Friday, 30 November 2018



27th Feb 2019

UK government has revised its calculations of  the damage Brexit will do to the UK economy, increasing it to 9% of GDP (it was 8%). UK GDP (gross domestic product - all the work we do which adds value to the economy) is £1.73 trillion per year, multiply by 9% = £156 billion per year.  Convert to average  jobs at £20,000 wages per year = 7.8 million UK lost jobs - or equivalent reduction in wages. Well done ERG and Mrs May and Mr Corbyn - putting us well on our way to national bankruptcy. That will show those Brussels Bureaucrats that we Britons are not afraid of hardship. Bring it on! We survived the Blitz - and paid-off the USA War Loans. 

Fervent Brexiters say it will happen "over 15 years". But that's idiot-speak. A NO-DEAL - forcing us onto WTO Tariffs - will immediately reduce our sales by the same percentages as the tariffs increase prices. Well informed, high IQ Leavers know, having studied the consequences, that some food prices will rise by 48% and that vehicles, cars and parts by 9.8%. Those are WTO rules. These increases hit on the day we quit - 29th March 2019. 

29 NOV 2018

Faulty Brexit arithmetic - Costs over 10 years are £2.1 trillion.

Following three days of BBC and Guardian news on Brexit economic forecasts, it seems the Treasury and The Chancellor are saying we will be wealthier keeping our current membership, Remain, than taking any Leave option. WTO/No Deal terms reduce us by 8% of GDP (7M lost jobs). Mrs May said in parliament today that this is not true; no doubt to the delight of Farage, Trump, Putin and the ERG mob. The forecasts appear to be based on reductions in growth-rate for the next 15 years, while adding-back 0.2% GDP growth from new trade deals with our long departed UK colonies. This is a spectacular Kicking-the-Can-down-the-Road equation; left open to more Leave spin and obfuscation  e.g. “we will be a little less rich than we would have been”.
“Let Us Be Quite Clear” Mrs May, the hit to the UK economy is immediate. It is happening now. The full cost 2018-28 will be £2.1 trillion. Sterling is already 20% down (629,000 jobs) and will fall another 10% in March 2019. The City is decamping to Europe with calamitous and immense consequences. Our vehicle makers are pulling out. Bombardier Belfast has lost the European Airbus contracts, costing 500 jobs. Calculating the higher WTO tariffs industry-by-industry, reducing our export sales, I got to 3.5M actual, real job losses half-way through my work, before pausing on the promise of 58 Sectorial Analyses from the government (never published). This fully supports the Treasury’s 8% of GDP, or 7 million lost jobs. 7 million job losses will bankrupt us. All major OECD players will by-pass us and go direct to Europe. N. Ireland and Scotland will leave the United Kingdom.

For heaven’s sake, STOP BREXIT. It is economic and social suicide.

Noel Hodson - 28 NOV 2018

Noel Hodson - Director
Tax Reconciliations, Oxford UK,
Tel +44 1865 (0)760994 Mobile 07713 681216


*Average wage £20K includes Zero Hours and Low Paid "self-employed" earnings.

Thursday, 15 February 2018  COSTS OF BREXIT - 9 OCT 2018 - BLOOMBERG

Brexit will cost 7 million UK jobs or equivalent in lower wages

Doing the arithmetic: Treasury says each person will lose £1,100 x 63 million lost souls = £69,300,000,000 (£69.3B) per annum. If the UK can recover from Brexit in say, 10 years, that’s £690B – or to round it out, about £1 trillion cost before we get new trade deals. Thank heaven that Donald J Trump is riding to the rescue to bail us out.

I sent this calculation yesterday to a bunch of Brexiters – mostly Manchester business-men. Over 10 years it comes to twice the cost - £2.2 Trillion:

“I agree, as you say, that our choices are either QUIT now and forever hold they peace, or STOP.

I take Tony’s rebuke of wasting time on Brexit – but Tony did re-ignite debate this morning with his Petition to Leave the EU.
BREXIT is an immense, self-destructive waste of time and money. Sterling is 20% down already, with no ground-floor. UK property and shares will founder. We also lose The City’s passporting rights.

HM Treasury calculates the WTO no-deal as costing 8% of GDP. That is 7 million jobs – or equivalent wages – year after year. The UK might recover after 10 years of new global efforts on marketing - and of haggling over trade deals covering 70,000 trade items. (£30k x 7m = £210,000,000,000) £210 billion x 10 years is £2.1 trillion lost (as much as the UK lost in the 2008 bankers’ crash).

As the QC’s legal opinion that David Hill attached says, we don’t have to do this to ourselves.
The EU say they will welcome us back.”
Noel Hodson - 

Read More

Saturday, 10 March 2018

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


30th October 2018 -  Please feel free to share this link or post it on your social media:

FLYER - to broadcast

Also, attached is a flyer you can share or pass along by email.

I’ll be making four big distributions (tampons, pads, pantyliners) this week:

1. Arm in Arm food pantry at Nassau Presbyterian Church

2. Princeton Human Services department

3. The neighborhood food pantry for Lower Witherspoon area held Wednesdays at the Municipal Building

4. Cornerstone Community Kitchen Clothing Store

Doing so will allow me to regain use of the back seat of my car and a portion of my garage :)



Gil Gordon

Board Member & Princeton Period
Project Coordinator at
Princeton Cornerstone Community Kitchen

Gil Gordon

Monday, 15 October 2018



To Simon Jenkins, senior journalist at The Guardian newspaper, UK. 12 October 2018.

Dear Simon Jenkins,


London remains a safe haven for the world’s dirty cash – Simon Jenkins

I sent this note below on UWOs, last week, to concerned persons and organisations; who might be interested to read your compelling article of 12 Oct. It is a scandal that, as you say, “In Britain, the revelations led to just four arrests and six interviews under caution.” More than 250,000 UK taxpayers have been identified as hoarding tax-haven assets. In my view the majority of VIP Brexiters are motivated by urgently back-pedalling from EU Courts that would tax-them, where UK Courts will not. And to hell with the UK economy. Thank heaven that we only prosecute super-rich fraudulent foreigners.


From 1960 I specialized in defending UK Back-Duty-Tax cases – then the prosecutions were aimed at ex-wartime black-marketeers. UWOs were the tax-collectors main strategy. Quite simply “Where did you get the money? Is it tax-paid?”. The clients only went to jail if they lied about the final assessments and their lists of assets three times (e.g. Lester Piggott 1987). One of our clients lied about his assets twice but on the third investigation he burned a suitcase full of unexplained White-Fivers, when they were swapped by The Royal Mint for Blue-Fivers (1957) and had to be explained. Since Prime Minister Thatcher (1979), few if any offshore-back-duty charges have been brought.

The assets in tax-havens would pay-off the global deficits – and they explain where for example the wealth and profits of the UK’s economy – now the 7th largest and dating back 200 years when it was the world's wealthiest nation – have gone. About £2.3 trillion (8 million jobs) of UK assets are frozen in tax-havens; hence austerity; hence zero-hours jobs and pot-holes in all UK roads; hence Brexit. The global total of $32 trillion is estimated to grow by $1 trillion per annum – So is now estimated at $38 trillion.  

Why doesn't Trump collect America's share of the buried treasure - about $20 trillion - for the US Treasury - and repair the broken bridges, roads and railways? 

The assets held in tax-vehicles was estimated, in 2012, by Wall Street, McKinsey economist James Henry as $32 trillion, (80 million jobs for 10 years).

A good article. Thank you.

Best wishes

Noel Hodson

4 October 2018

Dear colleagues,

I am sure you are all aware of these hopeful developments – but I think it’s worth a summary.

Are governments repatriating tax-evasion-capital-flight?

Extraordinary news from the UK. The UK Treasury have issued an Unexplained Wealth Order – the first UWO under laws passed last year. The wife of an unnamed banker, a man reputed to have embezzled £72 million via a British Virgin Isle BVI company, must explain where she obtained the funds to buy an £11.5 million house in London, and spend £16 million at Harrods. Her assets can be confiscated. 

Her husband has been convicted of fraud in his own country; who I guess will confiscate his assets.  Britain is being diplomatically “economical with the truth” identifying the couple as Mr A and Mrs A; presumably to reassure other international criminals that their assets are safe in London. But in this global-society news leaks:

Unexplained Wealth Orders in use: Here's at least 5 cases the police ...

31 Jan 2018 - Today, Unexplained Wealth Orders (UWOs) come in to force. ... million mansion on Hampstead Lane, North London, belonging to the First family of Azerbaijan. ... by Ilham Aliyev, the country's current President, and his wife Mehriban, who is ... According to data released as part of the Panama Papers...

First family of Azerbaijan are alleged by the OCCRP to have collected vast amounts of personal wealth by abusing their positions of power. Ilham Aliyev has been the country’s President since 2003 and currently has an official annual salary of £75,000. Although elected officials are not yet required to publish the details of their assets, latest estimates by the OCCRP claim the Aliyev family hold a global property portfolio worth at least £100 million, including £41 million in London real estate.”

After confiscating assets from foreigners, is the UK going to repatriate all UK assets from tax-havens? On 3rd Oct 2018, Prime Minister Mrs May promised an “end to austerity” and great-wealth ahead. The most likely source of a major cash bonanza is the UK’s £2.3 trillion hidden in tax-havens. Her husband, Philip May is an executive in the world’s largest ($1.4 trillion) offshore fund – Capital Group in LA; who no doubt advises her on where the assets are buried.


Russia – Putin has developed a habit of jailing oligarchs who criticize him. My guess is that Mother Russia confiscates their wealth; but, such an anti-capitalist remedy will be kept out of the news. Offshore assets are mostly from tax-evasion, making them easy legal targets for confiscation.

CNN April 2018 - This is what happened to many in that early generation of oligarchs. Khodorkovsky -- who challenged Putin -- had much of his wealth stripped, spent more than 10 years in jail on tax charges

China – Film star, Fan Bingbing, who earns $40 million per annum, apologises for her “anti-social” tax-evasion. She must repay $120 million in back-taxes or go to prison. The Chinese government is currently focusing on Show-Business tax-evaders. I guess they all have top-accountants and tax-lawyers who fiddle the books via tax-havens. She is accused of playing the Yin-Yang game which is having two contracts – a small one for the tax-authorities and the real, large contract with the studios and for IP Rights (intellectual property).

USA – Manafort & Trump. Manafort has been caught and fined $70 million for tax-evasion and money-laundering, and he is threatened with long prison sentences. He is currently plea-bargaining to reduce time in prison. This month, The New York Times has the temerity to mention that the Trump family have been tax-evading /avoiding /cheating since Donald was six years old with a meagre income of only $100,000 a year. His income from his Dad grew to $1 million a year by the time he was 20 years old. These two cases are widely reported.

Read: Mueller's new indictment of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates – Vox  22 Feb 2018 - The new indictment has 32 counts of tax, financial, and bank fraud charges

I will not attempt to list all the recent notable cases from around the world. I have the impression that national tax-collectors are realizing that there are $32 trillion of tax-evaded assets in the world’s 72 tax-havens. They are sweeping aside legal-mazes, smoke and mirrors, and legal-niceties to confiscate the assets – to repair the large ever-growing deficits most OECD countries have suffered since 1980 (Monetarism, Thatcher, Reagan and The Big Bang Deregulation). These confiscations will benefit the Treasuries of large economies and will repatriate cash and assets stolen from small-emerging economies.

These repatriations should be used to balance and correct the obscene wealth and income gap.

It is a chink of light in the dark world of unprecedented theft and corruption.



"The morons have spoken". Conned by the offshore super-rich.

A correspondent, John, has accused me of not being a real democrat, because I think the gormless, unemployed, unwashed, unthinking masses who voted to leave the European Union market and customs arrangement have been hoodwinked. He urges me to adhere to "The Will of The People".

My reply to John:

“Oh look! 63 million people are jumping off the cliff. As a democrat - I think I’d better join them.”

I believe in informed, thoughtful, educated democracy  - not mass, emotional, idiotic claptrap – fuelled by the private policies of a few tax-evading offshore billionaires.

Come off it John – Do me a lemon!  - Noel

(In fact, 52% of 60% of UK voters were stupid enough to vote LEAVE in our crudely engineered Referendum in June 2016 - engineered by Cameron, Putin, Trump, The Media and other offshore tax-evaders. That's only 31% of the electorate who want us to insult our hard-won millions of good customers in Europe (27 countries with 550 million souls). As the UK visibly collapses and The City and our motor industry and major businesses migrate, threatening 7 million job losses, the polls now show that 54% would vote Remain.  TOO LATE DUMBOS - You have been well and truly conned).


15 Feb 2018

16 Oct 2018: Who is actually leaving? 

At least 222 UK companies have already set up in the EU. The floodgates are opening. It will lose the UK 7 million jobs. I haven't the resources to find and list them all; here's a small selection:


This is not "Project Fear" you deeply stupid Brexiters; this is the reality of walking away from our EU export market - "Doing a Ratner". You are killing our economy. The UK's business is being hollowed out. There are no wonderful "MAKE BRITAIN GREAT AGAIN" deals to be done when we quit the EU. It is fantasy. It is bullshit. 

This Guardian article below, on dodges to escape EU regulations on tax-evasion, reinforces my view that all our VIP Brexiters are back-pedalling from EU tax laws; into the comfortable security of UK Courts and Judges with whom they were at school or in the Bullingdon Club. There is £2.3 trillion at stake for the rich (and poor) of the UK. “Follow the money” indeed. Track Rees-Mogg and Pals – And David Cameron – and all UK media owners – And the Drumph family fortunes.

In the Guardian article; they fail to mention a major hurdle to  the possible tax dodges around the new EU rules, which is having to bank money/assets with less than reliable banks in dodgy countries – from where the dodgers are likely to have all their wealth stolen. “Secret” means “insecure” and “illicit” and “up for grabs”. In 1995, as an EC treasurer, we couldn’t send money to banks in ex-USSR cities “because the Russian banks will steal it in transit” – it had to be in cash and hand delivered.

I have seen it all before. Several times since Cornfeld massively defrauded offshore tax-evaders in (1967/8).

Investors Overseas Services[edit]

In the 1960s, Cornfeld formed his own mutual fund sales company, Investors Overseas Services (IOS), with principal offices in Geneva, Switzerland, although it was incorporated in Panama. He also established mutual funds in various jurisdictions, as noted below. Although the executive headquarters were in Geneva, the main operational offices of IOS were in Ferney-VoltaireFrance, across the French border from Geneva.
In 1962, IOS launched its "Fund of Funds," which meant investment in shares of other mutual funds, including some other IOS vehicles. The offering was popular in the bull market times, and Cornfeld's one-line pitch, "Do you sincerely want to be rich?" became a by-word for its success. During the next ten years, IOS raised in excess of US$2.5 billion, bringing Cornfeld a personal fortune which has been estimated as more than US$100 million. Cornfeld himself became known for flamboyance and lavish parties. Socially, he was generous and jovial, and generally surrounded by a bevy of beautiful young women, including for example Victoria Principal, later widely known as a star in the TV series "Dallas".
At its peak, IOS employed around 25,000 salesmen, who sold a series of mutual funds door-to-door all over Europe, especially in Germany, to small investors. He originally targeted US expatriates and servicemen who had no access to US investing, but the main growth of the business came from the public in countries such as Germany and Italy, who had until then had no other easy access to investment vehicles of this kind. Cornfeld called it "people's capitalism."

GUARDIAN 15 Oct 2018:  European rules designed to make it harder for wealthy individuals and companies to hide their cash offshore have loopholes that mean foreign accounts can be kept secret from tax collectors, a report has warned.
Countries in the EU have exchanged financial information about accounts held by overseas residents since the introduction of the “common reporting standard” in 2017, designed to reduce tax evasion.

Information on offshore holdings is sent to the country where the account owner is registered as resident, where authorities can then ensure the money is appropriately taxed. Information is also shared with and by low-tax jurisdictions such as the Cayman Islands.

But while the rules make it easier for countries to see what money is owed, wealthy investors and companies can use loopholes, according to the report by the European Green party, shared with the Guardian.

One problem is that not all countries are taking part in the exercise; the US is one of the key players missing. It has committed to sending partial information, but individuals can still hide their identities behind companies.
Austria and Bulgaria do not receive information from the US, the report said, and as of June 2018, at least 43 countries were not committed to implementing the common reporting standard, including Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine. The report said the easiest way for an EU citizen or company to avoid the automatic exchange of information was to set up bank accounts in one of these countries or in the US using a company name.

Another loophole involved countries that offer so-called golden visas to wealthy investors who commit large sums of money in exchange for citizenship.
In a scenario set out in the report, someone living in Italy could buy citizenship in Cyprus, which has agreements to receive information from only 33 jurisdictions in or related to the EU. Any account the person opened in a country that fell outside that arrangement would in effect remain invisible.

Wednesday, 3 October 2018


Brought forward from Thursday, 18 February 2016


Gravity is the relative absence or reduction of the pressure of the radiation that fills the universal ocean of radiation, which is from 13.7 to 43.7 billion-light-years deep. Contemplate "The ever tightening knot of gravity, ultimately resulting in black-holes" and "Counter-intuitively, the centre of the Sun is very dark" because the centre is most "shaded" or protected from or excludes the universal radiation. (NB between masses as per Casimir). The external radiation is the PUSH and the internal partial absence of radiation is the PULL of gravity. NCH March 2015     e-mail 

UPDATE - 9th November 2018 - Rigid light.

My theory posits Light pressing down on  an object from 32.7 b.l.y. distance - and an absence of Light within the object. The outside pressure assumes that Light has mass. The internal absence assumes the Casimir effect. Does this New Scientist article on Rigid Light hint at a mechanism for the external pressure?

29 October 2018

There is a weird new state of matter that can’t be stirred or pushed

There’s a new state of matter — and it’s weird. It’s made from light and is somewhere between a solid and a superfluid. It can’t be stirred, rotated, or even pushed.
“If you have some water in a pipe and you start pushing it, it will flow a little faster,” says Marzena Szymańska at University College London. “Whereas this fluid is so rigid that even pushing it will not change its velocity.”
The new state is made from “liquid light”. This is a fluid consisting of light trapped in another material, where each photon is coupled with another particle. These particles, called polaritons, can flow and interact with one another in a way that photons alone cannot.
In the last decade or so, experiments have shown that liquid light can become a superfluid — a fluid which flows with no viscosity or friction. Because of the lack of friction, superfluids cannot be stirred or rotated. If you put a superfluid in a bucket and rotate the bucket, the fluid itself will remain stationary.

But Marzena Szymańska and her colleagues calculated that, in certain situations, a fluid made of polaritons takes things one step further: not only can it not be rotated, its flow cannot be changed at all. They call this new phase of matter and light a rigid state.
That’s because of how a polariton fluid is created. Some photons are always leaking out of the trap, so researchers constantly replace them using a laser. The team found that the laser sets the properties of the fluid from the outside, so they cannot be changed.
It’s not yet clear what this strange rigid light could be used for, but could one day find a use in optical communications, says David Snoke at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. “Even if it’s not good for anything, it’s interesting because it’s different,” says Snoke. “It really is a new phase of matter.”
Journal reference: Nature communicationsDOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06436-2

More on these topics:


UPDATE - 3rd October 2018  - Light with Grip:

It takes a calm and brilliant woman to make tweezers (optical trap) that grip items as small as cells, and to create laser pulses measured in femtoseconds (a millionth of a billionth of a second) that operate safely on eyes - using allegedly massless /weightless light. Is this yet another demonstration that light (the electromagnetic spectrum) does have mass; and can therefore be the force required by this theory of gravity?  I hope so.

Another major break with crusty, old traditions in physics is the award of The Nobel Prize to  Professor Donna Strickland, who is alleged to be a woman! Not a male! Is this the end of science and life as we know it?

Congratulations to Professor Strickland.
The 59-year-old associate professor is only the third woman to win the Nobel Prize in physics, after Marie Curie in 1903 and Maria Goeppert-Mayer in 1963. 

(Whose observations led to the discovery of the structure of DNA?) Not another woman, surely not? 

Rosalind Franklin - Wikipedia  

Optical tweezers focus a laser beam through a lens to form a “trap”. The interaction of small dielectric objects, such as proteins, with a focused Gaussian beam generates a force in the direction of the field gradient drawing it toward the center of the beam. When the object is displaced away from the center, a restoring force arises.

The second hope I infer from the explanations of this laser-science is that it might lend credibility to my Space-Chimney-Drive as described in my book AD2506-After Global Warming (extract below).

Didn't CERN prove last week that women cannot do science?  Or was that just a lone misogynist knuckle-dragging halfwit who mops the washrooms at CERN? Are we at an evolutionary socio-scientific turning point?

I apologize for linking my wild speculations on gravity and light to Nobel winner Professor Strickland - without her knowledge, permission or notification.

UPDATE - 1st Sept 2018.  Heavy Light. New Scientist No. 3193

Asteroids get spun so fast by the force of sunlight they fall apart
By Leah Crane
MOST small asteroids are just piles of rubble in space, held together by gravity and weak molecular forces. Even the slight touch of sunlight can make them break up. Now we know how asteroids of different shapes crumble, which might help us if one ever heads straight for Earth.
Photons of light carry a tiny amount of momentum, so when sunlight hits an asteroid it can send the space rock spinning, in what is known as the Yarkovsky–O’Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack (YORP) effect.

“The magnitude of forces acting on these asteroids is like the weight of three grapes sitting on a mountain,” says Masatoshi Hirabayashi at Auburn University in Alabama. “They are negligible in the short term, but if you wait a couple of million years, these three-grape forces can be significant.”


LIGHT HAS MASS:  I have observed a Crookes Radiometer on my office window sill since January 2015. Its varying speed turning paddle wheel motion, I conclude, is not driven by temperature as some theories aver - but is driven by light.

The 4 paddles are black on one side and silver on the other, attached by wires to a hollow central axle made of glass, which is balanced on a steel-needle. Inside the bulb is a vacuum - in theory - but how could I test this? Probably, variations in temperature do expand and contract the materials and so affect the speed of rotation - but the affect is undetectable to my eye, even for wide variations in temperature - from near freezing to +20C.

Variations in daylight  and torchlight (including "cold" light from LED's) have an immediate and measurable effect on the speed of rotation. Whatever light, electromagnetic radiation, consists of (mostly photons and other subatomic wavicles) these particles and waves impact the black side and drive the rotation.

This black-drive is for me counter-intuitive. I had assumed that photons would reflect off the silver-side and drive the rotation. But, I have read, and can now observe,  that the light adds to the weight of the black coating, and does not add to the weight of the silver coating, and thus pushes the paddles around. The black absorbs the light (hence it is black to our sight) while the silver bounces them away (hence it shines to our sight) - powering black-drive.

The new theory of gravity:
GRAVITY - I was given a Crookes Radiometer after explaining my theory of gravity to a friend. My theory depends on light having mass. There are several experiments that do ascribe very slight mass to light - and my Crookes Radiometer affirms this.

New Scientist - 17 June 2017 - page 33.  "Right to silence" by Stephen Battersby. 
An article on bandwidths and the whole electromagnetic - light spectrum. I still, after 60 years of puzzling, cannot visualise radio waves - wavelengths - odd little photons, electrons and so on. But, the evidence is with the experts, who in this article are the folk who divvy out the bandwidths for hundreds of practical applications - from 10 KHz (kilohertz) which have wavelengths measured in kilometres (between the tops of the waves) up to 100 GHz, which are tiny little wavelengths emitted by such things as water and carbon monoxide molecules - which enable measurements of immense galactic gas clouds, which form galaxies. From TV signals & phone signals to intergalactic Quasar signals to brainwaves in a brain scanner - ALL that we "see" and know is carried to us by these waves. And it is carried coherently, faithfully, accurately through millions of diverse mediums, across sub-atomic and universal distances - in data rich transmissions - across BLYs (billions of light-years). Read the article - its very informative. It suddenly dawned on me that that, yet again, these signals fill the universe. They are the "stuff of the universe" which inform and reform the Aether, every split-second. They have identity. They have substance. They carry the patterns of atoms and molecules. They have data. They have mass. Light has mass. As the signals attempt to penetrate the Earth - they get blocked. The deeper we delve, the fewer wavelengths we can see or hear. This is Casimir's exclusion of wavelengths (between plates). The lack of EM waves within the Earth, within the planet, while ALL waves surround our planet and solar system, and come to us from "the edge of the observable universe" (13.7 to 42.7 bly) and fill the entire universe. The pressure of such waves outside our planet is greater than the lack of pressure inside our planet. It is the push and the pull of gravity.

I guess that the waves can only be seen and heard and measured when they resonate with the crystalline  or complex structures of the elements which form matter. A crystal-set radio needs a crystal structure and tuning whisker that matches the broadcast in order to tune in to its wavelength. Does the signal exist without its receiver? I think this theory of gravity is correct.

HIGGS - Where and how does it "confer" mass to massless particles?Does it explain gravity?  

Some purple prose. A new, equally incomprehensible article by Jon Cartwright, THE HIGGS BANG, in New Scientist magazine 10 June 2017, advances my Higgs knowledge - not at all. 

"Subsequent work showed that the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism (or “Higgs mechanism,” for short) could give mass not only to weak particles, but also to electrons, quarks, and other fundamental particles. The more strongly a particle interacts with the Higgs field, the more massive it is. It’s important to note, however, that most of the mass in composite particles, like protons, nuclei, and atoms, does not come from the Higgs mechanism, but from the binding energy that holds these particles together."

MAY 2016 - CERN EXPLAINS : On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 126 GeV. This particle is consistent with the Higgs boson predicted by the Standard Model. The Higgs boson, as proposed within the Standard Model, is the simplest manifestation of the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism. Other types of Higgs bosons are predicted by other theories that go beyond the Standard Model.

On 8 October 2013 the Nobel prize in physics (link is external) was awarded jointly to François Englert and Peter Higgs "for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider."

I have read about 100 explanations and descriptions of The Higgs,  attended a lecture at the Royal Society given by 4 CERN professors, and exchanged emails with the speakers. None of this has conveyed to me how it works. I am tempted to quote Einstein "If  you cannot explain it simply - you have not understood it well enough". The Physics Forum tutor below destroys any hope that understanding of the Higgs might be accessible to ordinary humble bumbling humans, telling us that we must first learn to speak pure-physics-mathematics, which takes decades. From 2008 I attended 3 years of particle and astrophysics evening classes - and just about coped with the maths homework - and I have read about these topics for more than 50 years. I am beginning to suspect that The Higgs and other impenetrable "Standard Model" descriptions might fall into the group of topics which my arithmetically astute, cynical father defined as "Bullshit Baffles Brains".
At what point does immersing  a student in incomprehensible maths-language, used by a handful of highly specialised isolated souls who cannot put their ideas into words, become a cult that employs intensive brain-washing?  
From what I have gleaned about The Higgs Bosun, The Higgs Field and The Higgs Mechanism - they do not create or explain mass or gravity. They do not explain how "straw is spun into gold" to make matter. 

I don't feel like you'll make much headway into this just by asking a few questions about random topics that you've read concerning the higgs field and mass. So far, it seems like members are spending more time correcting your misunderstandings than explaining the subject. You need to learn a lot more of the very basics of quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and several other topics before you'll be able to grasp exactly what is happening. Most importantly, remember that our theories are primarily math based and any attempt to "translate" it into common language is almost certain to fail. Without knowing how to read the math, it's unlikely you'll get very far. Unfortunately this is not an easy task. People spend years in college learning both the math and the theories.





13 April 2016 - Propelled by light from a laser beam on Earth, a feather-weight Breakthrough Starshot craft is being designed to go on a 40 trillion km, 20 year flight to Alpha Centauri, at 1/5th light-speed; 60,000 km per second. BREAKTHROUGH FOUNDATION

In 1901, various labs measured light-pressure

LIGHT HAS MASS - “…The final measurement was the most accurate ever recorded, and the calculated pressure deviated just ten percent from Maxwell’s theoretical value of 4.7 x 10-6 N/m2. This disparity was well within the experimental error”  
(N stands for Newtons, used in gravity calculations – being 102 grams, the weight of a small apple – 0.0000047N spread over one square-metre is pretty small)

More about mass for light. My Crookes Radiometer is on a north facing window-sill, which also gets reflected light from a south facing white wall of a house about 50 metres distant. Last night I left the window open when the temperature dropped to 1C. The windowsill, room and Radiometer were chilled. Yet, as the sun rose the Radiometer revolved as it usually does in this room when heated to 20C. After 4 months of such observations, I conclude that the spinning paddle is driven by light, not heat, and the spin speeds up and slows down immediately with the intensity of the light; irrespective of temperature. The Radiometer paddle is being moved by the mass of light, with the black side driving. Light has mass.

(PS -  I have just read this might be a Nichols Radiometer, driven by light. It is argued that Crookes Radiometer is driven by bouncing gas molecules - i.e. heat) 


Radiation pressure is the pressure exerted upon any surface exposed to electromagnetic radiation. Radiation pressure implies an interaction between electromagnetic radiation and bodies of various types, including clouds of particles or gases. The interactions can be absorption, reflection, or some of both (the common case). Bodies also emit radiation and thereby experience a resulting pressure.
The forces generated by radiation pressure are generally too small to be detected under everyday circumstances; however, they do play a crucial role in some settings, such as astronomy and astrodynamics. For example, had the effects of the sun's radiation pressure on the spacecraft of the Viking program been ignored, the spacecraft would have missed Mars orbit by about 15,000 kilometers.[1]
This article addresses the macroscopic aspects of radiation pressure. Detailed quantum mechanical aspects of interactions are addressed in specialized articles on the subject. The details of how photons of various wavelengths interact with atoms can be explored through links in the See also section.
Solar sails[edit]
Main article: Solar sail
Solar sailing, an experimental method of spacecraft propulsion, uses radiation pressure from the Sun as a motive force. The idea of interplanetary travel by light was mentioned by Jules Verne in From the Earth to the Moon.
A sail reflects about 90% of the incident radiation. The 10% that is absorbed is radiated away from both surfaces, with the proportion radiated from the unlit surface depending on the thermal conductivity of the sail. A sail has curvature, surface irregularities, and other minor factors that affect its performance.
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has successfully unfurled a solar sail in space which has already succeeded in propelling its payload with theIKAROS project.

Cosmic effects of radiation pressure[edit]

The misapprehension is the statement light has no mass. The true statement is "a photon has no mass" .
Two photons can very well carry a mass, the measure of the added four vectors. There exists an invariant mass even for mass less particles, this is for two photons with an angle theta in their direction of motion:
And this is just for two photons. An electromagnetic wave will always diverge, there is a 1/r**2 (laser light diverges less) fall in the energy density of the wave, and there will be angles between the multitude of photons. Thus an electromagnetic wave can be characterized by a total mass, but that has nothing to do with information of course. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle will also ensure that there will always be some divergence.

SPACE SHIP DRIVE - There are several space vehicles being built that will be driven by solar-winds adding energy to giant ultra-lightweight sails; including the Starshot Spacecraft (see link above).

FINALLY - Science fiction has often inspired, predated and predicted breakthroughs in science fact. So I leave you with my Space Chimney Drive, also using light, that drives a "flying saucer" from Earth to the edge of our solar system. It is based on today's science - and it is useful to remind ourselves that such emerging science-ideas or fantasy could lead Mankind to Boldly Go. 

CHAPTER 29:  Journey into Space.

The Citizens were herded to a circular seating area with viewing screens.

“Very briefly” announced a young woman who had taken over from Samba who was now fifty yards away huddled with a group around bafflingly complex control panels, “…I’ll give you an outline of the flight we’re taking together and – very, very briefly – how The Queen works.”

As she started speaking the clearest pictures they had yet experienced flashed up on the guests’ inner PC screens – and on the display screens.

“…The Queen is solar powered. Powered by starlight. Every square centimetre of surface absorbs light, the electromagnetic field, and converts it to electricity…”

Illustrations of light being captured by solar cells converting at eighty-two percent efficiency accompanied the lecture.

“…the craft is a Space-Chimney… For the Concorde Survivor’s understanding I’ll describe it…”

EmmSon nodded at Sebastian, confirming that he was right and Sebastian wrong.

“…The rim of the Queen spins on frictionless vacuum bearings at sixty-thousand kilometres a second…”

The illustration showed the fat outside rim starting to rotate and getting up to speed so rapidly that it moved faster then the eye could follow and became a blur.

“In the atmosphere, with variable geometry blades, it acts like a helicopter wing. The rotation lifts the Queen upwards – not of course strong enough to get her off the ground at any speed, but you’ll see its ability to effectively make the craft weightless and lift it in Earth’s lower atmosphere…”

Complicated wind tunnel tests showed the rim sprouting short turbine blades and spinning in smoky spirals, which any flight engineer would recognise as evidencing lift. Joe was interested to see that the Citizens were fascinated. They obviously hadn’t seen this before.

The young woman continued at a fast pace “…The rim is also the main space drive – when we switch the chimney on…”

“…on the top of the rim are laser beams placed close together so that when its rotating a seamless column of coherent light – the chimney – beams upwards…”

A graphic of a disk with separate lights at its rim shining fiercely out into space was flashed on screen.

“…The beams are magnetically polarised to attract all and any particles within the chimney to the “walls” of light. This creates an internal vacuum relative to the external pressure and the chimney effect is created.”

“…under The Queen, the rim has lasers that form a cone of light which is polarised the opposite way – to attract particles making the zone beneath the ship of a higher pressure than the ambient external pressure – and far higher than the vacuum in the chimney above.”

“The Chimney reaches out without losing its focus or polarity for a quarter of a million miles. So the “top” of the chimney is about as far away as the Moon. Any questions so far?” she challenged her audience, impatient to get this over with. No-one dared to delay the presentation.


“…Hence the concept of a smoke-stack chimney which joins the high pressure ground air with the lower pressure air at its top, creating an upward flow. Burning fuel at the bottom increases the flow as the warmed air is less dense. The Queen’s lasers do the same job but instead of air flow, what sits in the chimney is the space-craft itself…”

She surveyed her small audience waiting, impatiently, for the penny to drop. She made minute hand movements indicating they should as soon as possible, as soon as their limited intellects caught up, see the point. All around them people were bustling and making ready – and she, a co-pilot, was anxious to get to her station.

“Ah!” rejoined David AA, to everyone’s relief, “The Queen herself is equivalent to the airflow and rises up the chimney…”     “Low pressure above and high below…   But…” he added with some bravery as their rapid fire tutor was not inviting any detours, “…how do you steer it? The Queen, doesn’t it just go straight up The …Chimney … In Smoke… as it were?” and he grinned sheepishly in case he had asked a totally dumb question.

His momentary fear was quickly alleviated, “Good question…” she praised him – and more graphics flashed onto the screens, “A very good question. Now you see why The Queen is saucer shaped. We point the laser-chimney at our destination, which can be near or far. Wherever we point the lasers, the craft must follow…”

David AA looked pleased with himself and all his colleagues gave themselves a pat on the back for concentration and alertness.

“…The Queen has to be shaped so that when the laser-chimney is fired at an acute angle it doesn’t intersect the ship’s superstructure – otherwise BOOM! It would disintegrate all the particles within the chimney – and end of story! end of us all and end of The Queen.  …So its saucer shaped.”

Sebastian smiled triumphantly at EmmSon in an utterly childish “I-told-you-so” retaliation.

“…And finally,” said the young tutor already moving away from them “…once in the chimney we are subject to constant acceleration – so, as Einstein figured out, we get gravity beneath our feet…until we decelerate. When we approach a planet, we reverse the polarities above and below; and it slows us down. Now I really must go. Enjoy your flight – see you later.”

Though the latter was so obviously not her intention they ignored it.

EmmSon, less cowed than the rest by this fast talking, dismissive informant, called after her “But – hey! Hey Miss – But where are we going?”

She stopped and turned, with a look which would make a lesser man tremble. This co-pilot was not to be trifled with. Without taking a single step back to them she flashed up a diagram on the screens, “There. We’re going there. And then we’re coming back again – all in thirty-six hours…  …If we ever get off the ground” she admonished. “Got it?”

They all nodded obediently. Eloise had to admire the mind-power of this young woman and wondered if she might one day decide to train in the Mind-Warrior art.

The diagrams and recorded explanations showed that The Queen was about to take them ten to the power of six Earth-radii – sixty-billion kilometres, to the Kuiper Belts at the edge of the Solar System. Light from the Sun would take an hour to reach those frozen wastes, just beyond the orbits of Pluto and Neptune. The Queen would travel there, taking the long route, sling-shotting round the Sun, to rendezvous with the Earth’s most distant scientific satellite, in fifteen hours, at an average speed of twenty-thousand kilometres a second or seventy-two million kilometres an hour; its maximum speed being almost twice that to allow for acceleration and deceleration to align with the satellite’s speed.