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Quantum particle entanglement as investigated and debated by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) a century ago and by hundreds of physicists ever since, is now generally accepted by science. But it remains a deep mystery. When a photon or other primary particle is split and the twin particles zoom off to different parts of the universe, they keep in touch. How they do this is unknown. Einstein didn't like Entanglement because it requires the two particles to communicate instantaneously - faster than the speed of light. Einstein proved that "nothing can act faster than the speed of light".
Was he wrong?
Hundreds of highly sophisticated and accurate practical experiments have been conducted which demonstrate that entanglement is real. Change one of the twins and the other, no matter how distant, instantly changes. They are in touch. Computer companies are investing millions in "quantum entanglement machines": it is real.
Entanglement is often cited in the Double-Slit experiment where light (photons) is shone through very tiny slits, onto a screen; they manifest wave-like behaviour; even a single photon as it reaches the screen breaks down into wave patterns instead of remaining as a quantum spot of light. There is no explanation.
After one-hundred years or so of speculations, my speculation is that ALL objects in the universe, from galaxies to sub-atomic particles signal their existence by radiating or reflecting electromagnetic signals (light, radio), which we or our instruments detect. This is how we know the objects exist; their waves communicate universally and we read them. This radiation, these waves expand from the object in spheres; even a laser beam eventually will spread into a sphere. A laser beam shining up into deep space is visible as it encounters and reflects from particles in our atmosphere and then in space. It is visible from whatever location we look. It is radiating its existence - otherwise we could not detect it.
I am now speculating that how we see objects is a function of the expanding sphere it radiates. We encounter the energetic data-rich waves as they expand to infinity and we recognise the central object. We are actually seeing or intercepting an image on the surface of the expanding sphere; somewhat like an event horizon.
Take this fact further: as the (real) object radiates or reflects, waves propagate continuously from the centre. It is fact that we and the universe only detect the object when the waves encounter and are intercepted by another energetic data-rich sphere - or our instruments. The merging of the different waves - propagating say from a planet and a star or a person, at the surface of the two spheres, create a particle /photon etc. which we see. We cannot ever see the "real" object; we can only see the signals it broadcasts as waves - and when we do so, we inevitably "collapse the wave-forms" as our waves interfere with those of the observed object.
Between the centre of the object and the peripheral surface, the waves exist but are invisible to us. We cannot /do not see the energy propagating in the space between the object and the expanding sphere; unless and until it meets another sphere where a particle (spinning pure energy?) manifests. The inner-space is however not empty (there is no "empty" space in the universe), it is full of the waves of data about the central object. If we look into that inner-space, we can only do so by intercepting the propagating waves and thus introducing spheres of energy from our instruments or ourselves; we too are objects that signal our existence by radiating information (in-form-ation).
So, we detect entanglement as we measure (intercept) points on the outer sphere. It is the sphere, which is a field (I prefer ocean) that we interfere with. Our interference affects the whole sphere (shell) and thus changes the particles that exist on the surface of the sphere. All such particles on every point of the shell are affected simultaneously. Entanglement is not limited to twin particles - there can be any number of identical particles that alter as we interfere with the expanding shell.
The universe is filled with such energetic shells. There is no place where they do not exist. We can see the data broadcast by the inner-objects onto their shells from any location in the universe.
A further thought is that the invisible waves of energy propagating between the centres of all object and their shells (which inform us the objects exist) is many times more mass than the particles that become visible at interception points - though such points are as near infinite as maths will allow. The space between centre and shell-surface is dark-matter; we (any other radiating object) cannot detect the dark-matter without our shells interfering and thus creating particles. I speculate that particles of matter are whorls or whirlpools of pure-energy where shells meet (i.e. everywhere).
I've addressed dark-energy and its alleged expansion power elsewhere.
THUS ENDETH THE LESSON - Sunday 16th August 2020