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TRUMP SAYS "Polls are rigged" 9 NOV 2016. ...Oh! What did I just say? What a great idea. Call the Russians, to rig the Rust Belt results.
13 DEC 2016
Dear John
Re-your email (below), I don’t think the majority are correct very often if at
all. In these cases Brexit and Trump are dangerous and deeply stupid mistakes.
Until we have universal higher education, your sudden surprising conversion to
simplistic "Democracy" would demand (1) Fair Wealth Sharing (2) Death
Penalties and Torture.
Farage & Trump, like Hitler, have mobilised the mob.
The mob will turn on them when (1) The mob's version of Brexit is seen to be
undeliverable (by anybody) and is bankrupting Britain (2) Trump abandons his IQ
challenged disaffected Alt-right (Nazi) American supporters, who he will try
but fail to control via his belligerent fascist cabinet.
It is Trump who pre-election day denied majority voting
and said the US elections are rigged. It seems that he was instrumental in
rigging it. (Who stole the cakes? ...What cakes?) He is a lewd, lying,
insulting, bullying, sociopathic, flashy, gold lame, blustering,
peroxide-blond, elderly, groping, tax, debts and draft dodging, spoilt
trust-fund-babe and he is demented. He is now stirring-up nuclear war with
China. He must never have political or military power.
My only interest in this incontinent incoherent
fairground performer is that he craves (and fears) the most powerful job in the
world, which affects us all.
If I can see that from 3,000 miles away - Americans must
be truly petrified.
Be Very Afraid & Stop Trump
Denial of Service - DNS - an avalanche of website
visitors - is not what the computer investigators are looking for. I'm told
that ALL the NSA defences have been breached.
AD2516 - After Global Warming
Out of the Depths - Inundated London
-----Original Message-----
From: John
Sent: 12 December 2016 17:10
To: Noel Hodson <noel@noelhodson.com>
A newspaper article in favour of getting on with life in
a positive manner.
It is time to accept the democratic process: - John
If 2016 has taught us anything it is that people define
democracy as getting what they want. If they win an election, it was fair. If
they lose, it was rigged. Democracy is in crisis, says the Left, because, from
America to Britain to Italy and beyond, the people keep making the wrong
Take the United States. Donald Trump's victory was a
surprise - we get that. It was narrow, for sure. And it was controversial - no
doubt. But it happened. What ought to obsess the Democrats and the media is
what he intends to do next. His cabinet choices suggest Trump will govern the
way he ran, from the Right, and that he isn't afraid of confronting the
consensus on everything from climate change to relations with Russia. There's
so much to scrutinise.
Watch | Anti-Trump protests continue across US
Unfortunately, the Democrats and the media would prefer
to engage in a ceaseless critique of his victory in the hope that it'll go
away. The latest claim is that Moscow swung the election. The CIA has
apparently concluded that Russia hacked into Democratic email accounts with the
specific intention of embarrassing Clinton and helping Trump win. Many liberals
are convincing themselves that the election was fixed. The debate was distorted
by "fake news".
The Republicans stole votes in the rust belt. And Clinton
actually won the national popular vote - so can we re-run the election?! The
answer is no, of course; but that won't prevent millions from refusing to
regard Trump as the genuine democratic choice.
The Republicans have every right to be angry about this.
Perhaps Russia did try to affect the election, and that ought to be
investigated and exposed. But there's no evidence that they succeeded.
WikiLeaks did not play a big role in 2016 - its revelations were small fry.
An estimated crowd of up to 10-thousand people march
through downtown Los Angeles Credit: UPI
/ Barcroft Images
The FBI, which resurrected claims that Hillary did
something wrong with her email account, had far greater impact. And all that
WikiLeaks and the FBI did was reinforce decades-old suspicions that Clinton is
a liar. Her approval rating in October 2015 was about -19 per cent. By election
day it was about -13 per cent. The scandals had very little impact.
Also, didn't the Democrats employ a few dark arts
themselves? Did they not stack the primary process to Hillary's advantage? It's
surprising, too, that the Democrats suddenly care so much about the
transparency of the voting process, having rejected Republican warnings about
potential fraud for years.
But the Left isn't big on self-awareness. Consider the
campaign of Jill Stein, the Green presidential candidate, to recount votes in
the states that swung it for Trump on the rather rude assumption that because
he won he must have cheated.
Trump won Wisconsin by a margin of about 27,000 votes;
Stein got 30,000 votes there. Trump took Michigan by 11,000; Stein got 50,000.
So there are at least two states that arguably were lost not because of a
conspiracy by the Right but because of divisions on the Left. It was an
old-fashioned political cock-up.
The militant Remainers are playing a similar game in the
UK. They question not only the referendum result but the referendum itself. It
doesn't count, they say, because the Leave campaign lied. Leave would dispute
that - but so what if they did? Have you ever known an election in which a
politician didn't fib? It's up to the voters to play detective, and most of
them are smart enough to sort the fact from the fiction. I have yet to meet the
sucker who voted Leave to save the NHS.
A man with a placard
Thousands marched in central London to Parliament Square
in a pro-Europe rally Credit: AFP/Getty Images
"The referendum was only advisory!" cry the
Remainers. The legal arguments against this are mountainous and they boil down
to "no it wasn't." But even if it was, there's still a moral
imperative to accept the result.
If the referendum had come out for Remain and Parliament
had a Eurosceptic majority that decided to plan for Brexit anyway, what would
the Europhiles be saying then? That the referendum result was holy writ. But
because they lost, they bring their lawyers and their peers and they invoke -
of all things! - the importance of Parliament, because there they hope they
have a majority for Remain.
Enter Tim Farron's Liberal Democrats, a party whose very
name is an oxymoron. Liberal? Maybe. But Democratic? The two no longer mix. The
Lib Dems have been banging on for decades about the importance of electoral
reform only in so far as they thought it would get them more seats. Now that
the exercise of democracy has produced a result they don't like, they suddenly
despise the exercise of democracy.
Their shameless hypocrisy is shown in their fluctuating
support for an EU referendum. First, they demanded an in/out referendum. Then,
when it looked like a plebiscite might actually be held, they opposed it.
Having lost it, they now want another one. "Let the people decide,"
said Farron, knowing full well that they already have.
Show more
The chutzpah doesn't end there. Having labelled a
democratic outcome as somehow anti-democratic, they also insist that the
Leavers - like Trump in the US - are dangerous authoritarians. Theresa May,
Nigel Farage, and the populist Right want a Putin-style police state,
apparently - and democratic support for them is a sad turning away from
If you're struggling to follow that logic then it's
because the word "democracy" is losing its meaning. Many liberals are
quite happy for the state to be powerful so long as they are in control of it,
and elections go their way. A democracy ceases to be a democracy when it moves
to the Right. Then we need Jill Stein or Tim Farron to clean up our mess and
restore order.
Let's not be naïve: conservatives play these word games,
too. Trump had said that the presidential election was rigged before he'd even
won it. Farage said he'd continue to fight for Brexit when he assumed that he'd
lost the referendum. Perhaps our politics would be more honest if both sides
admitted that they want power and don't care as much about process as they
pretend to. But this means that the process is sadly diminished.
Some people are at risk of forgetting that democratic
elections are wonderful, splendid human achievements - even if you don't win
them. And critical engagement with the victors is far, far more valuable than
being a loud, sore loser.
HACKING NOTE - 12 DEC 2016. An international computer systems expert told me last week that Russians did hack the NSA computers in June/July, and copied ALL the protective anti-hacking keys, 45 years of work, which leaves back-doors open into ALL state computers - CIA, FBI etc. and the election-counters. NSA are equivalent to our GCHQ – they design and oversee all US Gov networks. This is why Obama has authorised emergency investigations before Trump’s inauguration.
THE GUARDIAN - 25 NOV 2016 - Jill Stein, the USA Green party’s presidential candidate, is preparing to request recounts of the election result in several key battleground states.
Stein launched an online fundraising page seeking donations toward a multimillion-dollar fund she said was needed to request reviews of the results in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
The drive has already raised more than $4.5m, which the campaign said would enable it to file for recounts in Wisconsin on Friday and Pennsylvania on Monday.
Stein said she was acting due to “compelling evidence of voting anomalies” and that data analysis had indicated “significant discrepancies in vote totals” that were released by state authorities.
“These concerns need to be investigated before the 2016 presidential election is certified,” she said in a statement. “We deserve elections we can trust.”
Stein’s move came amid growing calls for recounts or audits of the election results by groups of academics and activists concerned that foreign hackers may have interfered with election systems. The concerned groups have been urging Hillary Clinton, the defeated Democratic nominee, to join their cause. - GUARDIAN.
560 Trump Lies - 4 Nov 2016 - Go to this article in the Toronto Star 4th November 2016 to see the lies Trump used to convince Americans to vote for him.
How can America field a President to represent the nation who is such a proven, glib, incontinent liar. His lies spill out like verbal diarrhea? This elderly, tawdry fascist KKK showman cannot, must not, be allowed to represent the West in international meetings. And he must not be allowed to have the nuclear weapons codes - ever.
America could build a plastic replica White House in Las Vegas, studded with paste diamonds and powdered with gold dust, with a cast of a few hundred actors, and Nigel Farage, to dance attandance on Demented Donald - until he's deemed to be fully cured of insanity, fifty years from now. In the meantime - Hillary won the popular vote by 1.7M, so she should and can run the Washington White House and represent the country. He has to go! We cannot allow such a gibbering, narcisistic clown onto the world-stage.
(Gibbering? e.g. "I'm going to halve income taxes, spend billions on infrastructure, and reduce the fiscal deficit - and build a 2,000 mile wall across the Mexico-US border. And deport 11 million Hispanics - Honest I am." Maybe he'll pay his 35 years of back-taxes to enable the US Treasury to afford it all.)
With apologies to the Toronto Star for copying their text - but, what isn't shown here is the excellent and complete table, "All of the false things" The Star has put on its website. It is the most comprehensive I have found. Click this headline link to view it:-
Donald Trump said 560 false things, total
The Star’s Washington Bureau Chief, Daniel Dale, has been following Donald Trump’s campaign for months. He has fact checked thousands of statements and found hundreds of falsehoods
Fri., Nov. 4, 2016
Sure, all politicians lie. But Donald Trump is in a class by himself.
He lies strategically. He lies pointlessly. He lies about important things and meaningless things. Above all, he lies frequently. Since he began his campaign last June, the Republican presidential candidate has subjected America to a daily barrage of inaccuracy and mendacity.
His rival, Hillary Clinton, has her own reputation for dishonesty. Some of it is no doubt earned: she has made false claims this campaign about her email scandal, about her flip-flop on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and about assorted other things. But our scrutiny shows there is just no comparison in their level of accuracy on the campaign trail. At the three presidential debates, for example, we counted 104 false claims for Trump to 13 for Clinton.
The extreme, unprecedented quantity of Trump falsehoods is why we started fact-checking everything he said. From mid-September through Sunday, we did 28 “#TrumpCheck” analyses of every word he uttered or tweeted in a given day.
The total: 560 false claims, or a neat 20 per day.
Below, find the complete list of the false statements Dale has found.
After that (very long) list, Tanya Talaga examines the errors, exaggerations and lies for patterns. Some remain hard to explain. Click here to jump directly to this analysis.
All of the false things
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