4th Feb 2018
The Republican Conspiracy to Defend Demented Donald, led by Nunes, have published their notes on Trump in Russia; claiming of course that the whole Russian-links inquiry is a wicked slur on an impeccable and unimpeachable saintly President - who retires to meditate and pray every evening at 6.30 pm.
Sadly and strangely The GOP omits to mention that the Christopher Steele MI6 (UK Military Intelligence) report they cite as "False-News" was first commissioned by The Republican Party when Trump was applying for the Republican candidature and was rushing around America lying about and insulting all top Republicans. They lie about it and say it was commissioned by the Democrats - when in fact the Republicans passed the commission to the Democrats.
The GOP also omits, because good-taste and modesty forbids, the notorious Trump bed-wetting event in a Moscow hotel - which is the source of the many fears, apart from fears of tax-evasion and money-laundering, that Trump is vulnerable to blackmail by Moscow; rendering him, if true, The Moscow Candidate.
The Steele 15 Page Dossier clearly states that during the planning of the Moscow Miss World event, Donald hired prostitutes to cavort and piss on the hotel bed that "the hated" President Obama and The First Lady had previously slept in on a State-Visit. This was the infamous "Golden Showers" orgy - that most Trump supporters wholly admire. His base prefer incontinent demented old "grab 'em by the pussy" gropers.
The Republicans chose Steele because of his long and distinguished service as a UK spy, specializing in Moscow affairs. When Trump won the Republican candidate's race, the files were passed by the GOP to the Democrats, who wanted to protect Hillary Clinton from Trump's inveterate lies and insults about her emails. You might remember him bawling and yelling "Lock Her Up" and his pleas to Putin to publish Mrs Clinton's emails that Trump knew the Russians had intercepted (how did he know that?).
Read the full Nunes' memo (editing out the GOP commissioning Steele & Golden Showers) below:
To: HPSCI Majority MembersFrom: HPSCI Majority StaffSubject: Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses at the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation PurposeThis memorandum provides Members an update on significant facts relating to the Committee’s ongoing investigation into the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and their use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (F ISA) during the 2016 presidential election cycle. Our findings, which are detailed below, 1) raise concerns with the legitimacy and legality of certain DOJ and FBI interactions with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), and 2) represent a troubling breakdown of legal processes established to protect the American people from abuses related to the ISA process.Investigation UpdateOn October 21, 2016, DOJ and FBI sought and received a FISA probable cause order (not under Title VII) authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISC. Page is a US citizen who served as a volunteer advisor to the Trump presidential campaign. Consistent with requirements under FISA, the application had to be first certified by the Director or Deputy Director of the FBI. It then required the approval of the Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General (DAG), or the Senate confirmed Assistant Attorney General for the National Security Division.The FBI and DOJ obtained one initial FISA warrant targeting Carter Page and three FISA renewals from the FISC. As required by statute (50 U.S.C. a FISA order on an American citizen must be renewed by the ISC every 90 days and each renewal requires a separate finding of probable cause. Then-Director James Comey signed three FISA applications in question on behalf of the FBI, and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe signed one. Sally Yates, then-Acting DAG Dana Boente, and DAG Rod Rosenstein each signed one or more FISA applications on behalf of the DOJ.Due to the sensitive nature of foreign intelligence activity, FISA submissions (including renewals) before the ISC are classified. As such, the public’s confidence in the integrity of the FISA process depends on the court’s ability to hold the government to the highest standard – particularly as it relates to surveillance of American citizens. However, the rigor in protecting the rights of Americans, which is reinforced by 90?day renewals of surveillance orders, is necessarily dependent on the government’s production to the court of all material and relevant facts. This should include information potentially favorable to the target of the FISA application that is known by the government. In the case of Carter Page, the government had at least four independent opportunities before the FISC to accurately provide an accounting of the relevant facts. However, our findings indicate that, as described below, material and relevant information was omitted.1) The “dossier”- compiled by Christopher Steele (Steele dossier) on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application. Steele was a longtime FBI source who was paid over $160,000 by the DNC and Clinton campaign, via the law firm Perkins Coie and research firm Fusion GPS, to obtain derogatory information on Donald Trump’s ties to Russia.a) Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or. any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior and FBI officials.b) The initial FISA application notes Steele was working for a named US person, but does not name Fusion GPS and principal Glenn Simpson, who was paid by a US. law firm (Perkins Coie) representing the DNC (even though it was known by DOI at the, time that political actors were involved with the Steele dossier). The application does not mention Steele was ultimately working on behalf of – and paid by – the DNC and Clinton campaign, or that the FBI had separately authorized payment to Steele for the same information.2) The Carter Page FISA application also cited extensively a September 23, 2016, Yahoo News article by- Michael Isikoff, which focuses on Page’s July 2016 trip to Moscow. This article does not corroborate the Steele dossier because it is derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News. The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not directly provide information to Yahoo News. Steele has admitted in British court filings that he met with Yahoo News – and several other outlets – in September 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS. Perkins Coie was aware of Steele’s initial media contacts because they hosted at least one meeting in Washington DC in 2016 with Steele and Fusion GPS where this matter was discussed.a) Steele was suspended and then terminated as an FBI source for what the FBI defines as the most serious of violations – an unauthorized disclosure to the media of his relationship with the FBI in an October 30, 2016, Mother Jones article by David Corn. Steele should have been terminated for his previous undisclosed contacts with Yahoo and other outlets in September – before the Page application was submitted to the FISC in October – but Steele improperly concealed from and lied to the FBI about those contacts.b) Steele’s numerous encounters with the media violated the cardinal rule of source handling – maintaining confidentiality – and demonstrated that Steele had become a less than reliable source for the FBI.3) Before and after Steele was terminated as a source, he maintained contact with DOJ via then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr, a senior DOJ official who worked closely with Deputy Attorneys General Yates and later Rosenstein. Shortly after the election, the FBI began interviewing Ohr, documenting his communications with Steele. For example, in September 2016, Steele admitted to 0hr his feelings against then- candidate Trump when Steele said he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not, being president.” This clear evidence of . Steele? bias was recorded by Ohr at the time and subsequently in official FBI files –but not reflected in any of the Page FISA applications.a) During this same time period, Ohr’s wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs’ relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the FISC.4) According to the head of the counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its “infancy” at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele’s reporting as only minimally corroborated. Yet, in early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, even though it was – according to his June 2017 testimony – “salacious and unverified.” While the FISA application relied on Steele’s past record of credible reporting on other unrelated matters, it ignored or concealed his anti-Trump financial and ideological motivations. Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.5) The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok. Strzok was reassigned by the Special Counsel’s Office to FBI Human Resources for improper text messages with his mistress, FBI Attorney Lisa Page (no known relation to Carter Page), where they both demonstrated a clear bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton, Whom Strzok had also investigated. The Strzok/Lisa Page texts also reflect extensive discussions about the investigation, orchestrating leaks to the media, and include a meeting with Deputy Director McCabe to discuss an “insurance” policy against President Trump’s election
22 Jan 2018 TrumpShutdown. As Trump wrestles with yet another shutdown of the US government, as elected representatives argue about approving the new budget; does this mean that Trump's crazy anti-Green, pro-pollution policies will also be suspended? If so, the world will take a deep clean-air breath of deep relief. While the rest of the world rapidly and profitably converts energy-production from coal & oil to inexpensive, clean wind, solar, wave, geothermal, and hydro power - in other words as they stop burning things, Donald the Luddite proposes coal-driven-cars. (Luddites smashed mass production machines at the start of the industrial revolution).
Is it true, or could it be fake-news that Donald is giving away most of his fortune, his billions, to the Rust Belts? Or is he simply going to pay his $3 billion in back-taxes and apologize to his fellow Americans for "I'm smart. I don't pay any taxes", consigning 37 million citizens to food-stamps?
“The installation rates are absolutely mind-blowing,” says Lauri Myllyvirta, an energy and air pollution expert at Greenpeace in Beijing. China added 35 gigawatts of new solar generation in 2016 alone. “That’s almost equal to Germany’s total capacity, just in one year,” Myllyvirta says.
Every hour, China erects another wind turbine and installs enough solar panels to cover a soccer field, according to Greenpeace estimates.
Trump’s attempted sabotage of the Paris Accord illustrates
what a short-sighted bad businessman he is. The world is rapidly converting to
renewable energy. There is no attempt to block USA growth by reducing
fossil-fuels. That is paranoid talk from Demented Donald and Big-Oil. To rescue
the Rust-Belt, Trump should pump-prime massive new green industries that will
compete with China and others on renewables. Is it that America can’t compete?
Instead of being a Luddite clown, he should convert all his Trump-buildings to
green energy. Like this Cotswold
Robert Llewellyn: How I inspired a green revolution in my Cotswold ...
4 days ago - Temple Guiting is in many
ways a classic English village. ... Robert Llewellyn: How I inspired a green revolution in my Cotswold
village ... I didn't want Temple Guiting to go 'off the grid', I assured
them – it was essential we ...
Many new housing developments will be self-sufficient in
energy – green energy – even in the UK. Solar panels now work well under cloud.
Wind energy is very efficient and competitive. We have infinite amounts of wave
& tide energy.
Three Reasons to Believe in China's Renewable Energy Boom
12 May 2017 - It has atrocious air
pollution. It fears climate change. And it wants to be a "manufacturing
monster" in renewables too.
From 2005 to 2014, production of solar cells in China has expanded 100-fold. As Chinese renewable
manufacturing has grown, the costs of renewable energy technologies have
dropped dramatically. Innovation has helped, but the main driver of reduced
costs has been market expansion.[4] In 2015 China became the
world's largest producer of photovoltaic power, with 43 GW of total installed capacity.[5][6] Sources from Mr. Perez
states that the renewable energy and emissions from China as the new world
leader of the Paris Climate Accord will reduce their emissions sooner than the
year 2030
It is a brave new world. Think it through.
Sent: 01 June 2017 16:49
To: Noel Hodson <noel@noelhodson.com>
Subject: RE: 'Dysfunctional' EU
To: Noel Hodson <noel@noelhodson.com>
Subject: RE: 'Dysfunctional' EU
Well, the opposite view of USA withdrawing from the Paris
agreement is that it is the only way to make America great again.
Look at China saying they will take up green policies
"in the long term". Yes after the West's industries have been killed
off by "climate" policies, you can see China's game a mile off.
And it goes on .......
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