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Death of the Higgs.
SADLY:- The HIGGS does not confer mass, says CERN; at least not much mass "approximately a fingernail of mass compared to the whole human body"
The as yet unconfirmed sighting of the very short lived Higgs Boson and therefore also of the Higgs Field, may cast new light on old conundrums. If the Higgs Field was broadcasted throughout the universe shortly after the Big-Bang and if the field is constituted so as to confer mass – to spin straw into gold or light into matter – then The Higgs Field is the basic stuff of the universe. This may not be so. We may be running far ahead of CERN and cautious science; but if the Higgs is truly the “God Particle” then the particle’s Field is logically the source of all things, of all phenomena that have mass and reality in our macro-world.
I am convinced there is such a field, which I have named The Aether-Matrix, but will happily rename The Higgs Field if it fits the requirements. One of the many mysteries of the primordial field, as observed from Earth, is expressed in Oblers’ Paradox.
The energy field, a field of light, creates sub-atomic particles and it creates moons, planets, stars and galaxies. The field is expanding according to the Hubble Red Shift, which is based on the speed at which galaxies are seen to move away from each other.
Most commentaries on The Higgs Boson assume that it appeared 13.7 billion years ago, compressed light into particles (E=MC2) and immediately decayed within milliseconds; leaving the universe without any Higgs Bosons but with the enduring Higgs Field? In this scenario, which is traditional Big-Bang philosophy, all primary matter was made at an early stage then the mechanism switched off. (I am beginning to think that it is a simplistic and erroneous model).
However, let us accept it for this article and restate Olbers’ Paradox in that structure.
The observable universe is an expanding Higgs field, with galaxies 13.7 billion years old; the farthest are 43 billion light-years away from us – at our observational horizon. There has been time for millions of “shells” of universal nested spheres bearing galaxies and stars to become populated with bright objects – along every line of sight we may take from Earth. In other words, wherever we gaze into space, our line of sight should see a star either far or near. Stars are suns and shine brightly.
Kepler first posed the problem in 1610 and Heinrich Olbers correctly concluded in 1823 that we should see a uniformly bright night sky – an illuminated sheet of stars in every direction. The paradox is that we see mostly vast areas of darkness, pierced with dots of light. Why?
Immensely clever people have confirmed the paradox and proposed different solutions. In the light of the Higgs Field, and the Hubble expanding “open” universe, with a fixed amount of created matter, is there a new potential solution?
As I have written here before, it is inarguably self-evident that wherever in space we set a telescope, or an eye, it sees the entire universe. There is no empty space. Any observing sphere of any size sees, in that sphere, the electro-magnetic signals of the entire universe, criss-crossing the sphere. These are “holographic” images; each has a unique size and angle on the whole universe; they are limited by their diameter as to what wave heights or amplitude they can see in a particular sphere. If the Higgs mechanism fixed the universal matter 13.7 billion years ago, no new matter is being created today – so we need only concern ourselves with the disintegration and reintegration of particles and macro-objects. We have some understanding of galactic explosions and implosions and signals; and it is therefore likely that the distant horizon stars and galaxies are indeed very old and that we see very old light arriving on Earth from them.
One proposed solution is that with so many stellar objects propagating and broadcasting waves – exact but opposite wavelengths cancel each other – leaving darkness. My thought today is, do the light waves, travelling so far and for so long, change their wavelengths and their wave-heights or amplitude? Do the signals spread out as we observe does happen with narrow laser-beams fired at, say, the Moon? If the amplitude increases, if the wave grows taller like a spreading beam of light, it could become larger than the observing spheres we employ to gaze into outer-space. If the waves are too tall for our eyes and instruments to encompass – we will see …darkness.
Does the Hubble expanding Higgs Field enable light waves to grow in height?
QED – Answers on a postcard please.
More boson blogs later – another time.
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