Thursday, 3 October 2019


 'Make the lie big, keep it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it'
We enter the Reichstag to arm ourselves with democracy’s weapons. If democracy is foolish enough to give us free railway passes and salaries, that is its problem... We are coming neither as friends or neutrals. We come as enemies! As the wolf attacks the sheep, so come we.  GOEBBELS (WW2 CAUSED 60 MILLION DEATHS).

9 Oct 2019: Letter to UK colleagues who fear the collapse of the Euro.

Should we short the Euro? 

Reviewing the statistics and economic graphs – there are no obvious signs that the EU or the EURO are about to crash. Brexit and the China-USA arguments pose a threat to the rate of growth of the global economy – via changes in tariffs. Yesterday’s UK.Gov publication of likely post-Brexit IMPORT tariffs poses threats to world trade; but are not the central factor. Some UK industries will be wiped out by dumping of inferior goods. 

Far more important to the UK, and to the EU because we are the 2nd largest EU economy after Germany being 16% of EU GDP, are the UK’s EXPORT tariffs. No-Deal will force us, the UK, onto WTO tariffs ranging from 5% to 48%. These are added to our export prices. Pre-Brexit, most of our exports to the EU are tariff free, and via the EU-deals with other blocs, tariffs are low (not WTO imposed).

ALL major forecasters predict loss of trade/sales equivalent  to the increase in tariffs. This is why tariff wars are so damaging. On the UK’s 77,000 products and services, No-Deal Brexit will cancel all current agreements. They will take 10 to 20 years to renegotiate – meantime it’s WTO rules. As a solo, relatively small power, the UK is likely to be the loser in such arguments. UK industries are afraid of all the usual threats – dumping, supply-interruptions, poisons, etc. that we have settled over the past 60 years. Bloomberg say:

Brexit negotiations are hanging by a thread. A no-deal outcome would be a major blow to the U.K.’s trading relationship with Europe, according to Bloomberg Economics. A less severe Brexit is possible, with the U.K. staying in the single market. At a minimum, there will be a period of uncertainty as talks come to a head. In total, about 0.9 percent of global GDP is exposed to Brexit trade risk. No surprise: the U.K. is the most vulnerable major economy, with 10 percent of GDP at risk. Ireland isn’t far behind, at 9.7 percent. For the euro area as a whole, 2.7 percent of GDP is exposed.

So, the UK’s risk is immense (10% of our GDP = 5M to 7.8M jobs or equivalent wages). The EU’s risk is 2.7%. The world, incl. the USA will suffer 0.9% GDP decline. My guess is that the world will rapidly and happily fill-in our lost exports with their own trade. So, we will not recover the 10% of GDP. The EU will replace our 62M population with new members and will recover their 2.7% loss of GDP – not least by grabbing our City-of-London business.

Other than this suicidal tariff war – Europe is as sound and solid as the other major blocs. Don’t short the Euro.

“We survived the Blitz – and Dunkirk - and The Falklands”  - “Into the Valley of Death rode the 600. …Ours is but to do AND die” (not as misquoted by lazy, fornicating Boris – “…to do OR die.”  If we DO Brexit, we will DIE.  


ALL the latest Opinion  Polls show Remainers are in the majority. Why aren't they reported in the UK media?  Possibly because all media barons and VIPs are making fortunes out of Brexit. e.g. How much has Rees-Mogg made by betting against Sterling? The People, the many not the few, are already losing £900 a year each - and their jobs, from 5 million to 7.8 million jobs, are at risk. 

Latest 2nd EURef polls
SURVATION SEP 25   Leave 45%          Remain 51%       Don't know 4% 
YOUGOV SEP 20         Leave 37%          Remain 46%      Wouldn't vote/dk 17 
KANTAR SEP 9            Leave 34%          Remain 37%       Wouldn't vote/dk 28% 
DELTAPOLL SEP 4       Leave 40%          Remain 46%       Dk 14%  
PANELBASE SEP 6      Leave 45%          Remain 52%       Dk 3%

3:46 PM · Oct 1, 2019·Twitter Web App

"The Mother of Parliaments shut down by The Father of Lies." 

Aidan O'Neill QC - 18th Sept 2019

Mel Cooper, Oxford, 3 Oct 2019 -  writes:

The problem is that the Leave Campaign was run by Dominic Cummings based on his understanding of the Fascist Propaganda Handbook. He loves it because he is, at heart, a Disrupter, and his rule book says quite clearly that all you need do is find a strong, emotive slogan, preferably one that is as simplistic a lie as possible, and that appeals to the basest fears and bigotry of a simple plurality.  The fearful and angry do not wish to think; they prefer to be blinkered and they want a target or focus for their anger and misery. So unify them and get them to give you the votes you need. They will outvote the splintered liberal parties and groups every single time!

The overarching slogan that Dominic “Josef Goebbels” Cummings came up with was: Take Back Control. 

His promise? We will take back control of our sovereignty, our money, our borders and our laws. Keep repeating this as a mantra. This implies and even assumes that we have not got control over those things and no one, not one witty, intelligent person on the Remain side challenged this nonsense directly. The liberal papers and the BBC never said to Nigel Forage, who will have his 33rd appearance on BBC Question Time on 4th Oct (why? who invites and pays him?), “but what you are saying is a lie and based on false premises”. Even now, no one points out that we are about to do what the EU wants least, which is to withdraw from the EU without even having a withdrawal deal. If we did not have our Sovereignty, then how would we be allowed to do that? Scotland and Ireland have not got their sovereignty, it would seem, because they do not want to leave the EU - and by large majorities. But they have no veto in our system that is supposedly the most democratic in the world and more democratic than the EU.

So, demonstrably, the UK as an entity did not give away or lose control of our Sovereignty, folks, we pooled it. Just the way the UK is supposedly made up of four pooled sovereignties — for the moment.

If you do not accept, approve of or understand about pooled Sovereignties, then I think you might as well wait until Scotland or Ireland or Wales wish to break away and be independent to figure it out. Meantime, the money we are going to get back control of that we send to the EU annually is, guess what, about 1.3% of our annual budget. Boy, have we lost control of our money! Imagine, the EU membership fee means that we only control around 98.7% of our annual budget! Or do we control the remaining 1.3% as well since we choose voluntarily to send our fee for membership to the EU?

Not only that, no one bothered either to challenge the Money Control False Premise nor did they ever point out that we are the third biggest contributor to the EU budget because we are the third largest economy in Europe after Germany and France. Instead of being angry about this, we should be aching to be the biggest contributor because that would mean we are the richest economy in the EU! But that would require us to be doing a bit of analysis, a little bit of thinking, and that is out of the question. Need I go on? 

Of course, it did not help that Jeremy Corbyn is a Eurosceptic and was a lazy, intolerant, irritable and largely absent figurehead for running the Remain Campaign for the Labour Party. He single-handedly, prematurely enabled Article 50. He has also become the darling of the Momentum cult. 

And, by the way, the most important historic precedent for forming a Party of National Unity to run the government in a time of crisis is not that the leader of the Opposition has to be the leader of such a government; especially when that leader has the leadership skills of an intellectually narrow-minded, blinkered and tribal slug. In the days everyone likes to hark back to, i.e. the days of World War II, a certain Labour leader named Clement Attlee supported the leadership of a government of unity by Winston Churchill and was a committed supporter and Deputy Leader of that Prime Minister. 

So maybe we should look for a solid, experienced leader like Ken Clarke or some other figurehead that everyone can get behind and actually trust. 

Whatever you think of Jeremy Corbyn, it is very clear that a lot of people distrust him. So we need to factor that into the plans. We need someone demonstrably honourable, whom everyone trusts and who is more interested in the good of the nation that the good of his or her party or his or her power. That is what unity would mean. Even the supporters of Jeremy Corbyn, even the acolytes who sincerely believe that he has an almost divine integrity, must recognise that theirs is not a universal reaction to the man; and that it would be a good idea to back off insisting he has to lead the government of unity. If they do not, then a government of unified opposition MPs will simply not happen and we will crash out of the EU on Hallowe’en, 2019. That is what I predict at the moment, because Momentum and Corbyn simply do not seem capable of putting the good of the nation and national unity ahead of what a lot of people fear is just a cynical power grab.

They tell me it is the Will of the People to leave the EU because that is what the people narrowly voted for in 2016. Of course, another way of looking at this is to suggest that 37% of the people who were eligible to vote, voted to leave and that means that 63% did not — the 63% being made up of those who actively and consciously voted Remain and those who did not choose to vote because it was raining. The 63% were totally convinced Remain had to win so there was no urgency (were they targeted on Facebook by some tricky Cummings algorithms do you think?), they were feeling lazy or they were just plain irresponsible. But you ask me to respect this vote? Yet this vote is the result of what was clearly a propaganda campaign misinforming the people so that enough gullible, angry folk who hated David Cameron because of his loony, economically illiterate and damaging austerity obsession, would not support him in anything, even if it meant not thinking about what further damage they might be doing to themselves in this instance. 

So there we are. The Will of the People is to make Jacob Rees-Mogg, Boris Johnson and their cohorts even richer and hand over to them the power to evade or change EU laws that benefit working people, and also to sell off the NHS to the USA with crocodile tears in their eyes because what else will we be able to do.

We voted for the easiest trade deals ever. We voted to be gods. We voted to rule the seas again. We voted never, ever, never, ever to be slaves. We voted to Take Back Control — well, for the Eurosceptic Conservatives to have control anyway. And we never talked about the moral issue of betraying the central dream of Europe that helped create the EU by little steps over the past decades: to create a forum for talk and diplomacy that would obviate the necessity for extreme competition and even war. We also voted to create a large trading block that would help each of the countries in the union punch above its individual weight in an increasingly global world. We never talked about the betrayal that leaving the EU would mean for the Good Friday Agreement based so heavily on the alignments between the UK and Eire because both were in the EU. We voted for bombs in Birmingham again, I fear. It was the EU that was part of the reason we could calm the Irish problem. It was the EU that gave us 45 years of peace and prosperity such as we had not really known before. We have voted to dismantle that prosperity, most probably; and possibly that peace too.

As for the myth that we have lost control of our borders, at the moment the EU entrants have fallen dramatically and so we have to take far more people from places like India, Pakistan and the Philippines to do the work. We still need those people, so the overall immigration to the UK has not fallen by all that much. But the people coming are not EU therefore they have to get through the nets created by Theresa May’s Hostile Environment. Even before the EU immigration fell, it amounted to no more than 20% of entrants into the country. That means that even before the Referendum we were not being overwhelmed by European people with a free pass to come. 80% of the people who came were non-EU and had to have visas and permission. We had overall control. And whatever happened to the millions of Turks poised to come here and destroy our culture and rape people? Who said that was about to happen? And by leaving the EU, we also, of course, sacrifice our reciprocal rights to travel, study, work and live in Europe with ease. But hell, isn’t that all worth giving up – for our “freedom to starve” in glorious independence and sovereignty?

As for our laws, I note that Priti Patel wants to reintroduce the death penalty. And I bet that many Leavers will applaud that, so let us go ahead and do it. We voted for that too. We also voted for the pound to be 23% less valuable today than it was before the Referendum and for the knock on effects of that to close down businesses but up tourism from countries with stronger currencies. Well, that’s good business, I suppose.

We also have to leave the EU so that we can redo one at a time the 170 or so trade deals (on 77,000 products) that we now have through our membership of the EU club, one at a time, individually, from the position of being a market of about 60 million instead of 550 million. Guess who will have the upper hand as we redo each of these negotiations with some of the strong economies of this world? Chlorinated Coronation Chicken! Yum yum! I can hardly wait! And American medical insurance is waiting in the wings to charge us double or treble the price for health-services.

So Good Luck, Brexiteers! We also have to leave the EU because David Cameron didn’t bother to take any time to explain the positives of the EU. He tripped off the Referendum prematurely (he could have done it 3 or 4 years later after some proper debates), with no real preparation, and with no thought of countering 40 years of anti-EU propaganda from the Right Wing Press of the UK. He ran a totally negative campaign about the damage leaving would do; he appealed to thought and intellect; and there was no leadership debate to inspire confidence in our membership of the EU. 

My own fear is that the Conservative government of Boris Johnson really wants to gain authoritarian control so that they never have to worry about EU laws making them bring their offshore money back so that it can be fairly taxed. They also want to exploit situations that EU laws now prevent, laws we often introduced, asked for and even wrote. And hey, did you know that we have a veto in the EU system? How’s that for being able to exercise some sovereignty?

Sadly, I am beginning to think that the only thing we can do now is stop complaining that it was all a truly appalling con job - because the media will not listen to the 63%, any more than the anti-Dreyfuards would respond to logic or evidence - or any more than the McCarthyites in the USA in the 1950s could be convinced that the Reds were not hiding under all our beds. But I do have to keep on protesting because my conscience tells me to; and like Lillian Hellman before me, I find that I cannot cut my conscience to fit this year’s fashion.

The real witch hunt and the real betrayals are all on the Leave side. As in the actual play by Ibsen, these are the ones who are "the enemies of the people". But I guess we have to go through with it just so that the poor, benighted believers in the Cult of Brexit are finally disabused and have their eyes opened. Of course, they will blame it all on the EU for a while because it could not possibly be Boris Johnson’s fault, despite the £350 million per week bus that everyone knows was one of the more obvious propaganda lies. No, let us go ahead. Do not listen to your experts. Do not listen to all the nations of the world wondering what has happened to the British. And do not listen to your young people who, by and large, might want a more open society and future!

Or perhaps we should have another vote just to check again? In case there has been a change of mind and heart? 

Or maybe not …   Mel Cooper, Oxford, UK 3 Oct 2019

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