Human Brain - the most complex organ. |
We are none of us alone. Nobody was or is an original, solo-inventor of any complex tool.
Take for example, a modern helicopter.
Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519 drew a depiction of a wooden model helicopter that probably drew on many earlier models or children's toys, that probably drew inspiration from tree seeds or bird's feathers twirling down to the ground or on updrafts; as observed by thousands or millions of our long-body (from Eve and Adam) ancestors.
The 'How a Helicopter Works' manual is 500 pages long. The detailed parts list for a helicopter is estimated as comprising one-million bits and pieces. Each piece was or is NOT the work of one person seized by a sudden solo vision. All complex technology has evolved since H-Sapiens discovered fire - giants standing on the shoulders of giants. Each of the 1,000,000 helicopter's parts and functions has involved thousands of H-Sapiens progenitors over thousands of years.
And when we learn how to fit the one-million bits together, we then need to drill for and refine fuel. And when we have both the mechanisms and the fuel, we need to figure out how to fly the damn thing - and service it. H-Sapiens lives in a very, very complex interdependent world. We need each other. The most desirable, expensive, flashiest car is only as good as its last fill of gas (petrol) or charge of its electric battery. Otherwise it is useless.
For all the 70,000 or so items commonly traded between nations, we need to agree operating manuals and operating habits. We need thousands of inputs from millions of H-Sapiens' mature brains to make even the simplest societies functional. We absorb 70 years of learning, and each consume 50 tons of food, water and air (energy), as part of the H-Sapiens tribe of seven billion people; we sort out and store all that experience in our brains; maybe we write some of it down - then we die.
What is The Purpose?
They say that "Energy cannot be created or destroyed." and say that "Information can never be lost."
Nature is wasteful and extravagant. A single Atlantic Salmon spends years at sea, swims up a Scottish river, lays 7,000 eggs and dies. Of the 7,000 eggs, only 10 survive to adulthood. The rest, 6,990, are collateral damage. Fish food or rotten waste. Nature doesn't care. There are plenty more fish in the sea.
Is this also true of H-Sapiens' brains? All that exquisite wiring, stored memories and unique skills; all that creativity; all those potential hyperspace warp-drive concepts; just worm food or corrupt waste?
Or - do some. a very few, H-Sapiens' brains and nervous systems broadcast their intelligent patterns, their and the whole human race's accumulated cooperative knowledge, out across the universe? Not just at a critical moment before those very rare and special evolved humans give up the ghost, pack it all in, and disintegrate, but broadcast coherently, continually from birth to death?
Do those most coherent broadcasts reach to and beyond the horizons of The Observable Universe and in their travels do they inform and reform the universal patterns of energy? Is that nature's reason for breeding seven billion quarrelsome folk, who die off at the rate of one-hundred-million per year after making their contributions to the ever evolving future?
Barrier Reef Coral Spawning. How many survive? |