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17TH JULY 2014 - The UK Government has used the public's loathing of child abusers to shoehorn in, literally overnight, a new 1984 Total Surveillance law - DRIP - which requires all telephone and internet providers to retain all records of all telecoms and internet use on all citizens, in perpetuity. And, of course, to give total access to government agencies. This contrasts with German Chancellor Angela Merkel's and EU demands that the US (and the UK) stop meta-data and personal e-spying on family, friends and foes alike.
Conservative PM, David Cameron, insists that he and DRIP are keeping us all safe in beds - safe from Terrorists and Sex Abusers; and that "IF YOU HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE, then you have nothing to fear" - the assurance offered by all mad dictators and secret police. This coincides with a new inquiry into sex abuse by senior UK political figures - allegedly including top Tory figures - who among other unpleasant habits beat and sodomised little boys trapped in government "Care Homes", from about 1950 to date; probably all Friends of Jimmy Savile.
To demonstrate the urgent need for DRIP, UK police have, on the same day the snooping law was passed, arrested 660 UK pedophiles who have been accessing and swapping vile images of abused children. Only 39 of those arrested were previously on the Sex Offenders register. A police investigator for OPERATION NOTARISE said there are 50,000 Brits who use such illegal criminal pornography. An academic expert from UCL, on BBC Newsnight 16th July, claimed that 1 in 6 UK children are sexually abused; which is so unlikely that he ought to check his data and insane calculations.
FUTURIST VIEW - So, what are the consequences? Government will know what all citizens are doing on-line and no records will be deleted. Any attempt to block surveillance and keep business confidential will be an immediate target for zealous snoopers. This will accelerate the growth of the unhackable (so far) INTERNET 2 called MESHNET and other wireless networks. It will also enable TAX COLLECTORS to gather cast iron evidence of tax and money frauds going back decades, which will cause a run on the world's 74 tax-havens. On-shoring will greatly accelerate from now - in 2014. For child-abusers, terrorists and tax-evaders there is nowhere safe to hide.
22 JULY 2013 - British Prime Minister David Cameron this weekend played the pedophile porn card, yet again, to divert media attention away from his Australian adviser Lynton Crosby, who currently drives UK government policy. Lynton Crosby owns lobbying firm Crosby Textor which works for Big Tobacco, Big Pharma, Big Energy and probably Big Everything else.
Since being inserted into the heart of Westminster, and paid huge fees by the Tory Party, Lynton Crosby has set the media attack dogs to destroy the National Health Service (NHS) and sell it to America, to sabotage Plain Packaging and other programs to dissuade 570 children a day from eventual death through smoking tobacco, to ban the relatively harmless East African Khat or Qat chewing leaves that might compete with tobacco and alcohol, to continue the long failed massively expensive socially deadly "war on drugs", which do compete with tobacco and alcohol, and to attack all forms of energy production except Big Oil and Fracking gases that massively increase global warming. (Without a spark - Natural Gas auto-ignites at 500C )
Lynton Crosby is cunningly correct. No one, except the depraved, can or does or wants to argue against protecting children and teenagers from depravity. Without producing any testable evidence, while switching the unwelcome light of the internet and the media away from his secret adviser, Cameron/ Crosby today claims on BBC radio news that 50,000 UK pedophiles collect depraved images and search for child abuse images using search terms that are so disgusting - they cannot be repeated on radio, TV, or in print. On this untested, unpublished, alleged statistical evidence he calls for search-engine companies to ban such search-terms. "Trust Me - I'm Your Prime Minister!"
This cynical alarmist political pandering to the hysterical unwashed uneducated Sun Newspaper reading and ogling masses, whose children are under attack by hordes of internet crazed pedophiles, is deeply irresponsible and will trigger a wave of depraved searches by ordinarily curious people. Cameron is constrained, in this modern enlightened age, to not openly identify a group we can be urged to attack as hate figures, such as Jews, Muslims, Gypsies, Communists, Catholics, Witches, Immigrants, Benefit Scroungers, Bed Blockers, Pensioners, the Unemployed, or his political opponents; and he may not want to start another war against Evil Foreigners or The Axis of Evil - but he /Crosby has cleverly defined the indefensible common-foe - namely, those loathsome, anonymous, sinful pornographers, who we can all love to hate. And has latched onto our deep, centuries old, religiously enforced, insane guilt that all sex is sinful. Sharia Law would purge us all clean.
Are these 50,000 pedophile searches per day? week? month? year? or decade?. No doubt GCHQ, UK or the NSA, USA who intercept all internet traffic can publish reliable, testable data. No doubt they can identify the searchers. To protect "our" children and teenagers from "legal" pornographic images, Cameron demands "default-on" porn filters, presumably from the search-engines and the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) such as cable and telephone companies who link our modems and plug us into broadband. For adults to access porn, they will have to fill in forms to explain themselves to government internet officers of their constant need for monster masturbating materials (MMM) as in Portnoy's Complaint. As our statistics show that 100% of males and 47% of females with private internet modems have accessed or do access porn - the initially shy trickle of "switch it off" requests may come to swamp the ISPs.
Of course all pedophiles should be hung-drawn-and-quartered in the town square. Of course teenagers and adults should not risk the inevitable venereal diseases, throat cancer, deafness, blindness, baldness and the eternal fires of hell - by accessing porn; and we should all sleep, as Gulag prisoners had to, with our hands outside the bed-covers watched by CCTV. Of course all consenting adults should enjoy missionary position, healthy sex, once a month, in stable, loving heterosexual relationships. Of course sexual energy should be channeled into useful work, all pornography should be deleted and banned; all prostitution banned; all political opposition to the good intentions of our present governments banned, - and all socially divisive search-terms banned - as they are in China and Iran. But - Great Leader - get real!
What Cameron is doing is the oldest trick in the book. Shouting - "SEX ! Now that I have your attention, ignore my good friend Mr Crosby's unacceptable commercial conflicts of interest. And here is my media agenda for the next election."
The masses, most now irreligious non-believers but still deeply confused about sex, sin, shame and whether all pediatricians are pedophiles - will stampede in the desired (Uh Oh - ban "desire" from internet searches) direction. After the gutter media has stomped around in a hot dusty blind canyon with the blood pumping through their engorged organs for a few weeks - during which they will titillate us with the kind of images we must burn and news of the perverts who must be utterly destroyed (stoned to death perhaps?) - we may get back to examining the real, terrifying threats to democracy posed by vested-interest lobbyist Lynton Crosby and his ilk.
Banning search-words and increasing the already intrusive Big Brother surveillance, and having ISPs report householders to government-sin-monitors, parking attendants - or The Taliban - is a direct attack on the freedom of the internet, on its content and on self-responsibility. The "new" measures that Cameron trumpets "to protect our children" are already in place and in use - and have been since 1996. Internet Explorer has built in Search-Filters and Family Protection options; Switch Them On!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_the_United_Kingdom (The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) compiles and maintains a blacklist, mainly of child pornography URLs, from which 98% of commercial Internet customers in the UK are filtered. A staff of four police-trained analysts are responsible for this work,[4] and the director of the service has claimed that the analysts are capable of adding an average of 65-80 new URLs to the list each week, and act on reports received from the public rather than pursuing investigative research)
BILLIONS OF IMAGES ON FACEBOOK - "Depraved" pedophile materials and abuses are illegal - and GCHQ and the NSA know where all the secret-websites are - just shut them down. But who and what government agency will vet the legality of the billions of pictures posted by students and youngsters on Face Book and other social media? Will all who rate an "X" certificate be jailed and put on the Sex Offenders Register for life? Is this an editing task for the ever vigilant, God fearing Taliban? To paraphrase a famous pornography trial, proving the need for hierarchical moral guidance by superior beings:- "Would you want your wife or your servants to see this?"
Hey Lynton - me old cobber, sport, mate and antipodean cultural attache! What next? Jail homosexuals and cut off their depraved private parts? We have done internet policing and responsible parenting; our children are not in danger - so - Get your sneaky Big-Fee-soiled hands off our NHS, off our Energy Supplies and off all the institutions that made and make the UK a great country to live in. Why not Frack-off home and go Walkabout in the Bush, smoking a Camel!
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