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UPDATE 23rd DEC 2019
My concept of what gravity is rather what it does, relies on (1) light having slight mass, pressing in from a horizon or surface of 32.7 .b.l.y, the external force; and (2) the Casimir Effect, reducing light or electromagnetic waves within objects, the internal pull or vacuum.
Hendrik Casimir 1909 - 2000, got hardly a mention or any support in his lifetime. Few scientists have evaluated his theories and experiments. This New Scientist article raises his reputation - and spells out the exclusion of wavelengths within masses. "Without whom, none of this would have been possible." Follow the tab "gravity" to track my concept back to its roots.
By Leah Crane, New Scientist 21/28 December 2019.
In a strange sort of quantum leap, heat can move across an area of complete vacuum without being carried by any particles at all. Instead, minuscule quantum fluctuations in the vacuum allow heat to leap between two objects that aren’t touching each other or emitting any form of light.
A layer of vacuum is normally a very good insulator, as anyone with a drinks flask knows, but at the quantum level, even a total vacuum isn’t completely empty: it is roiling with quantum fluctuations of energy.
In 1948, Dutch physicist Hendrik Casimir predicted that those fluctuations could create a force that pulls two objects in a vacuum towards one another in what is now called the Casimir effect. It was theorised that this effect could also cause heat to jump across a vacuum, but that was expected to take place at such small scales that it has never been measured before.
Hao-Kun Li at the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues used the Casimir effect to demonstrate heat leaping between two tiny drum-like membranes. The two membranes were placed, in a vacuum, just about 300 nanometres apart – separated by less than 5 per cent the width of the average red blood cell – and each was attached to a reservoir of a different temperature.
The heat from the reservoirs caused the two drums to vibrate, the hotter one faster than the colder one. Because of the Casimir effect, those two sets of vibrations became coupled together at a quantum level, so the hotter membrane transferred heat to the cooler one until both were vibrating at a similar rate. This meant they had a similar temperature.
According to classical physics, there is no way to transfer vibrations from one membrane to the other without some sort of particle, like a photon, but with quantum fluctuations and the Casimir effect it is possible, says Li. “So the vibration of one object can affect the vibration of another object.”
This could be a useful tool in computing, says John Pendry at Imperial College London. “Heat is a big issue in nanotechnology,” he says, because it limits the number of computations a circuit can do, and how fast.
Now that this effect has been demonstrated, it could be used to cool circuit boards thousands of times faster than simply waiting for them to radiate the heat away, says Pendry, which could allow us to build faster computers.
Journal reference: Nature, DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1800-4
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UPDATE 17th Dec 2019
My concept of gravity (below) needs a mechanism to create the first particles, to spin straw into gold, and to kick-start the formation of mass from pure energy (whatever pure energy is). From such minuscule dusty particles, the first gravitational bodies might grow.
This New Scientist article, 14th December 2019, could be about one such mechanism.
STATIC ELECTRICITY MAY PULL DUST TOGETHER TO MAKE PLANETS. Tobias Steinplitz, University of Duisberg-Essen in Germany, dropped a container of glass-beads of 0.4 millimetres each, down a 120 metres vacuum tower. The beads gained charge from static electricity and clumped together. Planets, forming from dust, encounter "the bouncing barrier" at the transition from "fluffy" masses to solid masses. These millimetre sized masses formed in this Glass-Bead-Game experiment indicate that that the bouncing barrier might be overcome - and enable planets to coalesce from dust. My idea then follows - Casimir Glue and Universal Pressure of the entire electromagnetic spectrum (light) is the gravitational force.
UPDATE 6 DEC 2019:
...The pair modelled what could happen when dark matter meets a white dwarf weighing between 1 and 1.4 times the mass of the sun. White dwarfs are mostly made of electrons held apart by the rules of quantum physics, and a dwarf this large should have enough internal pressure that a black hole could form within it.**
Bramante and Acevedo suggest that when dark matter falls into the white dwarf at about 1 per cent of the speed of light, it is much hotter than the material that makes up the star. As the dark matter interacts with the star, it cools down and collects at the centre.
If enough of it clumps together, it will collapse under its own gravity into a tiny black hole nestled within the heart of the star.
“It would be something like the size of a proton, but it’s still extremely massive,” says Bramante, meaning it would have a lot of mass. Depending on the size of the black hole and of the white dwarf, it could suck in the star’s material within a millisecond.
....need to understand how to meld the rules of quantum physics and general relativity into a theory of quantum gravity, which is one of the biggest challenges in physics today.
** I see this another way. Following my idea of "what is gravity", the central black-hole forms from an absence of (vacuum of) electromagnetic energy - an outer mantle of matter that excludes most wavelengths - pressed in by the ocean of the full range of universal electromagnetism (light). It is interesting that "the star's material could be sucked in within a millisecond". That's a lot of mass or energy being sucked-in; surely, what goes in must come out? Out via an associated or entangled white-hole perhaps?
NB: Planck temperature / Absolute Hot. Contemporary models of physical cosmology postulate that the highest possible temperature is the Planck temperature, which has the value 1.416785(71)×1032 kelvins. Wikipedia.
UPDATE 30 NOV 2019:
Mystery of the mass of the neutrino could soon be solved. New Scientist 30 November 2019. Layal Liverpool reports on the work of Christian Weinheimer & team, at the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment, University of Munster, Germany; who says that mass of a neutrino is 500,000 times less than an electron. It weighs in at 1.1 electronvolts (with a limit of 1.1 EVs). "Neutrinos are a billion times more abundant in the universe than atoms, so even tiny neutrino masses would make a big contribution to the mass in the universe." ( -
My idea for gravity requires that light, the electromagnetic spectrum, has mass. For the past 100 years, popular science has claimed it is massless /weightless. Light is not nothing; it is something. It has mass; across the 32.4 bly observable universe the ocean of light, and neutrinos, have sufficient mass to power gravity. The neutrino was also described as massless. This measurement adds to the possibility of the existence of the Luminiferous Aether.
Update - 1 NOV 2019 The Luminiferous Aether lives! Possibly.
"Einstein killed the aether. Now the idea is back to save relativity - The luminiferous aether has become a byword for failed ideas. Now it is being revived to explain dark matter and dark energy, and potentially unify physics."
Freelance writer, Brendan Foster, St Paul, Minnesota, writes in New Scientist 2 Nov 2019, of renewed if somewhat embarrassed, interest from physicists thinking of resurrecting the Aether. Victorians imagined this fixed energy-ocean of light-bearing and light-transmitting material. Einstein said he did't need it - so science has dismissed it (wrongly) for nearly 100 years. Being a non-scientist with no reputation to protect, I have long included The Aether in my ideas - and have concluded my overview of Life The Universe and Everything with a slide (see 23 of 23 below) that claims that the Aether is in-formed and re-formed by every event in the universe - and that this ocean of energy communicates the constant changes to all locations. I think the Aether comprises all the light & radio signals from all phenomena. How an individual signal surfs this ocean and retains its identity is a mystery. But, we have millions of examples of such transmitted robust identities.
I now suppose that patterns such as DNA are "recorded" as light-waves-particles in the Aether. That series of slides, together with my idea of gravity (on this page), also include speculations on the elusive Dark Energy & Dark Matter.
It is worth reading. There is possibly, even probably, the germs of ideas that will break the present log-jam and lead to The Theory of Everything.
Update - 28 OCT 2019. In the beginning was radiation, then hydrogen, then helium. An article in New Scientist 13th July 2013, No Laughing Matter, by Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, assistant professor of physics and astronomy, University of New Hampshire - on the shortage of Earthly helium; reminds me that the current consensus is that the Big-Bang came first. Most scientists concur that it emerged or exploded from an unknowable, indefinable point of infinite density (infinite is non-scientific), as a minuscule globe (we have no idea of the shape or size) of intensely hot radiation. As the radiation expanded and cooled (eventually cooling down to the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation of -273 Celsius that pervades the observable universe), Hydrogen formed or precipitated, the hydrogen clouds cooled and clouds of helium precipitated. Then those clouds coalesced and formed elements, then stars etc - and the still expanding universe emerged - driven and formed mostly by gravity.
This consensus does not rule out my theory of gravity.
Gravity is the relative absence or reduction of the pressure of the radiation that fills the universal ocean of radiation, which is from 13.7 to 43.7 billion-light-years deep. Contemplate "The ever tightening knot of gravity, ultimately resulting in black-holes" and "Counter-intuitively, the centre of the Sun is very dark" because the centre is most "shaded" or protected from or excludes the universal radiation. (NB between masses as per Casimir). The external radiation is the PUSH and the internal partial absence of radiation is the PULL of gravity. NCH March 2015 e-mail
The radiation of the observable universe, comprises all wavelengths of radiation - or light. in matter, where a shadow is cast, some wavelengths are excluded. The universal external pressure is greater than the internal pressure, the precipitated matter coalesces, a gravitational object forms. The force or energy of gravity emerges. (Search the GRAVITY label at the end of this page to read the emergence and logic of this theory).
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The details behind these scientifically heretical speculations are at
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