizon essays, is: am I the viewer, or my two-dimensional image, captured on the expanding sphere of the distant object? I am now confused and cannot explain how such a 2D image might form. But let's continue. The data /information from the object, say the Sun, is definitely visible at any point on its sphere. I speculate in previous essays that Spooky Action at A Distance from "entanglement" occurs when we intercept and interfere with the particle/s where our sphere's meet; where our energy changes the particle on the Sun's expanding sphere; and so alter the characteristics of the sphere - and so alter all the particles on that sphere, at every point on the sphere. Thus, nearby particles having travelled for 8 minutes (history) and 93 million miles, which I affect, equally affect, say an entangled particle, 93 million miles on the far side from my position. My observational reach is now 186 million miles.
We have entered the realms of Science Fiction. My 2D photographic image is perhaps also present on the far side of the Sun's sphere, 186 million miles from my core, which is the real me. I am having an impact on the electromagnetic waves that propagate from the Sun and form a radio sphere at a radius of 93 million miles. I alter the sphere. That impact will affect every point on the Sun's broadcasting sphere. Now, let's be bold and switch from gazing at the Sun to studying the Milky Way, which I also see only because the galaxy also broadcasts its presence, its existence (stands out) via an expanding sphere - until it arrives at my eyeballs and fevered brain. Can my holographic 2D self happily roam about on the far side of the galaxy?
The thought has been bugging me for months; so I here broadcast it to perplex other similarly stricken theorists or SF authors. Answers on a postcard please to noel@noelhodson.com .
Read More:
Friday, 15 January 2021
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Trump Mob Storms Capitol Hill - Jan 2021 |
Independent Appeasers
By Mel Cooper
This morning
when I opened up my news feed there was a headline that caught my eye
immediately. It was: Impeaching Trump
Again is Unnecessary and Risks Further Dividing the US. This was the
editorial in the UK Independent newspaper.
My first reaction? Annoyance. Further reactions? Absolute fury and concern.
So, I
thought, here we are back in 1938 again and the thinking press of the UK is
advocating Appeasement; as PM Stanley Baldwin offered to Hitler – celebrating “Peace
In Our Time”. What this editorial headline says to me immediately, before even
having to read the crawling editorial itself, is that people are more worried
about the Storm Troopers and what they might say and do than they are about the
truth. Also, that the primacy of Justice is downgraded to make room for
crawling cowardice and self-serving short-term thinking.
Donald Trump
is a criminal. It is not as if his criminality and betrayal of his country are
hidden away or in any way ambiguous. Like a Mafia don, he tried to make the
Secretary of State of Georgia an offer he could not refuse - if he only found
an extra 12,000 or so votes somehow in the State of Georgia for Donald. He
should be impeached for that alone. And be fair to the Secretary of State. He politely
and diplomatically decided not to publish the recording of the phone call
unless and until the Donald attacked him; which, true to form, the President of
the United States did, thus compounding his crime of trying to vote-fix by
lying further when confronted with his own dangerous mendacity.
Meantime, the
Donald, Humpty Trumpty, was tweeting to his followers to come to Washington on
6 January, come by the millions, march on the Capitol and Stop the Steal!
(Interesting how Donald goes for 3 word slogans? Pity! Catchy! Distilled lies!)
He was actually asking his followers to interfere with the due process of the
election, which had already been declared in dozens and dozens of court cases
to be totally legal and correct.
“Stop the
Then we get Trump,
his son Trump Jnr, Giuliani, etc, addressing the crowd (not millions but 50,000
or so. Who counted?) and telling them
not to be cowards. Today is the day that we start fighting. Today we take back
control. Today we kick ass. Today you have to be a hero, or you will be a zero.
Today we take back the election that was stolen from us. (Wonder where they got
that slogan. Brexit perhaps: Take Back Control)
If after all
that we are supposed to look the other way, then we are in serious trouble. No,
it will NOT further divide a divided
nation. The Storm Troopers aren’t going to listen anyway. We should stop even
trying to convert them. And people with half a brain and some eyesight and
hearing are fully aware of what has been going on with the Donald all of his
life - more ramped-up since he started running for president. Piers Morgan is
saddened by how much the Donald has changed since he first was an admiring
friend. I have news for Piers Morgan. Donald Trump has not changed. He was
always like this. It was always an act and he always created the scripts that
he needed and then worked from them. And our very own Boris Johnson revered him
as a hero and a role model, so think about that too. (Not to mention the ass-licking,
brown-nosing, creepy snake known as Nigel Farage, the would-be German citizen.)
But to
suggest that we should not impeach this criminal, this proto-Fascist because it
will upset his followers and they might then do bad things, is more or less in
the same moral and intellectual camp as giving Hitler the Sudetenland, or insisting
that even if Dreyfus is innocent, he should stay on Devil’s Island because it
is more patriotic to uphold the good name of the army of France.
Once every
two or three generations a test comes along. And The Independent has just sat
the exam and has given very much the wrong answer. Indeed, it has got a D
minus. It has not failed completely. At least it recognizes in its answer that
wrongs have been done and the President of the United States is criminal. The
whole world has now seen his criminality in action in no uncertain terms. And
they are right to think that Trump’s Storm Troopers are dangerous.
All those
years he has not so much been lying as feeding his followers propaganda. Yes,
folks, he has been following the Goebbels Play Book, the Mussolini Martini mixer,
that poisons the mind, appeals to paranoia, provokes racism, and finds Another upon whom to blame all your woes
in this world that will then be fixed by your new Gawd, Hilter, Mussolini or
Franco or … Donald Trump. Our hero, our Gawd. It’s also called Brainwashing;
and the followers’ brains are totally cleansed of any aspect of inhibition
against violence, tolerance of any other viewpoint, tolerance of anyone who is
not White and created in their image.
As I have
said before, MAGA really means MAWA: Make America White Again. And they carry
But they are a minority. However large the
minority, it is still a minority. And among them are many people who would
waver, who would be able to wake up from the hypnotism that has been
perpetrated upon them; and who will not wake up unless they see people try to
do WHAT IS RIGHT! It will be tough; it may take time for the message to sink
in. But if Nancy Pelosi and the other Democrats and sane Republicans (the ten
who voted for impeachment) don’t invoke the law and do what they can to bring
Donald Trump and enablers and his cohorts of cultists to justice, if they are
not seen to try to apply justice, then that will be the ultimate betrayal and
also the ultimate stupidity. Because as with any form of appeasement, that will
just make the enemy stronger. They will see that they can get away with it and
they will then start trying to get away with even more.
It may indeed
provoke riots and violence if you impeach Trump. But that is the reaction of a
cult at bay, being defanged. Not to impeach Trump, not to sue him in all the
courts of the land for his various nefarious deeds over the year, is what will
empower the Storm Troopers. Anything to do with Trump is always going to be a
Lose-Lose situation. The brave thing is to choose the terms of the loss and be
ready to confront it. Not to impeach Trump is a reneging of duty. As our friend
Noel Hodson said, that is like saying you must not prosecute Jack the Ripper
because people will think you are infringing his human rights and his fellow
serial killers might get angry and riot.
So, I have
only one thing to say to the Independent: you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
By Mel Cooper
said that “All the World’s a stage” and that all the men and women of
this world are merely players on that stage. They play their parts and they
have exits and entrances, just as in the theatre.
Well, the
realm of politics seems to me to bear out this metaphor spectacularly these
days. Indeed, I would say that sometimes watching the politicians on the news is
the most interesting show in town.
given the proliferation and increasing influence of all the new media, a lot of
political discourse and events have become, essentially, reality TV shows (or
Reality YouTube?). We follow them with the same verve and voyeurism as people
follow the Big Brother House or Love Island. Perhaps it would make our lives
easier if we simply accepted this and saw the news every day as another form of
theatrical entertainment? So here, at Performance Now, we are going to
give that a try.
Of course, in
America, this is doubly so because of President Donald Trump, who treats
everything he does as if he is competing for ratings. He even runs elections
that way; and the media give him the platform he wants for that purpose. He used
that platform not so long ago to whip up chaos and rioting; and finally to show
incontrovertibly what he is about. It is not so much that he is the
Liar-in-Chief; more that he is a Propagandist Extraordinary in the mould of the
Fascists of the 1920s and 1930s, and therefore has, I think now, been working
these past 5 years and more to brainwash his followers into becoming his Storm
Troopers. He has succeeded, and the USA is now at a very dangerous moment in
its history. He has succeeded through, I believe, extremely calculated and
consistent performance.
This seem to
me also to be true in the UK where the Prime Minister has been auditioning for
his certification as a Genuine Professional Clown for decades. That is a good
cover for what he may actually be up to, folks. And these self-serving, power grabbing
performances to get support for toxic hidden agendas are happening in many
other places as well, especially in the territories of the more right wing neo-populist
I have been
struck by this idea all over again because of two performances that I caught just
recently, before the events at the Capitol in Washington. The first was on Sky
News. They invited Peter Hitchens to
comment on the newspaper headlines. His basic stance and argument was that the
whole Covid epidemic is simply exaggerated. Hitchens insisted vociferously that
Covid is not much worse than any seasonal flu; that the reportage of so many
deaths is fake news, that people die from things all the time and especially in
midwinter, so there is no need to get excited about it. The whole Covid thing
is exaggerated. The motive for them to exaggerate is that they want to scare us
so that they can control us. So don’t
believe this lie and you will be free, free. It is all about liberty!
Now, in some
ways he was merely reading from one of the standard scripts of the people who
like to deny. I have heard it all before. So why was I so exercised this time?
Firstly, because in playing his part as a Covid Leaver, the Peter Hitchens Act
was especially well-prepared and his performance was very confident and
therefore he might have convinced some people who would rather believe a
comforting fantasy than the evidence that is actually available.
because he was saying all this when the very news programme he was on had just
read out the latest figures of infections and deaths and shown charts that
demonstrated that the Covid plague has now been more out of control for the
past weeks in several countries including the UK than it has ever been before;
and that that this is at least partly because there is a new strain to the
virus that is far more transmissible. Hitchens was also not prepared to concede
that perhaps the schools – and indeed the whole country – might need to be
locked down as a crude but effective way of trying to suppress the spread of
the virus until enough people can be vaccinated. I am not sure he even thinks
we need vaccines! He is probably even one of those cranks who thinks the
vaccines poison us. As someone who was given the first polio vaccine and knew
people with polio as a child who have suffered immeasurably all their lives
because they got polio before the vaccine was available, I promise you I’m a
full believer in vaccines . Yes, there may be side effects; but that is rare;
and the vaccines are always rigorously tested and monitored by law in our
society. What is the bigger risk: Covid or the vaccine?
What struck
me more than all this Hitchens illogical thinking, however, is that the presenter
and the other guest who did not agree with Hitchens were at no point willing to
treat what Hitchens was saying as anything but another opinion. No one reacted
to the flaws in his position, the shallowness of his stance; no one said he was
lying (which he effectively was doing), nor did they challenge him for his
irresponsible and dangerous statements that play directly into the prejudices,
fears and dangerous actions of a proportion of our citizens.
And that is
the nub of why people are not learning or facing the truth. This is one of the
ways that the Brexit debate was lost too. It seems that the priority for almost
all broadcasters these days is to be so balanced and neutral that whatever is
said is a matter of opinion, nothing more, that must be respected like any
other matter of opinion. It also seems that they are more interested in
entertaining you and pressing your emotional buzzers than they are in
presenting you with cogent, intelligent and logical truths or debates. Hence
all the many appearances of people the likes of Nigel Farage on TV over the
years, all the articles he wrote, all the interviews he gave, being given huge
amounts of space; effectively giving his lying agenda a platform that he could
not hope to buy with all the money available to him. The same with Boris
Johnson and when he promoting Brexit. The propaganda he was spouting was
treated as an alternative truth.
But Covid is
not a matter of opinion. It is a complex and possibly fatal disease and you
cannot simply argue it away by stating that government or medical practitioners
are exaggerating. Ask hospitals in the UK or in California at the moment. On
the other hand, Hitchens, like Farage, is in his way provocative entertainment
and so he is both given the platform and treated politely without any real
challenge. He is, in effect, performing.
Later in the
same news cycle, came the tape of President Donald Trump phoning the Secretary
of State in Georgia, Brad Raffensperger. On this call Trump was clearly playing
Marlon Brando in The Godfather.
Actually, Brando was somewhat less sinister and more direct. All the requests by
Trump for Raffensperger to find a few thousand more votes; and all Trump’s
appeal for loyalty to himself, through the fact that the Secretary of State was
a Fellow Republican, sounded as if he was building up to making Raffensperger
an offer he could not refuse.
Fortunately, Brad
Raffensperger had enough integrity (amounting to the heroic under the
circumstances) simply to stick to the facts. There is no evidence of fraud in
the voting; there is no evidence of rigged machines. So what did Trump do next?
Having spent quite some time summoning his cohorts to Washington to try to
disrupt the process of counting the electoral votes, he went to the crowd. He
brought his son, he brought Rudy Giuliani, he brought others; and they all
wound up at the gathering of Trump Storm Troopers and set them loose. I love
the bit where he was playing the part to the hilt and promising to go with
them, march with them, to the Capitol. Of course he didn’t! He was having a
party to watch what he clearly hoped would escalate so that he could declare a
State of Emergency, bring in the troops, declare Martial Law and refuse to step
down as President. At least that is how the subtext of that play looked to me!
Maybe you
could give Trump the benefit of the doubt and decide Trump was not “lying”?
Maybe he is so delusional that he is
stating what he really believes? If so, then maybe he is simply mentally ill.
He is so damaged and narcissistic that he cannot accept that he lost the
election and so the only possible explanation he can understand is that somehow
the election was rigged against him. The election must have been stolen because
losing was not an option – and he truly believes this even after being told
over and over that this is simply not the case.
That is another
possible subtext to read into the Trump movie script.
However, I
believe another possibility. He is actually acting his part quite consciously
and cynically. He is playing out his own TV reality show. And he is craftily
setting things up so that he can move on after 20 January 2021 to a career with
an audience of about 74 million loyal fans. Of course, the two possibilities
are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
All this fits,
with increasing certainty, into the proposition that all the world truly is now
a stage for politicians and others; that YouTube and Facebook and Twitter are
nothing but “reality” entertainment and performance platforms; that most of the
women and men are playing their parts as scripted by themselves or their
supporters who have their covert agendas; and that many of these politicians
truly are actors and not much more.
though they have their entrances, sooner or later all these people will have
their exits. Mel Cooper, Oxford, Jan
13th 2021
Saturday, 2 January 2021
2nd January 2021:
26 of 28
From: Noel Hodson
28 of 28 Sources and resources: New Scientist Issues 1 to 3312 – Scientific American 1958 to 1992 – University of Oxford Dept for Continuing Education, Particle & Astrophysics, Tutor David Chapple, Jan 2010 to Jan 2014. – BOOKS : Gravity, Brian Glegg – Nothing, New Scientist – Newton Never at Rest, Richard S Westfall – Paradoxes of Time Travel, Ryan Wasserman – Lightspeed, John C.H. Spence – Electric Universe, David Bodanis – The Quark and the Jaguar, Murray Gell-Mann – The Science Delusion, Rupert Sheldrake – The Ascent Of Gravity, Marcus Chown – The Order of Time, Carlo Rovelli – Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, Carlo Rovelli – Supersymmestry (Superposition), David Walton – Infinity in the palm of your hand, Marcus Chown – The Theory of Relativity: and other essays, Albert Einstein – The Quantum World, NS – QED, Richard Feynman – Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics, Richard P Feynman – The speed of mass, Philip J Morgan – Everything is Physics, Andrew Worsley – What we cannot know: Marcus du Sautoy – Douglas Adams – The Great Mathematicians, Raymond Flood, Robin Wilson – The Stuff of the Universe, John Gribben & Martin Rees – The Scientific Exploration of Mars, Frederic W. Taylor – Schrodinger’s Kittens and the search for reality, John Gribbin – The Number Mysteries, Marcus du Sautoy – Chaos, James Gleick – The Tao of Physics, Fritjof Capra – The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins – About Time, Einstein’s unfinished revolution, Paul Davies, - Einstein’s Cosmos, Michio Kaku – The Music of the Primes, Marcus du Sautoy – Leonardo The First Scientist, Michael White – The Diversity of Life, Edward O Wilson – The Ghost in the Atom, PCW Davies & JR Brown – The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene – The Science of Genetics, Charlotte Auerbach – Richard Feynman and modern physics, James Gleick – Modern Science Writing, Richard Dawkins – The Dreams that Stuff is Made Of, Stephen Hawking – Inside the Centre, Oppenheimer, by Ray Monk – The Code Book, Simon Singh – Isaac Newton, James Gleick – The Void, Frank Close – INNUMERACY, John Allen Paulos – Einstein, Banesh Hoffman & Helen Dukas – What do you care what other people think? , Richard Feynman – The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Gary Zukav – Sustainable Energy without the hot air, David JC MacKay – The Goldilocks Enigma, Paul Davies – The Joy of Pi, David Blatner – Five Equatios that changed the world, Michael Guillen – The Case of the Missing Neutrino, John Gribbin – Constructing Reality, John Marburger – Astronomy, Fred Hoyle – Viruses from Space, Fred Hoyle & Chandra Wikramahsinge & John Watkins – ASIMOV Guide to Science – Einstein for Beginners, Joseph Schwartz & Michael McGuiness – Before the Beginning, on Stephen Hawking by Martin Rees - A natural history of zero, Robert Kaplan – Catching the Light, Arthur Zajonc – In Search of Schrodinger’s Cat, John Gribbin – QED The strange theory of light and matter, Richard P. Feynman – The End of Time, Julian Babour – The Last Three Minutes, Paul Davies – The Quantum Society, Danah Zohar & Ian Marshall – The Cosmic Blueprint, Paul Davies – The Trouble with Physics, Lee Smolin – The Astonishing Hypothesis, Francis Crick – The Birth of Time, John Gribbin – In Search of the Edge of Time, John Gribbin – Six Easy Lesson & Six Not so Easy Lessons, Feynman - A brief History of Time, and A Life in Science, Stephen Hawking – Lectures at The Royal Society